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If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
[7/19/2013 10:25:22 AM] *** Group call ***
[7/19/2013 10:25:57 AM] Vee: dan pick up!
[7/19/2013 10:26:13 AM] Dan: I'm getting my headset youngun
[7/19/2013 10:30:43 AM] Mr. Clever: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/blogs/15156/tribute-greatest-moderator-all-time-8089/
[7/19/2013 10:31:52 AM] Vee: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/f115/back-when-i-mod-farewell-blue-username-40610-2.html
[7/19/2013 10:33:10 AM] Dan: brb guyz
[7/19/2013 11:02:38 AM | Removed 11:03:06 AM] Vee: This message has been removed.
[7/19/2013 11:10:13 AM] Laz: brb
[7/19/2013 11:10:22 AM] Mr. Clever: Cheers
[7/19/2013 11:18:05 AM] Mr. Clever: x'D
[7/19/2013 11:42:40 AM] Mr. Clever: McGann Hints At 50th Return? | Kasterborous Doctor Who News and Reviews
[7/19/2013 11:52:26 AM] Mr. Clever: http://puu.sh/3GMiG.jpg
[7/19/2013 11:53:07 AM] Laz: Kasterborous Doctor Who News and Reviews | All the latest Doctor Who news and reviews with our weekly podKast, features and interviews, and a long-running forum.
[7/19/2013 11:53:38 AM] Laz: We all know that no classic Doctor will be in the 50th anniversary special – right? Moffat has even recently said that it’s not a traditional celebration, because they can’t do The Eleven Doctors. But maybe – just maybe – we’re wrong in this assertion.

The Eighth Doctor, Paul McGann, remains cryptic about his possible inclusion.

8th Doctor 3

When asked by @Ambajejus on Twitter for a comment on rumours of his return, McGann quoted Matthew 24:6:

“See that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”

Intriguing, eh? Of course, this is probably nothing – it’s probably him just saying he’d love to return one day (and we’d love him to come back too!). But any glimmer of hope is worthwhile.

The comment was a result of Outpost Skaro tweeting:

“We hear very strong hints that Paul McGann is indeed returning to Dr Who for a 50th Anniversary appearance!”

And accompanied by this shocking fake. (No giggling at the back.)

8th Doctor fake

But let’s remind ourselves that Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, in the Long Ago, hinted “paintings” in relation to the special. Could the previous Doctors crop up as paintings, their voices being utilised?

