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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]

Apr 11, 2022
Mint Elv said my posts were annoying, but they had to be distancing:

ftr my interactions with mint elv have another purpose to them:

to sway town from potentially thinking mint elv and me are wolf aligned together and that mint elv faked stealing my role pm text from me to "clear" me

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
Sucks about the RNG, but the journey was very good overall and I grew attached to Mint Elv.
Of course since it was actually ME! I did get the idea from you but I did it so I couldn’t be meta read. You know people would say “Mido likes to bus” “Mido is loud as mafia” etc so I wouldn’t be able to get away with anything.

Mint Elv said my posts were annoying, but they had to be distancing:
Which ones? Because a lot were actually annoying.
Apr 11, 2022
Of course since it was actually ME! I did get the idea from you but I did it so I couldn’t be meta read. You know people would say “Mido likes to bus” “Mido is loud as mafia” etc so I wouldn’t be able to get away with anything.

Which ones? Because a lot were actually annoying.
Well yes, they had to be annoying to counter you for how annoying it would be if you were actually Town, and to make others think we are not aligned and think of me as Town regardless of your alignment.
This was a really cool setup! I don't think there were any roles I really disliked in the game; I'm kinda mixed on my opinion on the John Doe but all the roles were really interesting and I think I'd've been happy to have had any of them.

You guys better join some Botwolf. The more the merrier.
You'll have to direct me to what site that's on if you want me in. Google's not finding it and I apparently do not know where you're from.

Yes, they are too complicated and once they got less complicated I lost interest in gambling
What planet do you live on where 5D Chess with Multiversal Time Travel sounds less complicated than poker?
Sep 27, 2021
Like I understand you were trying to draw the kill by claiming mafia due to your role

but help a spheal out lmao :P

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