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Game Thread Fate/ZD Mafia

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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
This is exactly what I discussed with funnier. I thought it was fair that SMS was originally skeptical with his telling town to be careful about claiming if they felt they couldn't trust me. I also thought it would be fair to say that I could make up quotes. But what bothered me was him specifically saying it didn't sound like Rubik because of a specific phrase. I offered the exact quotes of my own accord without anyone even asking since I can't screenshot and I thought it was the next best thing. If I'm scum here I either just paraphrase or make up a simpler quote like "Sorry, you can't screenshot because it would make the game too easy". Y'all should know I'm way too cautious as scum to gamble with made up quotes that long and specific. Especially since Rubik basically confirmed the fact that I can't screenshot in thread (so no reason to make up a quote), and my PM even says to ask about certain rules beforehand to make sure they are okay to break. "If you’re unsure if there’s a rule you can ignore, please ask me to clarify instead of assuming it doesn’t apply."
I even admitted I might be paranoid, ergo, that it was a perhaps a stupid thought that should be taken with a grain of salt. This also serves as a response to this:

SMS seems interested in casting some doubt on Minish by claiming she might be third party and then saying her quotation of Rubik doesn't sound like something he'd say. The former is healthy skepticism, but the latter strikes me as frivolous, especially since I really doubt Minish would fake a message like that, or would even need to. So I'm slightly suspicious of it.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
lol why would a jester help town that won't help them
they gain a lot more helping mafia so they don't get nightkilled
The idea isn't to not lynch the Jester at all, just not right away. Like, hey help us out for x amount of phases, then we'll lynch them, you follow me? This is assuming that lynching the Jester doesn't end the game, if you are that kind of Jester nobody will want to help you, lol.


The game is on!
There are no game ending Jesters though. Besides, I get the feeling Ex isn't a Jester at all, but rather some other unhelpful role.

Ex could you hard claim? It seems senseless to have your role not be certain at this point.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
The idea isn't to not lynch the Jester at all, just not right away. Like, hey help us out for x amount of phases, then we'll lynch them, you follow me? This is assuming that lynching the Jester doesn't end the game, if you are that kind of Jester nobody will want to help you, lol.

You don't wanna lynch jester later on when you still have 2/3 scum and can't afford to keep losing townies.
D1 is the best time to lynch them if you're going to.

I'm against Ex hard claiming too unless people are set on lynching him. It's detrimental to town otherwise. Also wanna hear from Rag about her jester comment.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Why exactly do you very much doubt shes scum
Just using this quote to bounce off, but how do you feel about Minish, and did you discuss anything with her you're willing to share here?

The idea isn't to not lynch the Jester at all, just not right away. Like, hey help us out for x amount of phases, then we'll lynch them, you follow me? This is assuming that lynching the Jester doesn't end the game, if you are that kind of Jester nobody will want to help you, lol.
Jester's are trying to die D1 though. He'd have kitty incentive to even stay active at that point.

I doubt Ex is a jester. If he was he'd be able to create a convincing case for being lynched. He's made claims on D1 before that got him lynched, but isn't doing so now, therefore, not a jester. My issue is I'm still trying to place him.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Just using this quote to bounce off, but how do you feel about Minish, and did you discuss anything with her you're willing to share here?
Have you seen that post I made with reads last night?

Anyway I'm inclined to believe Minish and we've spent a large amount of time discussing everyone in the game. I've told her half of my role, and she's gonna help me figure out how to best use it
I have an idea of Ex's role actually, based on what's been softed so far. If my idea is correct, I think Ex should not be lynched.
From what little Minish has told me I believe you are quite incorrect
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