We’ll have to find out in November!
[7/19/2013 11:54:41 AM] Mr. Clever: http://www.kasterborous.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/2013/07/8th-Doctor-fake.png
[7/19/2013 11:55:26 AM] Mr. Clever: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/q71/557280_556149421106980_413769836_n.jpg
[7/19/2013 11:55:35 AM] Laz: http://25.media.tumblr.com/c05729f2a0e8546093a2bc3d272a973f/tumblr_mn25apedf11qk851zo1_500.gif
[7/19/2013 11:59:01 AM] Mr. Clever: http://i.imgur.com/fyrnyhR.png
[7/19/2013 12:00:42 PM] Mr. Clever: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/f16/things-your-mind-37451-164.html#post773095
[7/19/2013 12:11:28 PM] Mr. Clever: Why I was Pokemon
[7/19/2013 12:19:50 PM] Laz: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/340/6/2/doctor_who_2___companions_by_campanita42-d5n91sx.jpg
[7/19/2013 12:23:18 PM] Laz: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-zOrAL1V5...ho+all+the+female+companions+cartoon+cool.jpg
[7/19/2013 12:26:58 PM] Laz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HmLbPvsjAg
[7/19/2013 12:33:26 PM] Dan: hot http://www.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/pictures/doctorwho/s2ep10/20.jpg
[7/19/2013 12:33:26 PM] Dan: ( (flag:gb) hot http://www.thedoctorwhosite.co.uk/pictures/doctorwho/s2ep10/20.jpg )
[7/19/2013 12:36:58 PM] Mr. Clever: http://puu.sh/3GO5J.jpg
[7/19/2013 12:44:23 PM] Mr. Clever: Matt Smith at Comic-Con 2013 on Why He Decided to Stop Being the Doctor (Doctor Who) - YouTube
[7/19/2013 1:00:11 PM] Mr. Clever: http://puu.sh/3GPgQ.jpg
[7/19/2013 1:15:09 PM] Dan: http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/f16/things-your-mind-37451-164.html#post773131
[7/19/2013 2:02:04 PM] Mr. Clever: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/946910_144033252463117_1559904325_n.jpg
[7/19/2013 3:29:00 PM] Mr. Clever: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...76710412383657&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
[7/19/2013 3:34:00 PM] Laz: Well, I gotta go, I'll talk mto you guys later!
[7/19/2013 3:34:16 PM] Mr. Clever: Cheers (y)
[7/19/2013 3:48:56 PM] Mr. Clever: Is Regeneration Possible? | Doctor Who TV
[7/19/2013 4:00:39 PM] Mr. Clever: http://i.imgur.com/FRQSURO.png
[7/19/2013 4:13:48 PM] Mr. Clever: Photo Album - Imgur
[7/19/2013 4:38:17 PM] Mr. Clever: View Profile: Justin - Dungeon Gaming Network
[7/19/2013 4:50:01 PM] Laz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbdnH0J6jw0
[7/19/2013 4:56:29 PM] Mr. Clever: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1000124_528012980586731_1231770681_n.jpg
[7/19/2013 4:59:16 PM] Laz: http://suxorz.com/i5/1332569412.jpg
[7/19/2013 5:01:15 PM] Laz: http://riehlworldview.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/trayvon-martin-300x240.jpg
[7/19/2013 5:05:08 PM] Laz: Wisconsin man, 76, guilty in fatal shooting of 13-year-old neighbor - U.S. News
[7/19/2013 5:08:26 PM] Laz: Cops: 4 men found held in 'deplorable' Texas home
[7/19/2013 5:11:46 PM] Mr. Clever: BRB
[7/19/2013 5:11:51 PM] Mr. Clever: ]
[7/19/2013 5:12:00 PM] BeastModeMan97: Kadoke
[7/19/2013 5:17:19 PM] Laz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u3PteRPLys
[7/19/2013 6:13:50 PM] *** Call ended, duration 7:48:15 ***
[7/19/2013 6:13:52 PM] *** Missed group call. ***
[7/19/2013 6:14:10 PM] Mr. Clever: Join in a minute or 10
[7/19/2013 6:21:47 PM] Rob: Can't join. Doing my podcast right now.
[7/19/2013 6:22:05 PM] BeastModeMan97: Kadoke
[7/19/2013 6:22:15 PM] BeastModeMan97: Hope that goes well
[7/19/2013 6:55:31 PM] Laz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ERIQZOHlAc
[7/19/2013 7:35:00 PM] Laz: Skype's glitching and I only got bits and pieces of what you said.
[7/19/2013 7:35:00 PM] BeastModeMan97: I lost you
[7/19/2013 7:35:02 PM] *** Missed group call. ***
[7/19/2013 7:35:07 PM] *** Group call ***
[7/19/2013 7:35:32 PM] Laz: And the call drops lol
[7/19/2013 7:35:42 PM] BeastModeMan97: Dang
[7/19/2013 7:35:44 PM] *** Missed group call. ***
[7/19/2013 7:35:48 PM] Mr. Clever: How odd
[7/19/2013 7:36:03 PM] *** Group call ***
[7/19/2013 7:37:30 PM] Laz: Anyways, you were up to "and I told her that I'd rather go out with the other girl if she quit".
[7/19/2013 7:37:38 PM] BeastModeMan97: I lost service
[7/19/2013 7:37:46 PM] Laz: Before everything went to hell lol
[7/19/2013 7:37:56 PM] Laz: Damn
[7/19/2013 7:38:01 PM] BeastModeMan97: You can call again
[7/19/2013 7:38:05 PM] *** Group call ***
[7/19/2013 7:38:35 PM] Mr. Clever: Cant speak, just listening
[7/19/2013 7:38:47 PM] BeastModeMan97: I'm in range now
[7/19/2013 7:39:59 PM] Mr. Clever: It's fine
[7/19/2013 7:40:08 PM | Edited 7:40:14 PM] Mr. Clever: Cant talk, not allowed to
[7/19/2013 7:40:34 PM] Mr. Clever: It smelled a lot like MD tbqh
[7/19/2013 7:40:37 PM] Mr. Clever: :P
[7/19/2013 7:43:42 PM] Mr. Clever: Not really
[7/19/2013 7:44:44 PM] Mr. Clever: Wait Laz. Can you use your insane hacking skills to find out who 12 is?
[7/19/2013 7:45:06 PM] Mr. Clever: Eh had to ask :P
[7/19/2013 7:46:27 PM] Mr. Clever: I was actually planning to make a TARDIS prop this summer
[7/19/2013 7:46:32 PM] Mr. Clever: And use my Netflix mate
[7/19/2013 7:47:07 PM] Mr. Clever: That was a bit deus ex machina
[7/19/2013 7:47:40 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah I kinda got busy with Skype
[7/19/2013 7:47:52 PM] Mr. Clever: And Photoshop
[7/19/2013 7:47:55 PM] Mr. Clever: and Minecraft
[7/19/2013 7:47:59 PM] Mr. Clever: and Portal
[7/19/2013 7:48:06 PM] Mr. Clever: Pretty much
[7/19/2013 7:48:40 PM] Mr. Clever: Why he left at first
[7/19/2013 7:48:44 PM] Mr. Clever: ninjad me
[7/19/2013 7:48:52 PM] Mr. Clever: Well thats insanity
[7/19/2013 7:49:00 PM] Mr. Clever: Psycopath
[7/19/2013 7:49:17 PM] Mr. Clever: Beast does your kindle have a Netflix app?
[7/19/2013 7:50:19 PM] Mr. Clever: And THIS doesnt? Lol
[7/19/2013 7:51:06 PM] Mr. Clever: How much are those?
[7/19/2013 7:51:20 PM] Mr. Clever: The sticks
[7/19/2013 7:51:39 PM] Mr. Clever: Ah
[7/19/2013 7:51:40 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah
[7/19/2013 7:51:48 PM] Mr. Clever: Plugs into USB
[7/19/2013 7:51:58 PM] Mr. Clever: I want one so damn bad
[7/19/2013 7:52:02 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah me neither sir
[7/19/2013 7:53:48 PM] Mr. Clever: Ok we need an old dude to be One
[7/19/2013 7:54:59 PM] Mr. Clever: A la lungbarrow?
[7/19/2013 7:55:13 PM] Mr. Clever: Lungbarrow
[7/19/2013 7:55:18 PM] Mr. Clever: Seventh Doctor Novel
[7/19/2013 7:55:33 PM] Mr. Clever: Ill link the wiki article
[7/19/2013 7:55:45 PM] Mr. Clever: I am so not sure
[7/19/2013 7:55:50 PM] Mr. Clever: Never mentioned onscreen
[7/19/2013 7:56:07 PM] Mr. Clever: Lungbarrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[7/19/2013 8:02:30 PM] Mr. Clever: [Friday, July 19, 2013 7:58 PM] Mr. Clever:

