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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Dec 28, 2020
IMO, our best tactic moving forward is to skip wills. The hider should truthfully pre hypoclaim.
Lol this is absolutely scum motivated but I still think this can easily be wolf with Sean.
Dec 28, 2020
We make wills tomorrow, trust me I’m 100% on this.
No one besides me or ex and I think someone else claimed a hider target.
We should be all claiming one.


Staff member
You keep saying things like this but I don't find them to be true. The hider has three ways to die each night, only one of which outs a wolf and only if the hider truthfully hypoclaims before targeting them.
I'm assuming you're counting lynching as one way of them dying?

I *guess* you're right that them getting lynched or shot might not reveal a wolf explicitly, but it can expose even more than one scum depending on when it happens through PoE. And it doesn't even take that long for it to snowball against the scum team, I'd say that it's maybe not literally but still extremely favorable mathematically that we manage to out scum with the hypoclaim strategy; is that better? :nottoday:


Jan 19, 2018
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ty for the ping i didn't notice the game started

i skimmed the thread very quickly but would appreciate if anyone could summarize anything important that happened and in particular i'd like to know if the thread settled on how to optimally deal with the hider.

I'm of the opinion that having everyone claim a hypothetical target each day would be the best bet. I think I saw fext alluding to this having been suggested when he noted that people should consider anyone they've claimed intent to target as hider to be conftown until the hider dies or claims to avoid narrowing the poe for mafia. It sounds like a few people have claimed targets already. Have the people who haven't expressed agreement with this sort of plan? Have there been any dissenters?

wills are a mechanic in town of salem and a lot of similar hidden role games wherein a person writes a message that is automatically revealed upon their death (and would thus make hypoclaiming pointless) They aren't a mechanic here as far as i know and kreaal/numbers could be referring to something else.
Jul 7, 2021
it seemed to be agreed by everyone, although many of the people that agreed with the idea still haven't listed their targets which is annoying
Who I am going to hide behind is kind of a big decision. I am taking the time I have available today to deliberate. In particular, a lot tends to be revealed in the lead-up to EoD, so I probably won't say who I am hiding behind until very close to the deadline.


Jan 19, 2018
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It is never too early, and I never said it was. Here is a game I caught a scum on the 26th post: https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=86913&start=26

Early reads are of course weaker than later ones, but that does not mean they can't be good. They just need to be re-evaluated as more information comes to light. Sorry if you are not confident in your ability to form early reads, but I am confident in mine and have won many-a-game using them (and also abandoned them throughout).

probably completely irrelevant at this point and even originally but i saw this and wanted to respond to it. If you make an early game read every game then assuming you had zero ability at reading you'd expect to be right around 25% of the time, and so unless you've played less than four games its not exceptional that you'd have a game where you successfully singled out scum early in the game even if you had zero ability to read, and thus having a game where you did this does not demonstrate any ability to successfuly read scum early.

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