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Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

Pointless conversations always make me glad that I can spare a couple brain cells.
4:07 PM <mandym287> Yea
4:07 PM <PhantomTriforce> her heart belongs to this one ugly guy
4:07 PM <mandym287> My heart belongs to another, Monkey-Man.
4:07 PM <PhantomTriforce> :P :bleh: :yuck: :cucco:
4:06 PM <JuicieJ> YOU MEAN LIKE HULU???
4:05 PM <MonkeyFightSquad> darn
4:05 PM <Nicole> no
4:05 PM <PhantomTriforce> LOL FOUR
4:05 PM <mandym287> No
4:05 PM <MonkeyFightSquad> ?
4:05 PM <PhantomTriforce> :right:
4:05 PM <MonkeyFightSquad> Will you marry me Mandym287
4:05 PM <Nicole> THREE
4:05 PM <TheBlueReptile> Oh god it get's worse!
4:05 PM <TheBlueReptile> There are people starving in Africa and we're using TWO tongue smilies
4:05 PM <JuicieJ> LOLTHREE
4:04 PM <mandym287> :yuck:
4:04 PM <PhantomTriforce> decades
4:04 PM <JuicieJ> bleh and :p
4:04 PM <MonkeyFightSquad> how about three
4:04 PM <JuicieJ> we've had this for years
4:04 PM <JuicieJ> ...
4:04 PM <MonkeyFightSquad> huh
4:04 PM <TheBlueReptile> Wait, we have two tongue smilies now?
4:03 PM <JuicieJ> :P
4:03 PM <mandym287> :bleh:
4:02 PM <mandym287> Duh, JJ
4:02 PM <TheBlueReptile> And now you know why he took so long to move over
4:02 PM <JuicieJ> So that's where Zora Butt Water comes from
4:02 PM <mandym287> Totes, Blue
4:02 PM <mandym287> mweep mweep mweep
4:02 PM <TheBlueReptile> It's his substitute for wiping
4:02 PM <JuicieJ> King Zora, that fat lard
4:02 PM <mandym287> With all that water rushing under it
4:01 PM <TheBlueReptile> Hey baby check out how firm my head muscle is!
4:01 PM <mandym287> King Zora prolly has a soggy butt
4:01 PM <JuicieJ> mmmm, dat brain
4:01 PM <mandym287> Lol
4:01 PM <mandym287> firm brain
4:01 PM <TheBlueReptile> A firm brain however would look like a butt
4:01 PM <JuicieJ> XD
4:01 PM <mandym287> raisin bran
4:01 PM <TheBlueReptile> No a soggy brain would look like a butt with leprosy
4:01 PM <mandym287> raisin brain
4:00 PM <JuicieJ> Soggy brains look like butts
4:00 PM <mandym287> I AM RUINING HUMANITY
4:00 PM <mandym287> soggy butts look like brains
4:00 PM <mandym287> Lol
4:00 PM <JuicieJ> LOL
4:00 PM <TheBlueReptile> Your *** is a lame-joke face
4:00 PM <mandym287> your mom is a lame-*** joke
3:59 PM <JuicieJ> Your face is a lame-*** joke
3:59 PM <mandym287> Water tastes kind of like air. But... wet.
3:59 PM <TheBlueReptile> like a boss
3:59 PM <TheBlueReptile> Sitting at home reading lame-*** jokes on my laptop

4:59 PM <PhantomTriforce> mandy, you just become weirder and weirder as time goes along
4:58 PM <mandym287> I don't always speculate Zelda games, but when I do, I make sure it's really stupid.
4:58 PM <JuicieJ> Enjoy your ban
4:58 PM <mandym287> It's speculation, JJ.
4:58 PM <JuicieJ> That theory is an insult to mankind
4:58 PM <JuicieJ> wow
4:57 PM <mandym287> Poor Moon.
4:57 PM <Wolf Sage> XD
4:57 PM <mandym287> and since he couldn't get the poop out, it just kept building up
4:56 PM <mandym287> omg, he was falling because the weight of the poop was increasing the gravitation
4:56 PM <Wolf Sage> loldefinitely
4:55 PM <mandym287> The Moon in MM was constipated
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Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I swear these guys love hearing their own voice ^^
Only in text form... <3