<<< Nice orgin story
Dark stuff
There are implications that he was chased, on the run
[7/19/2013 8:02:32 PM] Mr. Clever: Wups
[7/19/2013 8:02:41 PM] Mr. Clever: Put that in the wrong chat
[7/19/2013 8:03:14 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah shes p cool
[7/19/2013 8:04:12 PM] Mr. Clever: Cheers
[7/19/2013 8:04:23 PM] Mr. Clever: And I actually said that out load
[7/19/2013 8:04:27 PM] Mr. Clever: If you want to
[7/19/2013 8:05:13 PM] Mr. Clever: Some of his best episodes are his dark moments
[7/19/2013 8:05:17 PM] Mr. Clever: Like Doctors Wife
[7/19/2013 8:05:26 PM] Mr. Clever: "Ive killed all of them"
[7/19/2013 8:05:45 PM] Mr. Clever: Plus his speech in "Mercy"
[7/19/2013 8:05:53 PM] Mr. Clever: Watched that about a hundred times
[7/19/2013 8:06:19 PM] Mr. Clever: Solomon
[7/19/2013 8:06:24 PM] Mr. Clever: Enjoy your bounty
[7/19/2013 8:06:31 PM] Mr. Clever: *****
[7/19/2013 8:06:32 PM] Mr. Clever: :P
[7/19/2013 8:06:52 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah he had some great bits in S7
[7/19/2013 8:07:18 PM] Mr. Clever: My British came out Australian
[7/19/2013 8:07:41 PM] Mr. Clever: I did the Pandorica speech as a monolohue as a Drama project
[7/19/2013 8:07:54 PM] Mr. Clever: And I yelled at my class in a Matt Smith voice
[7/19/2013 8:07:56 PM] Mr. Clever: But
[7/19/2013 8:08:01 PM] Mr. Clever: It sounded australian
[7/19/2013 8:08:02 PM] Mr. Clever: xD
[7/19/2013 8:08:21 PM] Mr. Clever: Plus my first one was the VotD speech
[7/19/2013 8:08:32 PM] Mr. Clever: Yep
[7/19/2013 8:08:50 PM] Mr. Clever: I AM THE DOCTOROW AND YOU ARE-- yep
[7/19/2013 8:09:15 PM] Mr. Clever: I literally took a microphone stand and hit a table with it
[7/19/2013 8:09:18 PM] Mr. Clever: I use props
[7/19/2013 8:09:29 PM] Mr. Clever: Bent it to hell
[7/19/2013 8:09:54 PM] Mr. Clever: I did it a second time for people who missed it, I just used the other side
[7/19/2013 8:10:07 PM] Mr. Clever: *Sort of* fixed
[7/19/2013 8:10:47 PM] Mr. Clever: Lets be honest
[7/19/2013 8:10:53 PM] Mr. Clever: matts just ****ing with us
[7/19/2013 8:11:15 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah hes a joker
[7/19/2013 8:11:25 PM] Mr. Clever: No even his interviews are silly
[7/19/2013 8:11:40 PM] Mr. Clever: And his old movie appearances he was still a goofy klutz
[7/19/2013 8:11:53 PM] Mr. Clever: Youtube
[7/19/2013 8:11:59 PM] Mr. Clever: Matt Smith smashes salt
[7/19/2013 8:12:39 PM] Mr. Clever: Exactly
[7/19/2013 8:12:57 PM] Mr. Clever: It insulted his chin
[7/19/2013 8:13:30 PM] Mr. Clever: Lol no
[7/19/2013 8:13:49 PM] Mr. Clever: "The nose and the Chin... you two could fence"
[7/19/2013 8:14:47 PM] Mr. Clever: No headset?
[7/19/2013 8:15:14 PM] Mr. Clever: Ah
[7/19/2013 8:16:11 PM] Mr. Clever: I wouldnt be surprised
[7/19/2013 8:16:36 PM] Mr. Clever: Making My 11th Doctor Costume: The Ultimate Crossplay
[7/19/2013 8:16:41 PM] Mr. Clever: Pretty funny
[7/19/2013 8:17:43 PM] Mr. Clever: The guy who does this blog has some SERIOUS skill though
[7/19/2013 8:17:46 PM] Mr. Clever: But one day
[7/19/2013 8:17:55 PM] Mr. Clever: Id not eaten all day
[7/19/2013 8:18:04 PM] Mr. Clever: and I was looking at the tweed jackets
[7/19/2013 8:18:14 PM | Edited 8:18:17 PM] Mr. Clever: And I LITERALLY though to myselyf
[7/19/2013 8:18:34 PM] Mr. Clever: 'That looks Like a Graham Cracker. I should eat it"
[7/19/2013 8:18:44 PM] Mr. Clever: I'm INSANE :P
[7/19/2013 8:19:06 PM] Mr. Clever: At that point I got some food
[7/19/2013 8:19:28 PM] Laz: http://www.delish.com/cm/delish/images/iL/chocolate-dress-lambertz-xl.jpg
[7/19/2013 8:19:38 PM] Mr. Clever: xD
[7/19/2013 8:19:46 PM] Mr. Clever: How does that not melt?
[7/19/2013 8:20:08 PM] Mr. Clever: Like concentrated fire.
[7/19/2013 8:20:18 PM] Mr. Clever: Those *******s are HOT
