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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]


Staff member
Votecount 6.1.

(2) - SoulAdvent, KingOfDominaria
Not Voting (1) - 15377

Phase ended earlier due to a hammer.


There was no discussion, after all the culprit was standing there next to Fext's body. Before the mafioso could even get their gun to fire again, KingOfDominaria and SoulAdvent swiftly immobilized and finished off the madman. 15377's documents gave all the information necessary to clear doubts on their minds. There was peace at last.

Welcome 15377 (Numbers)! I'm glad to have you as a player in my first mafia game uwu

Let's see... you're The Karateka, and you're Mafia aligned!
"Rule number one: Karate for defense only. Rule number two: First learn rule number one."


> During the Night Phase you can take a stance and apply one of the following effects to any Player that targets you:
> Any Player that targets you will be silenced during the next Day Phase. They can still vote and post images and emotes that contain no words. Any sort of alphabetical code (i.e. morse) will be forbidden;​
> Any actions that target you will be redirected back at the person who targeted you. This cannot affect factional roles like the Mafia Kill;​
> Any Players that target you will be roleblocked, but they'll be notified you were the reason.​

Submit your personal actions directly to this chat.
You'll be added to a chat with your Mafia partners, submit any factional actions there.
You win when your faction is able to control the votes AND when all other threats are removed from the game.
Use your role wisely, good luck, and have fun!

To celebrate their teamwork and victory, KingOfDominaria and SoulAdvent sealed the game with a firm handshake. And by making out and marrying each other. KoD's waifu was now dead, so why not?


Among the dead ones, one had left a fat will for their family. Despite being in the afterlife, seeing their smile (and the giant statue of themselves being added to the town square) was a victory itself.

@DawningWinds with $1555.9

For your mafia record you can consider this as winning twice if you want.


Informal/minor Warnings:
> (2/3) SoulAdvent for suggesting a strategy that could result in a player's modkill.
> (1/3) 15377 for paraphrasing private conversation with the host.

Blacklisted from next few ExLight games:
> Boo (Giri) for inactivity.


Game is over! Thanks for playing!
Please leave some post-game commentary on what you liked and what you disliked, and what I could've done to improve the game!

Down below will be some recommended questions so I get feedback for future games. Both Players and Spectators (official or not) are encouraged to answer them!

> 1. How much did you enjoy this experience? (0-10)
> 2. Were there any custom rules or pre-game setting up that you enjoyed? If so, which ones?
> 3. Were there any custom rules or pre-game setting up that you hated? If so, which ones?
> 4. Did you enjoy your role? Which role you wish you had rolled?
> 5. In your opinion, was the game balanced?
> 6. In retrospect, would you have done things differently?
> 7. Did the host perform their responsibilities well?
> 8. Would you play another game by this host?

And again, I appreciate you all for making this game possible and a success! Thanks for Playing!

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Staff member
Remaining Roles:

Welcome Mint Elv! I'm glad to have you as a player in my first mafia game uwu

Let's see... you're The... uh I can't find you in the records... uuh...
I'll just call you The John Doe, and you're Mafia aligned!


> Once per game, during the Night, you can target a person and steal their Role PM's message. Keep in mind this will NOT make their role unusable, they just won't be able to check what their role does.
> When you die your role information will not flip. Also upon your death, if you had stolen a Role PM's message, its contents will be revealed.

Submit your personal targets directly to this chat.
You'll be added to a chat with your Mafia partners, submit any factional actions there.
You win when your faction is able to control the votes AND when all other threats are removed from the game.
Use your role wisely, good luck, and have fun!
Welcome KingofDominaria! I'm glad to have you as a player in my first mafia game uwu

Let's see... you're The Slowpoke, and you're Town aligned!
You're... well.. a bit slow... Because of that, it takes a while for you to realize what's going on.


> If you were to die, you take an extra Cycle to realize you should be dead (i.e. if you're lynched D2, you'll only die from it on D3. If you're shot on N7, you'll only die from it on N8).
> And if you do die, a person responsible for your death (last person to vote you, or the one responsible for your death via a role) will receive a Delayed modifier until the end of the game. This means their actions will take an extra Cycle to happen.

You're a passive role, so you don't have to submit any targets.
You win when all threats to Town are removed from the game.
Use your role wisely, good luck, and have fun!


If any future readers want to be added to the Spectator/Graveyard chat, as well as the players (Role PMs + Mafia Chat) please send me a private message here on ZD. If I'm still around, I'll do so!

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Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
Hated the game horrible experience will never play again. Especially since you added Human to my role pm and the mafia chat before I could break the news to him!

In seriousness it was fun but I would change that No lynch rule. Just go with the simple tied votes result in a no lynch.

I am actually the last living Bulbite in this game as the forum user HumanDawn who joined the game under the name "SoulAdvent" (Soul of the Human, Advent of the Dawn).

How does it feel to have been duped?
Apr 11, 2022
Will post my thoughts later. I had a very good time - can not believe I made it to EoD.

Hated the game horrible experience will never play again. Especially since you added Human to my role pm and the mafia chat before I could break the news to him!

In seriousness it was fun but I would change that No lynch rule. Just go with the simple tied votes result in a no lynch.


How does it feel to have been duped?

He mentioned not having revealed “Mido’s Role PM” and then asked me if I figured out who Mint Elv was.

It’s very sweet of you that you joined because I decided to join under a fake name. Very amusing how we still ended up treating each other the same, huh…

I don’t really feel duped. My “agenda” with the fake name was to prevent a potential Night 1 kill like with what ExLight did to me in our last together, which you didn’t do despite ExLight already sharing that info to you. I am more shocked you ended up using your role to quasi-clear me knowing who I was and how I could catch on back to you. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t suspect you back. Sucks about the RNG, but the journey was very good overall and I grew attached to Mint Elv.

@Fext what did KoD do wrong here sorry? Not claiming his role makes sense and faking Mafia because of Rag wasn’t bad.
Apr 11, 2022
Seanzie’s vote on me Day 1 motivated me to gamesolve harder. It would blow my cover faster but I would hate to lose or have the game go in a bad direction because I didn’t let loose enough. Other than the Seanzie lynch from Rag’s role, all lynches went my way for better or worse.

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