3:17 AM <Axle the Beast> 4. Sometimes a final special one.
3:17 AM <Axle the Beast> 3. Game specific questions, in order of release
3:17 AM <JuicieJ> Yes, I’m talking about Jolene. Ugh. What a pain she was. Once the game reached a certain point in the story (I believe it was shortly after the first three dungeons), some chick that Linebeck knew from the past constantly kept appearing on the map, and, for some reason, she was pissed at him.
3:17 AM <JuicieJ> Hey, guys, here's a quote from my article
3:17 AM <Axle the Beast> 2. Broad questions
3:16 AM <Axle the Beast> 1. Opinion question, OR something relating to last week
3:16 AM <Axle the Beast> Basically the order is USUALLY...
3:16 AM <JuicieJ> psh
3:16 AM <Dan> silly boy
3:16 AM <Dan> haha JJ :>
3:16 AM <JuicieJ> Oic
3:16 AM <Axle the Beast> SS ones go at the end.
3:16 AM <Axle the Beast> Well, in the last case, JJ, yours was a SS question.
3:16 AM <Dan> I guess they get pretty complex
3:16 AM <Dan> I think my ones are one of the most hard to answer.
3:15 AM <JuicieJ> That explains why my last two have been saved for last
3:15 AM <musicfan> the one you were excited about with your frist artical you talked about it on lol
3:15 AM <JuicieJ> :/
3:15 AM <Dan> they are a lot better than yours JJ
3:15 AM <JuicieJ> You got a problem with it?
3:15 AM <Wolf Sage> ...I think I'm going to log out for a bit to yell obscenities at random people.
3:15 AM <JuicieJ> Yeah, I went there
3:15 AM <Axle the Beast> lol
3:15 AM <Axle the Beast> There's... very little I can say to that.
3:15 AM <JuicieJ> Maybe your questions aren't good enough
3:14 AM <Axle the Beast> Sorry Dan.
3:14 AM <Dan> bye wolfy
3:14 AM <Axle the Beast> Seeya.
3:14 AM <Dan> Axle you never pick any of mine =/
3:14 AM <JuicieJ> bai

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator

11:09 PM <Azure Sage> Nope, that's a man.
11:09 PM <Dan> ouch
11:09 PM * Azure Sage looks down
11:09 PM <Big Octo> whoops
11:09 PM <Azure Sage> ...
11:09 PM * Big Octo rips off Azure's knee cap on accident
11:09 PM <Dan> no you aren't azure. you are a girl
11:09 PM * Atticus burns DH
11:09 PM <Atticus> OH SNAP
11:08 PM <Azure Sage> <.<
11:08 PM <Dan> some day octo you will bite a goose
11:08 PM <Azure Sage> You realize I'm a guy, right?
11:08 PM * Darknut_Hunter wonders why Atticus is so violent to such a sweet animal
11:08 PM <Azure Sage> ... Her neck, Dan?
11:08 PM <Atticus> YOLO
11:08 PM <Atticus> CUZ
11:08 PM * Atticus throws a brick at my cat
11:08 PM <Big Octo> some day slugs will rule the universe
11:08 PM * Dan throws ninja rope round azures neck and pulls her back


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
4:10 AM <Dan> gums
4:10 AM <Dan> your
4:10 AM <Big Octo> The lemon was on purpose
4:10 AM * Big Octo accidently pours salt on the wound and squeezes a lemon on it
4:09 AM <Dan> azure you are my girlfriend, hush


