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Game Thread ExLight's Custom Role Mafia - ENDGAME [TOWN WINS]


Jan 19, 2018
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storm more or less says and does whatever he feels like regardless of alignment so i'm not convinced its feasible to read him most of the time
Jul 12, 2020
Mint Elv asked him to explain why he townread the people he did, he never answered that question.
And he quoted said question in the post where he was detailing his read on Mint Elv, which makes it more egregious.
I did. I didn't go into detail, because it seemed like a question to draw attention away from themselves rather than because they were genuinely curious, but I did answer it.
> Mint: Why? I understand that I am in your scumreads, but what is your reasoning for it? What about the other three you scumread? Do you see all of us being of the same alignment? Why do you two read the people you town read?
I townread the people I do because they feel more honest about their discussion.
I'm leery of voting for Storm for the same reason I switched off of Laurentus. They haven't contributed enough to let us learn anything from their death, and I don't think they've done anything egregious. Right now they're being voted on because (as far as I can tell) they planned to post observations and then didn't, and
Apr 11, 2022
storm more or less says and does whatever he feels like regardless of alignment so i'm not convinced its feasible to read him most of the time

What do you mean sorry?

“Feasible to read him most of the time” ?

What should we do about him?
Jul 12, 2020
Derp, post cut off.

I'm leery of voting for Storm for the same reason I switched off of Laurentus. They haven't contributed enough to let us learn anything from their death, and I don't think they've done anything egregious. Right now they're being voted on because (as far as I can tell) they planned to post observations and then didn't, and they expressed the opinion that people who talk more are more likely to be lynched.
I did. I didn't go into detail, because it seemed like a question to draw attention away from themselves rather than because they were genuinely curious, but I did answer it.

I'm leery of voting for Storm for the same reason I switched off of Laurentus. They haven't contributed enough to let us learn anything from their death, and I don't think they've done anything egregious. Right now they're being voted on because (as far as I can tell) they planned to post observations and then didn't, and
It does not look like trying to draw attention from herself. She wanted to understand your reads, and such a vague description of towniness could be twisted to apply to anyone. And you were also asked to detail your other scumreads apparently (I missed that), which you did not do.

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
Not an unreasonable question, but the way it's phrased makes it an exaggeration of the position. It feels dishonest. A more honest way to ask would be something like, "Are you considering Dawn as mafia just because they're questioning you?" It's more directly relevant to the point at hand and doesn't assume as much.
It was obvious that they weren’t viewing Dawn in good light though. Why ask a pointless question instead of one that can get me more information? It’s like 20 questions. You want to ask stuff that covers a good amount, and yet at the same time answers several things at once.
don't think these questions are being consciously mischaracterized, but I think it still feels dishonest.
What do you mean? I agree with dawning. This sounds like you’re contradicting yourself. If I’m attempting to be dishonest then how is it subconscious? Wouldn’t that have to be done consciously?
No, of course not. I generally don't try to guess every member of the mafia team simultaneously, before we have any confirmed info. But again, this feels like a mischaracterization that redirects away from actual reasons to be suspicious. Maybe it's just a tone difference, but that's why I'm suspicious of you.
How is a misdirect? I point blank asked you why you suspect who you suspect. You have your answer for me, but not the others. And I don’t see how yo have mafia reads that were straight up arguing in thread but can’t answer if you see them possibly as a mafia team. Obviously you don’t have to be positive about how you think is the mafia team, but putting people in a scum read list without explanation and without imagining them as possibly working together seems way too strange.
townread the people I do because they feel more honest about their discussion.
How so? What does that mean? This isn’t my home site so I don’t know the meta here and what’s considered normal or not so I plan on asking questions to identify stuff like that.

such as, it common for players here to be so vague because you and seanze have been horrible about answering.


Staff member
Votecount 1.10.

(2) - Storm, Seanzie
Mint Elv (1) - Paranoid King
KingOfDominaria (1) - Ragnarokio
Paranoid King (2) - SoulAdvent, DawningWinds
Not voting (7) - Laurentus, KoD, 15377, EchoLight, Mint Elv, Jinjo, Minish

Phase shortening (1) - Storm
Add Hammer Rules (3) - Seanzie, Ragnarokio, Storm

Phase ends on April 23rd, at 9:00:00 PM (GMT-3).

Apr 11, 2022
I did. I didn't go into detail, because it seemed like a question to draw attention away from themselves rather than because they were genuinely curious, but I did answer it.

I'm leery of voting for Storm for the same reason I switched off of Laurentus. They haven't contributed enough to let us learn anything from their death, and I don't think they've done anything egregious. Right now they're being voted on because (as far as I can tell) they planned to post observations and then didn't, and
This doesn’t answer the scum reading part from what I am seeing?

Well, if Storm really is Mafia, then we wouldn’t learn much from his death from interactions, but he would still be Mafia?

It is not just the observation comment, but that he made an excuse for not posting much which isn’t even true according to DW.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
not feeling the case on PK. I think PK is a strong player and i like playing with him so i'd rather not see him lynched day 1.

Unvote, Vote: Storm
Apr 11, 2022
I guess, I cut it, if by cut it you mean "Responded to that part, then quoted and responded to the rest of the paragraph further on."

You are right and I apologize - I got caught up in the rush and excitemtn of the phase almost ending.0BB42B1A-604A-4152-BA5B-B704BA4B6F1A.jpeg
Also I think it’s ok to suspect people but not have them as a team together in mind.

Vote: Storm
It is not just the observation comment, but that he made an excuse for not posting much which isn’t even true according to DW.
I have noted a couple that I haven't played here much before, so I could be blatantly wrong on this front, but once again, it is the impression I get.

Well, if Storm really is Mafia, then we wouldn’t learn much from his death from interactions, but he would still be Mafia?
Correct, but I would certainly prefer a lynch we can learn from than one we can't, which is part of why I was wanting to give Storm time to come back in prove himself, and since I am more confident in PK I think.

That said, I'd prefer a lynch on any of my scumreads to one on the host, so let's guarantee that happens:
Unvote: Paranoid King
Vote: Storm

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