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Elements You Have Been Waiting for in Zelda

Zelda is 25 years old, yet the mythos as far as both Story and gameplay are concerned are quite shallow...

Zelda uses an 'if it isn't broken don't fix it' approach and as such it has left fans wanting more with each instalment and rarely have they been satisfied. Perhaps the most satisfying was Wind Waker which was the first game to fully integrate the compulsory travel system and delivered a stunning and poignant story...

But what have you been waiting for in Zelda? Which story and gameplay elements are you waiting to see?

Perhaps the inclusion of a jump mechanic, the ability to use two weapons simultaneously...?
A narrative set during a war in Hyrule, Link having parents..?

What have you been waiting for to see in Zelda that hasn't surfaced yet?
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Which story elements are you waiting to see?
I'm waiting for Zelda and Link to be killed outright. Not "omg my soul got sucked out!!1one", not "oh I was knocked out cold!"...I want to see Link and Zelda be completely killed for some tragic stuff to go on. I keep bringing up Final Fantasy XIII-2's villain, Caius Ballad, when I speak about this. Caius kills people without thinking on it so he can achieve his goals. It's cruel, I know, but I just want to see them dead. Stop giving us the same old recycled story, Nintendo, and put some spin on your narratives!

I've also been waiting for wars to be played through. Not recanted by some sprout or a robot, but either cutscenes or actually within the gameplay.

Which gameplay elements are you waiting to see?
I've personally been waiting for Link to dual wield. I reference the coolest Key holding hero ever, Kingdom Hearts' Sora, because he can dual wield and even triple-wield given the right parameters. Why can't Link ditch his shield for another sword? There's nothing stopping him from doing so as far as I know, except maybe that he's left handed.

I also want battle skills to enter the fray in full featured awesomeness. The gameplay is too monotonous within the Zeldasphere; from day one we just slash away at our enemies with no post processing effects or buffs or anything. I'm thinking on the lines of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time or even The Last Hope; what if Link was able to slash at the ground and create a shockwave that stretches 10 meters in front of him? Or slash in the air creating an arc of blue light that damages any foes within a 10 foot radius? There are so many possibilities that Nintendo COULD do but refuses to, but I've been waiting for.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I'm completely with Ventus on the dual-wielding thing. I've wanted to see Link use two swords ever since I saw the Gerudo doing it in Ocarina of Time. I remember thinking, 'They have two! That's not fair!' but it could really add some extra depth to combat if you could opt between a shield and a separate weapon, even if it wasn't a sword.

Most of the 2D Zelda games have the shield as an item you equip, not gear that is always there and I think something similar could really add to the 3D games too. Instead of a sword and shield, what if Link had a sword and whip? What if he had a sword and some kind of magic spell? What if you could ditch having a weapon altogether and equip two different items to help with puzzles and traversing the world when you needed to? Just gives the player more options which is usually a good thing.

The biggest thing I want to see in Zelda though is a developed story. They've been moving more and more towards this since The Wind Waker but I really want Nintendo to just get stuck in and really give a Zelda a well developed, fleshed out story, one which actually answers more questions than it raises for a change. Don't get me wrong, I love having some mystery about the franchise and that room for speculation is one of the things I love most about it, but I'm starting to get tired of seeing Nintendo make story a more important aspect, only to then curtail it for large parts of the games so as to not move too far from the series' roots. It makes for some uncomfortable pacing and suggests a lack of confidence that I don't like to see in Nintendo. Just go all-out and make a grand epic instead of staying in a sometimes awkward compromise state.

Beyond that, there aren't too many things I've specifically wanted. I would like an older Link though. I don't mean like Adult Link, I mean like grey beard, scars, grizzled Veteran Link. Once again, I agree with Ventus that seeing some of the wars would be amazing rather than just hearing about them and I would love to play as a Link who has fought and lived through some of those. I think such a thing could go hand-in-hand with a more developed story too.
In terms of narrative and plot
Personally what i'd like to see in Zelda is and more immediate narrative and to have Link and Zelda older than they have ever been, i mean mid twenties style perhaps going on thirty. It has always really bugged me in previous Zelda titles that Link has never felt immediate enough in his personality despite the amount of things that go wrong around him and the initiating events which spurn him into action. In Skyward Sword Zelda was kidnapped and taken to a mysterious unfounded land that was altogether alien to Link, yet instead of quickening his pace to the find the young woman he probably loved, he spends his time playing hide and seek with Blubasaur style creatures and sorting out everyone else's non-life threatening first world problems rather than hauling *** to rescue someone in actual peril... This has bugged in other Zelda games too where Link has really seemed far too removed about whatever was going on around him, only TP Link has really felt right to me because he had a bit of anger behind him and there were a great many cutscenes focusing on his emotional link with a lot of the characters.
I think Link and Zelda being older would help the feel of a more immediate narrative too, older characters can play with more mature concepts and having older characters could really make the threat of death feel more real and focused, but thats just me.

In terms of gameplay
I kind of want the little things. While there are a lot of elements i want to see return in future Zelda games like the hidden skills, parry attack and whirlwind spin, some new gameplay elements i'd like to see would be:

Dual swords/weapons
Combo attacks and combo chains like those found in Devil May Cry 3 and Bayonetta
To be able to jump from Epona (or a mode of transport) and deal some airborne justice to a grounded enemy
i'd also like some mid air combat to arise, not unrealistically but Link had some pretty awesome moves in Soul Calibur 2 which i think would work great in a Zelda game and could open up a lot of combat scenarios that we've never seen before in Zelda


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
No problems with story. I found the Zelda series story to be heavily underrated for the most part. The only thing I could ask for is maybe a sacrifice from a close partner. They did something close for Midna though. True, she didn't die, but she ended up leaving forever anyway. Two tearjerkers in one, so not much complaints.