4:47 AM <LegendOfZelda> 37
4:47 AM <Raindrop14> 45
4:47 AM <Dan> 12
4:47 AM <Darknut_Hunter> Spongebob And patrick 24 - YouTube
4:47 AM <LegendOfZelda> 36
4:47 AM <Dan> 12
4:47 AM <Dan> 12
4:47 AM <LegendOfZelda> 35
4:47 AM <Dan> 32
4:47 AM <LegendOfZelda> 34
4:47 AM <Dan> 23
4:47 AM <LegendOfZelda> 33
4:47 AM <Raindrop14> 42
4:46 AM <LegendOfZelda> 32
4:46 AM <Dan> 44
4:46 AM <Raindrop14> 30
4:46 AM <LegendOfZelda> 31
4:46 AM <Dan> 85
4:46 AM <LegendOfZelda> 30
4:46 AM <Dan> 94
4:46 AM <LegendOfZelda> 29
4:46 AM <Raindrop14> 66
4:46 AM <Dan> 16
4:46 AM <LegendOfZelda> 28
4:46 AM <Dan> 13
4:46 AM <LegendOfZelda> 27
4:46 AM <Raindrop14> 2
4:46 AM <Dan> 12
4:46 AM <Darknut_Hunter> Uh, uh, uh, 24

I feel sorry for anyone that missed this epic moment in shoutbox
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
12:02 PM <Thareous> Dakota!
12:02 PM <Turo602> What?
12:02 PM <JuicieJ> Way out of line
12:02 PM <Nicole> baaaad
12:02 PM <Nicole> bad boy
12:02 PM <Big Octo> Woah there.
12:02 PM <Nicole> that's bad
12:02 PM <JuicieJ> Not cool, Turo
12:02 PM <PhantomTriforce>
12:02 PM <Nicole> ner
12:01 PM * Turo602 is Batman
12:01 PM * Thareous bans Nicole
12:01 PM <JuicieJ> Dang it, PT
12:01 PM * JuicieJ bans everyone
12:01 PM * Nicole bans Nicole
12:01 PM * PhantomTriforce bans everyone
12:01 PM * Nicole bans Kybyrian
12:01 PM <Turo602> So... has anyone looked into my second account?
12:01 PM * Nicole bans Destiny and Djinn
12:01 PM <JuicieJ> XD
12:01 PM * Nicole bans Turo602 and Vanessa28
12:01 PM * Vanessa28 unbans Turo and bans Toro
12:00 PM <Big Octo> Toro can be banned, but Turo is here to stay.
12:00 PM * Vanessa28 bans the user Turo602 for 859 years
12:00 PM <Turo602> Whoever the hell he is...
12:00 PM <Turo602> Ban that guy!
12:00 PM <JuicieJ> lol
12:00 PM <Thareous>
12:00 PM <Turo602> Yeah
12:00 PM <Thareous> Ban Toro.

Pretty soon we won't have a community... -_-

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Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Many of ZD seek audience with Turo in shoutbox. However he only appears to a select few that get lucky. Turo in full action. He picked me <3

5:14 AM <Turo602> Now lick it up all nice and good son.
5:14 AM * Turo602 puts peanut butter on his crack
5:13 AM * Dan licks it up
5:13 AM <Dan> I'm sorry turo ! :'(
5:13 AM <Turo602> Hehehaha
5:13 AM <Turo602> Ya missed a spot, boy!
5:13 AM * Turo602 spits on his shoe
fredfan11 Answered in thread : Favorite Word?
5:11 AM * Dan polishes turos shoes
5:11 AM <Turo602> Now getcha steppin.
Darknut_Hunter Answered in thread : What Headphones Do You Use?
5:10 AM <Turo602> You better be, boy!
5:10 AM <Dan> I'm sorry turo !
5:09 AM * Dan cries in pain
Leonomonn Answered in thread : Pokemon in Super Smash Bros. 4
5:07 AM * Turo602 starts hitting Dan
5:06 AM * Turo602 takes out his belt
5:06 AM <Turo602> Don't get smart with me, boy!
pizzavato Answered in thread : Bought Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days Today.
Raindrop14 Answered in thread : Raindrop's Sig/avy Shop
onidarklink2 Answered in thread : What Headphones Do You Use?
5:03 AM <Dan> but then again some people have always asked others their opinion even before the interwebz
5:02 AM <Turo602> That's pathetic.
5:02 AM <Dan> yeah that's true turo
5:01 AM <Turo602> People can't even make decisions on their own anymore... they need the internetz opinion...
5:01 AM <JuicieJ> time for me to get goin'
RiseoftheGerudo Answered in thread : Should I Rent or Buy This?
Leonomonn Answered in thread : Looking for Artist to Do Art for Skyward Sword LP
4:59 AM <Turo602> I made it with love.
4:59 AM <Turo602> Hope you enjoyed that fart Wolf.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
Can someone enlighten me about the Prostate Sect?
* 11:26 PM* <A_LINK_IN_TIME>* What perverse madness is this?!
* 11:25 PM* <PK Flash>*
* 11:25 PM* <Pocket Asian>*
* 11:25 PM* <A_LINK_IN_TIME>* lolol
* 11:25 PM* <Big Octo>* Prostate.
* 11:25 PM* <Big Octo>* xD
* 11:25 PM* <Big Octo>* "… lutheran, prostate …"
* 11:25 PM* <PK Flash>* It's pretty much a group for everybody, then.
** ENA-three!* Answered in thread : Does Anyone Want to Play EVERY Legend of Zelda Game?
* 11:25 PM* <A_LINK_IN_TIME>* Lots of spelling errors.
* 11:25 PM* <PK Flash>* Hmm...
* 11:24 PM* <Big Octo>* read that group's description carefully
* 11:24 PM* <Big Octo>* http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/groups...eon+christans/

