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Favorite Princess Zelda?


FPT | Breb
Nov 28, 2011
Maricopa, Arizona
the TP zelda looks extremely cool and almost deppresed or angry at times. I love the TP one but SS's zelda is cuter happier funnier more princessy. I have to go w/ SS on this one.:zora:


no text
Dec 16, 2011
Skyward Sword zelda, she looks the coolest in that. I think it may be the WaterColour Graphics that make her look so cool.


Jun 20, 2011
In a tree house.
My favorite Zelda to date is SS, she actually is seen alot more than in other games, but is by far the best IMO. Her personallity- fun, nice, and she actually cares for link. She is very pretty in this game too lol.

but as far as my favorite Princess Zelda's here are my top 3 - SS-WW-TP ......all great zeldas but SS beats the other two by a longshot.


The game is on!
Skyward Sword Zelda, definitely! She is the Zelda you get to know the best during the game (except perhaps Spirit Tracks Zelda) and when I played the game I really felt I wanted to find her and save her, I never felt that way about any other Zelda. To be honest I was a bit skeptical to her look when we first saw her at E3 2011 (it was the haircut foremost), but when I started playing the game I started liking her more and more. So yeah, the Skyward Sword Zelda is my favourite.
Dec 21, 2011
All around
Skyward Sword Zelda, definitely! She is the Zelda you get to know the best during the game (except perhaps Spirit Tracks Zelda) and when I played the game I really felt I wanted to find her and save her, I never felt that way about any other Zelda. To be honest I was a bit skeptical to her look when we first saw her at E3 2011 (it was the haircut foremost), but when I started playing the game I started liking her more and more. So yeah, the Skyward Sword Zelda is my favourite.

Oh, really? When I first saw her her I was like she looks perfect for the game. I love her hairdue, I just chose WW/MC Zelda cuz she just looks absolutely adorable in the art style


The game is on!
Oh, really? When I first saw her her I was like she looks perfect for the game. I love her hairdue, I just chose WW/MC Zelda cuz she just looks absolutely adorable in the art style

I do like her look now, now I like it more than any other Zelda, but perhaps that's because I've "gotten to know her" better.

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