[7/19/2013 8:20:30 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah
[7/19/2013 8:20:37 PM] Mr. Clever: Not a lot of stage productions
[7/19/2013 8:20:49 PM] Mr. Clever: But a few events in an auditorium
[7/19/2013 8:21:49 PM] Mr. Clever: My HS only had 500 kids
[7/19/2013 8:21:51 PM] Mr. Clever: xD
[7/19/2013 8:21:59 PM] Mr. Clever: And it was 7-12
[7/19/2013 8:22:08 PM] Mr. Clever: 9-12 had (maybe) 200
[7/19/2013 8:22:16 PM] Mr. Clever: I live in CA capitol
[7/19/2013 8:22:22 PM] Mr. Clever: Its just a small school
[7/19/2013 8:22:45 PM] Mr. Clever: Just down the street theres a 500 student school
[7/19/2013 8:22:49 PM] Mr. Clever: *5000
[7/19/2013 8:23:57 PM] Mr. Clever: I dont really have a lot of opportunity tp perform, but comedics are easier for me
[7/19/2013 8:24:10 PM] Mr. Clever: I appreciaate darker performances as well
[7/19/2013 8:24:21 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah
[7/19/2013 8:25:12 PM] Mr. Clever: We did "Every Fifteen Minutes"
[7/19/2013 8:25:25 PM] Mr. Clever: Its a Drunk Driving program
[7/19/2013 8:25:51 PM] Mr. Clever: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct...=xXoatIW3UFBoSEiFuY25wA&bvm=bv.49478099,d.cGE
[7/19/2013 8:25:54 PM] Mr. Clever: It was
[7/19/2013 8:26:02 PM] Mr. Clever: But when we filmed a party scene
[7/19/2013 8:26:08 PM] Mr. Clever: I had a trenchcoat
[7/19/2013 8:26:10 PM] Mr. Clever: Indoors
[7/19/2013 8:26:15 PM] Mr. Clever: With a LOT of people
[7/19/2013 8:26:20 PM] Mr. Clever: and it was 90F outside
[7/19/2013 8:26:24 PM | Edited 8:26:28 PM] Mr. Clever: I died
[7/19/2013 8:26:56 PM] Mr. Clever: Oh that reminds me...
[7/19/2013 8:26:59 PM] Mr. Clever: One sec
[7/19/2013 8:27:30 PM] Mr. Clever: back
[7/19/2013 8:27:46 PM] Mr. Clever: Trying to deterine when the videoo is gonna be up
[7/19/2013 8:28:01 PM] Mr. Clever: The E15 video the class made
[7/19/2013 8:28:09 PM] Mr. Clever: It still needed refinong
[7/19/2013 8:30:31 PM | Removed 8:33:31 PM] Laz: This message has been removed.
[7/19/2013 8:31:52 PM] Mr. Clever: Cant see much detailin th clip
[7/19/2013 8:32:00 PM] Mr. Clever: Screen still has issues
[7/19/2013 8:32:17 PM] Mr. Clever: No, its my screen
[7/19/2013 8:32:23 PM] Mr. Clever: Its got a white haze
[7/19/2013 8:32:29 PM] Mr. Clever: On evertything
[7/19/2013 8:33:25 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah with my screen issues I have to use the TV as a monitor
[7/19/2013 8:33:32 PM] Mr. Clever: I can read text and see SOME things
[7/19/2013 8:33:36 PM] Mr. Clever: But not detail
[7/19/2013 8:33:42 PM] Mr. Clever: So no Photoshop
[7/19/2013 8:33:44 PM] Mr. Clever: it is
[7/19/2013 8:33:47 PM] Mr. Clever: And my neck
[7/19/2013 8:33:58 PM] Mr. Clever: Get a crick after looking up all day
[7/19/2013 8:34:08 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah thats why I plug it into my TV
[7/19/2013 8:34:49 PM] Mr. Clever: Matt.
[7/19/2013 8:35:04 PM] Mr. Clever: OMG ITS TENNANT !!!
[7/19/2013 8:35:05 PM] Mr. Clever: :P
[7/19/2013 8:35:54 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah I saw him first in VotD then 11th Hour
[7/19/2013 8:36:20 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah Im not reall that adventerous
[7/19/2013 8:36:42 PM] Mr. Clever: Intriguing to say the least
[7/19/2013 8:36:58 PM] Mr. Clever: Those werent Fish fingers
[7/19/2013 8:37:04 PM] Mr. Clever: They were breaded Coconit
[7/19/2013 8:37:12 PM] Mr. Clever: Which is STILL wierd
[7/19/2013 8:37:16 PM] Mr. Clever: But not AS such
[7/19/2013 8:37:23 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah
[7/19/2013 8:38:54 PM] Mr. Clever: xD
[7/19/2013 8:39:28 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah xD
[7/19/2013 8:40:12 PM] Laz: "Boss Steven Moffat also revealed that he begged Matt to stay on as the Doctor.