Strange name for a Christian sect.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Abusive relationships are never a good thing.

10:37 PM <Majora's Cat> but I slapped you in the eyebrows
10:37 PM <Azure Sage> Oh my god MC xD
10:37 PM <Hero of Time> Blood
10:37 PM <Majora's Cat> and tried to smooch my pimples
10:37 PM <Majora's Cat> and you leaned over
10:37 PM <r2d93> HYEEAH
10:37 PM <Majora's Cat> remember when we used to caress each other in the moonlight?
10:37 PM <Kybyrian> Why do you think my name's red
10:37 PM <Hero of Time> Your abusive ways, Kyatt
10:37 PM <Kybyrian> If anyone abused anyone it would be Nicole abusing me
10:36 PM <Majora's Cat> you used to be so sweet and loving
10:36 PM <Hero of Time> Her username color is actually just a bruise
10:36 PM <Kybyrian> What are you guys talking about
10:36 PM <Majora's Cat> oh wyatt, what happened to you
10:36 PM <Azure Sage> xD
10:36 PM <Majora's Cat> because he's red
10:36 PM <Azure Sage> LOL HOT
10:36 PM <Majora's Cat> he must be angry all the time
10:36 PM <bspurka> Hes obviously a dominant, girls get all crazy over that whole 50 shades of grey thing
10:36 PM <Hero of Time> Why do you think her username turned blue?
10:36 PM <Hero of Time> Of course he does
10:35 PM <Majora's Cat> you should stick a pencil up his nose
10:35 PM <Majora's Cat> he's abusing you?
10:35 PM <Azure Sage> LOL HOT
10:35 PM <Hero of Time> How many times do I have to remind him that he isn't Chris Brown?
10:35 PM <Nicole> :'(
10:35 PM <Azure Sage> But dayum that is a purdy quarter of a face
10:35 PM <Atticus> Don't click any suspicious links.
10:35 PM <Hero of Time> Nicole, did Wyatt beat you again?


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
Well SOMEONE didn't get the entirety of the conversation so I'll be fixing that.

