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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Reads on everyone who's posted so far. Everything here is a pretty vague feeling and very subject to change since there's obviously not a ton to go on yet, but I feel like there's something so have the something I've got:
Kreaal's giving me the most town vibes of the people who have posted. His first post makes gives me the impression that he's often late when scum, and while the second one was probably most likely to garner a joke response like he received, I get the vague sense that he was/is hoping to use the response to get a somewhat ofan early sense the respondent's likelihood of being the Mafia Roleblocker.

Killjoy's also a town-lean. Usually the actionof making an rvs vote is pretty NAI, but the fact that nobody else had done so despite others posting kinda suggests to me an intention to sorta get the ball rolling by putting some light pressure on someone.

Ex is obvious scum for having the audacity to celebrate his birthday. (Kidding, null. Happy birthday.)

Eli's a bit scummy comparatively. None of his posts have really done anything that feels like it might sorta move the game closer to getting going, even though he's made multiple.

Again, all these reads are pretty weak at the moment, and may change with further posts.
Dec 13, 2019
Here's an idea I'd like to hear thoughts on and maybe possibly generate my entire day 1 reads list off of:

What do you think of hider cover similar to the way some people seer/cop cover (ie, if I was a cop I would have peeked player X)?

Personally I can't decide on where I'd put the cost/benefit ratio. I do have a few ideas on how to weaponize it for hunting. But overall I think the major value would be a directional talking point rather than aimless chatter.
Here's an idea I'd like to hear thoughts on and maybe possibly generate my entire day 1 reads list off of:

What do you think of hider cover similar to the way some people seer/cop cover (ie, if I was a cop I would have peeked player X)?

Personally I can't decide on where I'd put the cost/benefit ratio. I do have a few ideas on how to weaponize it for hunting. But overall I think the major value would be a directional talking point rather than aimless chatter.
I think in this game, the best way to handle it would be announcing who you would target the following night, rather than the previous night ("If I'm the hider, I will target [person] tonight"), that way, if/when the hider dies, its clear whether its a more likely result of their target being Mafia or them having targetted the person who just got shot. Otherwise, it seems like a decent strategy in this game, since there's no other town PRs that should also be trying to lay low.
Dec 28, 2020
Here's an idea I'd like to hear thoughts on and maybe possibly generate my entire day 1 reads list off of:

What do you think of hider cover similar to the way some people seer/cop cover (ie, if I was a cop I would have peeked player X)?

Personally I can't decide on where I'd put the cost/benefit ratio. I do have a few ideas on how to weaponize it for hunting. But overall I think the major value would be a directional talking point rather than aimless chatter.
I think we shouldn’t do it till like Day 2 at least.
we can all make Hider wills including adding who we would target the following night.
That way whoever the hider is we can successfully clear their targets they chose without worry if they were the actual targets or not.
Dec 28, 2020
On second thought we could just claim a target today and we make a will tomorrow including those who forgot.
It’ll be the best way to help the Hider out.

I purpose sometime during Day 1 today everyone underlines another’s name in Purple.
So we can indicate their target in case they die and flip Hider.
Dec 28, 2020
I know there’s probably someone in this game who might mold my ass later but trust me this is a good plan.
On second thought we could just claim a target today and we make a will tomorrow including those who forgot.
It’ll be the best way to help the Hider out.

I purpose sometime during Day 1 today everyone underlines another’s name in Purple.
So we can indicate their target in case they die and flip Hider.
I know this is a stupid nictpicky thing, but can I specifically request people use a light purple option in the colour picker if its gonna be purple? You can hardly read that dark purple on the Shades of Blue theme, and I'd really rather not have to highlight the names every time people do that. Light purple should be fine readability wise on every theme if I remember right?

Otherwise I guess this is a fine way of announcing this.

I'm waiting for something specific to happen.
I do not like this post. In this setup there is no way there should be anything you need to wait for that prevents you from entering the discussion when serious discussion has begun to actually happen. Even if you are waiting for the discussion to take a certain turn, there's no reason that should prevent you from giving thoughts on what's already being discussed.
Vote: KingofDominaria
Jul 7, 2021
Here's an idea I'd like to hear thoughts on and maybe possibly generate my entire day 1 reads list off of:

What do you think of hider cover similar to the way some people seer/cop cover (ie, if I was a cop I would have peeked player X)?

Personally I can't decide on where I'd put the cost/benefit ratio. I do have a few ideas on how to weaponize it for hunting. But overall I think the major value would be a directional talking point rather than aimless chatter.

I think this might be a wolf.

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