Steven added: “He said that he’d come very close to doing another series but it was the same argument: ‘If I do another series, I think I might do two or three more. I think I might never leave’.”"
[7/19/2013 8:40:48 PM] Mr. Clever: GOOD!
[7/19/2013 8:40:59 PM] Mr. Clever: He shouldnt leave
[7/19/2013 8:41:31 PM] Laz: Smith on his “Final Hour”, Hurt Revelations, 12th Doctor | Doctor Who TV
[7/19/2013 8:42:28 PM] Mr. Clever: Lol yeah
[7/19/2013 8:42:33 PM] Mr. Clever: Hes such a troll
[7/19/2013 8:42:35 PM] Mr. Clever: :P
[7/19/2013 8:43:08 PM] Mr. Clever: The "fish fingers and custard" scene was shot in 12 takes.[26] The fish fingers were actually a breaded coconut-flavored food item; Smith estimated he ate about 14 of them.[22]
[7/19/2013 8:43:12 PM] Mr. Clever: THERE we go
[7/19/2013 8:43:27 PM] Mr. Clever: Yup
[7/19/2013 8:43:38 PM] Mr. Clever: Straight faces were not kept
[7/19/2013 8:44:28 PM] BeastModeMan97: Peace peeps. Won't be online much tonight.
[7/19/2013 8:44:36 PM] Mr. Clever: Cheers mate
[7/19/2013 8:44:46 PM] Laz: Night dude!
[7/19/2013 8:45:05 PM] Mr. Clever: Ah
[7/19/2013 8:45:16 PM] Mr. Clever: Yeah I ought to get some sleep myself soon
[7/19/2013 8:45:23 PM] Mr. Clever: Gonna sign off
[7/19/2013 8:45:27 PM] Mr. Clever: Cheers mate
[7/19/2013 8:45:31 PM] Mr. Clever: You too
[7/19/2013 8:45:33 PM] *** Call ended, duration 1:07:21 ***