07/06/2012 22:39 <Hero of Time> wrong cheeks, bro
07/06/2012 22:39 <Nicole> lmfao dong
07/06/2012 22:38 <Majora's Cat> yeah, I had to do a duck maneuver and then slap him in the eyebrows above my head
07/06/2012 22:38 <Hero of Time> But it was probably hard to reach if his face was facing you
07/06/2012 22:38 <Majora's Cat> nope. eyebrows hurt more, obviously
07/06/2012 22:38 <Hero of Time> You should've smacked him in the cheek
07/06/2012 22:38 <Majora's Cat> I'm not ready to give up my purity to wyatt
07/06/2012 22:37 <r2d93> sounds like my average night
07/06/2012 22:37 <Azure Sage> Oh my god MC xD
07/06/2012 22:37 <Majora's Cat> but I slapped you in the eyebrows
10:37 PM <Majora's Cat> but I slapped you in the eyebrows
10:37 PM <Azure Sage> Oh my god MC xD
10:37 PM <Hero of Time> Blood
10:37 PM <Majora's Cat> and tried to smooch my pimples
10:37 PM <Majora's Cat> and you leaned over
10:37 PM <r2d93> HYEEAH
10:37 PM <Majora's Cat> remember when we used to caress each other in the moonlight?
10:37 PM <Kybyrian> Why do you think my name's red
10:37 PM <Hero of Time> Your abusive ways, Kyatt
10:37 PM <Kybyrian> If anyone abused anyone it would be Nicole abusing me
10:36 PM <Majora's Cat> you used to be so sweet and loving
10:36 PM <Hero of Time> Her username color is actually just a bruise
10:36 PM <Kybyrian> What are you guys talking about
10:36 PM <Majora's Cat> oh wyatt, what happened to you
10:36 PM <Azure Sage> xD
10:36 PM <Majora's Cat> because he's red
10:36 PM <Azure Sage> LOL HOT
10:36 PM <Majora's Cat> he must be angry all the time
10:36 PM <bspurka> Hes obviously a dominant, girls get all crazy over that whole 50 shades of grey thing
10:36 PM <Hero of Time> Why do you think her username turned blue?
10:36 PM <Hero of Time> Of course he does
10:35 PM <Majora's Cat> you should stick a pencil up his nose
10:35 PM <Majora's Cat> he's abusing you?
10:35 PM <Azure Sage> LOL HOT
10:35 PM <Hero of Time> How many times do I have to remind him that he isn't Chris Brown?
10:35 PM <Nicole> :'(
10:35 PM <Azure Sage> But dayum that is a purdy quarter of a face
10:35 PM <Atticus> Don't click any suspicious links.
10:35 PM <Hero of Time> Nicole, did Wyatt beat you again?
07/06/2012 22:34 <bspurka> Let me guess gang fight?
07/06/2012 22:34 <Azure Sage> Oh snap gurl you bleedin'
07/06/2012 22:34 <Majora's Cat> they're purple and are each one centimeter in diameter
07/06/2012 22:34 <Atticus> wait
07/06/2012 22:34 <Seth> My patronus is a human being, the most dangerous animal of them all.
07/06/2012 22:34 <Nicole> http://puu.sh/GrrY
07/06/2012 22:34 <Atticus> yes
07/06/2012 22:34 <bspurka> v lol
07/06/2012 22:34 <Azure Sage> Is it the High Expectations Asian Dad? I bet that's your face.
07/06/2012 22:34 <Majora's Cat> wanna see my pimples
07/06/2012 22:34 <Majora's Cat> guys
07/06/2012 22:34 <Azure Sage> Nicole
07/06/2012 22:33 <Azure Sage> K
07/06/2012 22:33 <bspurka> girl
07/06/2012 22:33 <Azure Sage> Hi Nicole
07/06/2012 22:33 <JuicieJ> My patronus is a Charizard
07/06/2012 22:33 <Nicole> wanna see my face
07/06/2012 22:33 <Nicole> guys

