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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Mafia Game Thread

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Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
You have actually bold the word vote and who you're voting. You can't say you're throwing someone under the bus and call that a vote.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Unvote: Linkdude

Throwing Theo(aka Thareous) under the bus.

Just a little tip... If you intend to vote for someone, then you have to use the "Vote: Blank" format, and be sure to bold it. Otherwise it might not count. :)

I see no solid evidence that supports scumtell so far. Random voting is just that: Random. But as soon as something turns up, I'll vote properly.

EBWODP: Ninja'd in the instructions. :mellow:
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2008
I am usually very loath to give in to random voting, however, as it almost always results in the death of a townie and the formation of opposing camps that are ultimately not very constructive - a united town is a strong town.

Annoyingly it tends to end up with the person who is against the idea being lynched if I remember correctly, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me...

Anyway, random.org has spoken

Vote: Violet
May 5, 2010
I am usually very loath to give in to random voting, however, as it almost always results in the death of a townie and the formation of opposing camps that are ultimately not very constructive - a united town is a strong town. That said, I also tend to play on the principle that a No Lynch vote is almost always bad for the town, as it does nothing to progress discussion (the next day will pick up right where we left off, barring some particularly revelatory night kill) and will give the Mafia an additional night action without danger of being lynched. So I don't want to hastily random vote and inadvertently allow the mafia to speedlynch a townie, but I also am not sure that No Lynch is a good thing... agh. The Day 1 dilemma.

So yeah. Just gonna spectate for now until I have something else to add.

If I understand what you're saying, you are afraid of lynching someone who happens to be a good guy, including yourself. If you are innocent, what are you afraid of?


Jun 19, 2010
If I understand what you're saying, you are afraid of lynching someone who happens to be a good guy, including yourself. If you are innocent, what are you afraid of?

Probably that an innocent townie will get lynched, which will likely happen if we lynch with little evidence, as there are way more town than mafia. He never said he was afraid of being lynched. Where did you get that from?

I'm kinda in the same boat as Garo though. All the accusations and events that occur from lynching someone randomly or with little evidence can really get discussion going on Day 2, but an innocent town might die in the process.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
If I understand what you're saying, you are afraid of lynching someone who happens to be a good guy, including yourself. If you are innocent, what are you afraid of?

He doesn't want to die if he's innocent cause that's one less and he doesn't want someone else to die if they're innocent cause that's one less. The game is usually 3:1 Town to Mafia so the odds of hitting mafia, while RVSing no less, are highly slim on the first day.

I think Random voting is good though I don't always participate. Basically it's a way to draw out less experienced scum and possibly force the more experienced players to drop a tell. The way I see it as long as the voting is truly random, the town won't have any problems.

A final question. Why is a bandwagon forming on Axle? If the stage is random what reason is there for you people to have 2 votes for him?


The game is on!
At the moment we seem to have a nice activity going on in the game. I hope it continues like this. :)

Anyway, my opinion on the RVS is a little split actually. Sure, no matter who is lynched in the end (town or scum), we can discuss about it later. But what can we learn from it when all of the casted votes were totally random? Those who voted for the (most likely) lynched townie are as likely to be other townies as scum, simply because the votes were random. Though if we would hit a scum, of course, that would be marvelous.
Oct 26, 2008
He doesn't want to die if he's innocent cause that's one less and he doesn't want someone else to die if they're innocent cause that's one less. The game is usually 3:1 Town to Mafia so the odds of hitting mafia, while RVSing no less, are highly slim on the first day.

A final question. Why is a bandwagon forming on Axle? If the stage is random what reason is there for you people to have 2 votes for him?

I think Random voting is good though I don't always participate. Basically it's a way to draw out less experienced scum and possibly force the more experienced players to drop a tell. The way I see it as long as the voting is truly random, the town won't have any problems.

On paper, the only way that the RVS actually can get any information is if one person is pushed to the point of nearly being lynched. However, this gives the Mafia an easy chance just to make his lynching concrete, so it's a risky tactic. If you were just to have one vote on each person then you'd end up with no one getting worried and the only people that do crack occassionally are usually newbies that just don't want to die, regardless of role in the game.


be vigitant
Feb 20, 2012
While the RVS may not be an effective way to gain information, it's the best way to get information at the beginning of the game. We may hit a mafia, third party, or other interesting role in the process, too.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Well here's how I always see the first day. You have the joke phase/RVS until someone make some kind of slip up like an unecssecary claim or a contradiction of some kind, and then we'll have our lunch because we're all "You slipped up" then after that, during the next day, we can look back to day one at reactions and start building cases. Therefore we could get information out of it.
Nov 26, 2008
So... we're having another conversation about the pros and cons of the RVS? *sigh* -.-

Annoyingly it tends to end up with the person who is against the idea being lynched if I remember correctly, which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me...

If I understand what you're saying, you are afraid of lynching someone who happens to be a good guy, including yourself. If you are innocent, what are you afraid of?

EBWODP: Oh, right, ^ next to another one makes the smiley. <.<
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