VC transcript


poog tnalp yknuhc
Jul 11, 2012



If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
I hate you so much rn

Love ya too :rolleyes:

2:09 PM <Azure Sage> mases is moving it closer to reggie so he can spy on him more effectively
Submit 2:09 PM <Azure Sage> ya
Submit 2:09 PM <Linkdude74> wait. site moving?
Submit 2:09 PM <Azure Sage> VMing him as soon as the site is moved

Last edited:


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
[6:05:58 PM] Rob: Polititions don't ask questions silly.
[6:06:08 PM] Vee: You don't stir up trouble you are exposing their shortcomings laz
[6:06:12 PM] Rob: They just force through crap laws that effect us but not them.
[6:06:18 PM] Mr. Clever: Politicians fart from their mouth and get paid for it
[6:06:29 PM] Mr. Clever: Wait
[6:06:35 PM] Mr. Clever: What did I just say
[6:06:38 PM] Mr. Clever: o_O
[6:06:47 PM] Laz: (rofl)
[6:07:21 PM] Vee: TERMY!
[6:07:23 PM] Vee: :P



Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Merc-tastic :P
4:12 PM <Vanessa28> are you sure?
4:12 PM <Vanessa28> Hahahahahahahahaha
4:12 PM <Mercedes> I'm pretty sure Kate had it.
4:11 PM <Mercedes> Prince William and Kate had a babby.
4:11 PM <Krazy4Krash> The 10 Greatest Legend of Zelda Games In History (Page 4) - Dorkly Article
4:11 PM <Thareous> Royal Baby?
4:11 PM <Mercedes> Yay Royal Baby.
4:11 PM <musicfan> docm77 best english speaking germen LPer
4:11 PM <Thareous> Um... Where art thou, 'Alit'? o_O
4:10 PM <Mercedes> K!
4:10 PM <Vanessa28> and congrats with the royal baby
4:10 PM <Vanessa28> merc make me some too
4:10 PM <Vanessa28> I agree Thar
4:10 PM <Mercedes> I should make some.
4:10 PM <Thareous> Especially when I got to jam my sword down that beast's head the last time.
4:09 PM <Mercedes> I love fudge.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
[4:01:09 PM] Dan: I like burgers too
[4:02:36 PM] Rob: I love burgers.
[4:24:53 PM] Dan: me too :)
[4:26:02 PM] Rob: They are so good. What do you like on your burgers?
[4:41:39 PM] Mr. Clever: I love how this is so off topic :/
[4:42:14 PM] Rob: How is it off topic in a Skype group?
[4:42:21 PM] Mr. Clever: xD
[4:42:23 PM] Mr. Clever: True

Skype chats explained.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
2:46 PM <Locke> I'm a homophone and even I disagree with that policy.