But yeah there's more of it. CONTEXT.
Nov 29, 2011
New Jersey
1:59 AM <Dan> :>
1:59 AM <Dan> tits or gtfo
1:59 AM <bspurka> Tits....
1:59 AM <bspurka> YES!!!!!
1:59 AM <WW IsDa Bombchu> and thats not vulgar?
1:59 AM <Pocket Asian> lolwut
1:58 AM <Dan> women can't be sexist they have pussys and tits
1:58 AM <Matt> I can never us that video on here though, it is very vulgar. That's how he is.
1:58 AM <bspurka> thats a nice saria's song mix
1:58 AM <Dan> don't be sexist Matt
1:58 AM <WW IsDa Bombchu> later van
1:58 AM <VanitasXII> night Dan!
1:58 AM <bspurka> When is the dance party?
1:58 AM <Matt> And I thought it was a topic worth discussing.
1:58 AM <VanitasXII> Saria's Song - Possibly The Best Remix - YouTube the sexiest
1:58 AM <Dan> night van
1:58 AM <Matt> I was watching a video by the Amazing Atheist, that's his name. About how it's only sexist if men do it.
1:58 AM <VanitasXII> i am gtg, need the sleeps. until then, dance party:
1:58 AM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> I'm afraid I butchered the topic though.
1:57 AM <JuicieJ> It got my heart pounding
1:57 AM <JuicieJ> I love the track
1:57 AM <VanitasXII> never felt threatened by the guardians. that's just me.
1:57 AM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> Ha, ha, Matt. Great minds think alike.
1:57 AM <VanitasXII> it's more annoying than anything -- it has the "danger imminent" feeling, but knowing where it plays just doesn't work for me.
1:57 AM <Matt> Hey AILT. Read my mind. I was going to make a thread about sexism against men tonight too but you already did it.
1:57 AM <JuicieJ> Like something straight out of Silent Hill
1:56 AM <WW IsDa Bombchu> or How We Roll
1:56 AM <JuicieJ> I so ****ing creepy
1:56 AM <JuicieJ> That track
Feb 23, 2011
Everyone's frantic about the new chat box's lack of features, such as its inability to parse BBcode; they all were baffled as to how I was able to do this:




...well. Lazarusryu has the right idea, but he is still a neophyte. umadbrony? :right:
Aug 7, 2011
Malibu, CA
1:19 AM <Kybyrian> (Don't worry I seriously don't snoop through your PMs in my spare time)
1:19 AM <PK Flash> If I did I would have shown you one.
1:19 AM <Heroine of Time> XD
1:19 AM <PK Flash> Nope.
1:18 AM <Hero of Time> you don't want me to see what you look like?
1:18 AM <Kybyrian> Who else has a PM that needs reading
1:18 AM <PK Flash> Nonononono.
1:18 AM <Wolf Sage> Gasps.
1:18 AM <PK Flash>
1:18 AM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> Please do.
1:18 AM <Kybyrian> lol
1:18 AM <Heroine of Time> Post. it.
1:18 AM <Hero of Time> Wait what, PK?
1:18 AM <PK Flash> I'll eat your brain.
1:18 AM <PK Flash> Don't share it.
1:18 AM <PK Flash> But isn't Big Octo apparently your roommate?
1:18 AM <Kybyrian> haha I have a picture of PK Flash in my browser right now