Apparently my good buddy Locke is now a part of speech :O

Submit 4:09 PM <Imprisoned> Well, that obviously didn't work like I intended.
Submit 4:08 PM <Imprisoned> *facedesk*
Submit 4:08 PM <Johnny Sooshi> best link ever XD
Submit 4:08 PM <Imprisoned> C:\Users\ruth\Desktop\Rowan's totally random and awesome stuff she found\Random text pictures\tumblr_m20o0lOQiI1rr3l61o1_500.gif

The infamous hard drive :) :O
Last edited:
8:25 PM <TheRizardon> The new Nintendo home console
8:25 PM <Azure Sage> we wee with u
8:24 PM <Ventus> What is weewee?
8:24 PM <Wolf Sage> Fudge.
8:24 PM <Wolf Sage> Wat.
8:24 PM <Azure Sage> I didn't mean to touch it there, but the judge didn't believe me!
8:24 PM <mandym287> did you make weewee in potty
8:24 PM <Azure Sage> I tried to tell the cops that my hand slipped!
8:23 PM <mandym287> wee
8:23 PM <Azure Sage> xDDDD
8:23 PM <TheRizardon> the last time Az touched his Wii, it called the cops on him
8:23 PM <Azure Sage> looooool
8:23 PM <mandym287> wtf
8:23 PM <mandym287> wait wee
8:23 PM <mandym287> go to your wee and touch it
8:23 PM <Azure Sage> I haven't touched my Wii in a while


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male

[02:37:58] Dan: [02:36:43] Vanessa: Good ;) How long do you want it to grow?
[02:37:18] God: Not sure. Juggling between 3-6 inches longer

are you sure this is hair you are talking about


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
i need an adult

[12:33:49 AM] Keith: What the **** Nicole
[12:33:50 AM] Sydney: okay.png
[12:33:54 AM] Nicole: sorry babe
[12:33:55 AM] Keith: I thought I tied you up
[12:34:00 AM] Luke: i saved her
[12:34:02 AM] Keith: Luke I don't love you anymore
[12:34:03 AM] Luke: like superman
[12:34:04 AM] Nicole: luke came into our room
[12:34:11 AM] Nicole: he's scaring me ;(
[12:34:12 AM] Luke: about a week ago
[12:34:16 AM] Nicole: help me keith senpai
[12:34:21 AM] Luke: no thanks
[12:34:28 AM] Keith: You dare enter my lair?
[12:34:31 AM] Keith: You must die
[12:34:34 AM] Luke: no
[12:34:38 AM] Luke: shut up yeezus
[12:34:40 AM] Nicole: goddamnit
[12:34:41 AM] Luke: i'm graduating


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
My weather is a troll and must get banned!!
10:17 PM <Vanessa28> Big O :lol:
10:17 PM <Big Octo> Vee you should infract the weather for trolling
10:16 PM <justac00lguy> Well I think our great 2 week spell of sun has now stopped ;-;
10:16 PM <Locke> I wish it would thunder and lightning around here.
10:16 PM <Vanessa28> It has been extremely hot for weeks and the rain(drop14) is now so welcome but not to the extreme!
10:16 PM <mandym287> no
10:15 PM <Sroa Link> That's a nice weather you got vanessa
10:15 PM <Vanessa28> ALIT the weather is a troll indeed!!!
10:15 PM <Big Octo> weather be hating
10:15 PM <musicfan> weather dose that
10:15 PM <A Link In Time> the weather be trollin'
10:14 PM <A Link In Time> lol
10:14 PM <Vanessa28> go figure.....it rains and we have thunder and lightning and I closed my window. Now it has calmed down and I opened my window again.....THE LIGHTNING AND THUNDER COMES BACK

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