Kybyrian can apparently read PMs.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
3:38 AM * Wolf Sage is Wolf Sage
3:37 AM * PK Flash is Captain America
3:37 AM * Hero of Time is Spider-Man
3:36 AM <Kybyrian> nothin
3:36 AM <Wolf Sage> Able was I, ere, I saw Elba.
3:36 AM <PK Flash> What was that whole Platinum Mod thing about?
3:36 AM <Hero of Time> JJ for Platinum Mod
3:35 AM <Kitsu> I am an opposing opponent to opposite opposed opposing opponents that oppose.
3:35 AM <PK Flash> By how much?
3:35 AM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> Wyatt, I have a larger post per day count than JJ. True story.
3:35 AM <Kybyrian> lol
3:35 AM <Kybyrian> JJ
3:35 AM <PK Flash> Kybyrian, who has the most posts?
3:35 AM <PK Flash> Oh man, JJ spamming..
3:35 AM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> I feel as though you are my largest opponent on this site, Kitsu. I like it.
3:35 AM <Kybyrian> You aren't a true champ until you spam like JJ
3:35 AM <Hero of Time> you know, if they actually made sense
3:34 AM <Hero of Time> I would just say YOLO and make an article post on one of his threads
3:34 AM <PK Flash> Implying it.
3:34 AM <Kitsu> implying that ALIT every stopped spamming
3:34 AM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> Can do.
3:34 AM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> Ha, ha.
3:34 AM <PK Flash> Don't go on a spamming spree like the old ALIT.
3:34 AM <Heroine of Time> Haha
3:34 AM <Wolf Sage>
3:34 AM <Kitsu> Show him a thing or two about being boring!!!
3:34 AM <PK Flash> Nononono.
3:34 AM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> Show him a thing or two.
3:33 AM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> I'll school that drahsid guy tomorrow.
3:32 AM <Kybyrian> lol
3:32 AM <Hero of Time> Lol
3:32 AM <Kybyrian> because I have to chmod the config.xml file for vBSEO to edit things lol
3:32 AM <Kitsu> Wyatt you should chown -R /forum to a different user
3:32 AM <Heroine of Time> Powerful Magic Spell?
3:32 AM <PK Flash> .
3:31 AM <PK Flash> You're my hero
3:31 AM <Wolf Sage> lolhah
3:31 AM <PK Flash> That was amazing.
3:31 AM <Kybyrian> 'premenstrualsyndrome/' => 'pms/'
3:31 AM <Wolf Sage> K, I'm done...
3:31 AM <PK Flash>
3:31 AM <Wolf Sage> Package Management System
3:31 AM <Kybyrian> http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/premenstrualsyndrome/
3:31 AM <PK Flash> Seriously, it's like the best night ever.
3:31 AM <PK Flash> Best friends, you are my very best friends.
3:31 AM <Kitsu> Why are you chmodding?
3:31 AM <Kybyrian> Go to this URL
3:30 AM <Kitsu> Do you have an questions ALIT
3:30 AM <Kitsu> Oh god I typed "an questions"
3:30 AM <Wolf Sage> lolwut
3:30 AM <PK Flash> I thought it stood for Private Messages.
3:29 AM <Hero of Time> I thought it stood for pre-marital sex
3:29 AM <PK Flash> My lips are sealed.
3:29 AM <Kitsu> Please pms the admin if you have an questions.
3:29 AM <Kybyrian> chmod 666 'config.php'
3:29 AM <Heroine of Time> Lol
3:29 AM <PK Flash> I won't, believe me.
3:29 AM <Kybyrian> but don't tell anyone
3:29 AM <Kybyrian> it actually stands for private messages
3:29 AM <Wolf Sage> I get pms.
3:29 AM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> What the hell?
3:29 AM <PK Flash> I'll be able to remember that.
3:29 AM <Kitsu> So lots of people on ZD are pmsing all the time
3:29 AM <Wolf Sage> I read that as "All the other Shadsies are just intimidating so please stand up. Please stand up."
3:29 AM <PK Flash>
3:28 AM <Kybyrian> http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/pms/
3:28 AM <PK Flash> So.
3:28 AM <Kybyrian> For pre-menstrual syndrome
3:28 AM <Kybyrian> your private messages link is pms/

Best SB night ever?

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
5:05 PM * _VioLink_ wants to learn Japanese too.
5:05 PM * Heroine of Time wants to learn Japanese.
5:05 PM <A_LINK_IN_TIME> What Axle?
5:04 PM <PK Flash> I always have.
5:04 PM * Wolf Sage knows Latin, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, and a bit of English
A_LINK_IN_TIME Answered in thread : Sexism Against Men
5:04 PM <Axle the Beast> GDI do people watch the member list for me now?
5:04 PM <_VioLink_> DUN PASS OUT
5:04 PM <_VioLink_> WYATT
5:04 PM <PK Flash> Wyatt, hurry with the admin stuff... I'm about to pass out in this chair.
5:04 PM <_VioLink_> I C WAT U DID THAT PK
5:04 PM <PK Flash> Everybody's waking up.
5:03 PM <PK Flash> Oh look, Axle's on.
5:03 PM <Heroine of Time> Estoy un poco confundida...
5:03 PM * _VioLink_ knows English,Malay,a bit of Arabian and a bit of Japanese.
5:03 PM <Wolf Sage> HoT♀ se habla un poquito de espanol...
5:03 PM * PK Flash only knows English.
5:03 PM * Heroine of Time only knows Hylian and English. And some Spanish.
5:03 PM <Wolf Sage> Que el demonio es esa?
5:02 PM <_VioLink_> loolololol saya sudah tukar bahasa
5:02 PM * Wolf Sage wants to learn Tamil, but it is too hard.
5:02 PM <PK Flash> English is coolest.
5:02 PM * _VioLink_ says its Malay.
5:01 PM * Heroine of Time wonders what language.

What is this,language school!?

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