For gameplay, I would like to see 3D Zelda versus Multiplayer. Nothing big. But I wanna see it. I wanna swordfight my friends. Also, I'd like to be able to go to a place where you can fight monsters to your liking. Some custom abilities to choose monsters, you know?
Aug 25, 2012
Indiana, USA
Which story elements are you waiting to see?
I'm waiting for Zelda and Link to be killed outright. Not "omg my soul got sucked out!!1one", not "oh I was knocked out cold!"...I want to see Link and Zelda be completely killed for some tragic stuff to go on. I keep bringing up Final Fantasy XIII-2's villain, Caius Ballad, when I speak about this. Caius kills people without thinking on it so he can achieve his goals. It's cruel, I know, but I just want to see them dead. Stop giving us the same old recycled story, Nintendo, and put some spin on your narratives!

I've also been waiting for wars to be played through. Not recanted by some sprout or a robot, but either cutscenes or actually within the gameplay.

Which gameplay elements are you waiting to see?
I've personally been waiting for Link to dual wield. I reference the coolest Key holding hero ever, Kingdom Hearts' Sora, because he can dual wield and even triple-wield given the right parameters. Why can't Link ditch his shield for another sword? There's nothing stopping him from doing so as far as I know, except maybe that he's left handed.

I also want battle skills to enter the fray in full featured awesomeness. The gameplay is too monotonous within the Zeldasphere; from day one we just slash away at our enemies with no post processing effects or buffs or anything. I'm thinking on the lines of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time or even The Last Hope; what if Link was able to slash at the ground and create a shockwave that stretches 10 meters in front of him? Or slash in the air creating an arc of blue light that damages any foes within a 10 foot radius? There are so many possibilities that Nintendo COULD do but refuses to, but I've been waiting for.

Arcs of light? GETSUGA...TENSHOUUU!!

I'm sorry. I had to.

At any rate, I agree with everything you said to one extent or another. I like the thought of featuring an actual war in a Zelda game, something Link gets to participate in. The Hyrule Castle Twili invasion scene from Twilight Princess was one of the most epic scenes I've ever watched in a Zelda game, but it could go so much farther. It would be a great, challenging showcase for combat and enemy design, and I'm positive the Wii U and 3DS are powerful enough to handle so many enemies onscreen at once.

Dual-wielding would be a nice touch, although it's not huge on my wish list. It would present a nice new layer to combat.

My own personal wish list can be summed up in two categories: Story and Combat. Nintendo needs to sit down and focus on how to improve both with the next Zelda game. Not just "what nice new premise can we use to adapt around the dungeon order and gameplay?" or "how can we make enemies more novel?" Both need to be some of the core aspects focused on in the next Zelda. They've been lacking. It's time to bring them up.

The story should continue with its general lightheartedness, dialogue, and character development, but it should also incorporate the long, intricate plot twists and elements featured in many JRPGs. It doesn't need to copy the bad elements (obviously), but having that mindset should help greatly. Something where laughter and tears of sadness aren't uncommon and death is a cold, powerful reminder that the world is not always a fun place. I don't want M-rated Zelda: I don't want gore, or overt sexual themes, or bad language, or any of that. Think a story like the second and third Paper Mario games. Did they have blood, sex, and language? No, but their plots were long, deep, emotional, and impacting, not always shying away from death and betrayal. We NEED that in a Zelda game. We NEED it.

Combat's a big issue as well. Enemies need to stop hopping around you waiting for you to hit them. Furthermore, Nintendo needs to stop trying to turn them all into puzzles. A few puzzle enemies would be nice, but think of it this way: we have puzzles as our puzzles. Enemies should be enemies and puzzles should be puzzles. Trying to mix the two usually winds up sloppy. I wholeheartedly agree with Ventus in heating up combat. Motion controls would make complex maneuvers a bit more difficult, but not impossible. What if Link had a parry or counter move that required split-second timing to pull off? Or a technique that attacked enemies behind him? What if it really mattered where you hit enemies and you had to look for weak points and gaps in the armor? In addition to these thoughts, enemies need to be fast and aggressive. Early and basic enemies can be simple and easily-dispatched, but any foe above that category needs constant involvement in the fight. Later enemies could show up in groups, constantly diving in and out and dodging as best they can. We're up for the challenge, Nintendo. We like that kind of thing.

Simpler wants include:
- Dungeons that can be beaten in any order (but used only occasionally throughout the series)
- The open-world design of an Elder Scrolls game (but with more color and variety)
- Constant dialogue choices to affect relationships and witness interesting scenes
- A bigger focus on sidequests (both numerous and fun)
- Optional dungeons and caves of loot scattered throughout the world
- The return of magic for varied and practical applications (illuminating dark places, camouflaging you on the spot, attacking enemies, etc.)
- FREAKING DIFFICULTY LEVELS (needs to happen. More than Hero Mode. Individual difficulty levels)


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Guns, Guns, GUNS!
and exploding barrels!
and vehicle sims!
and some sort of watered down sim city.

and everything else everyone stuffs into ever other game that doesn't belong.

Okay, seriously though... some sort of light experience point system I guess, like in Zelda II.

Narrative wise? IDK, some sort of backstory that hasn't been touched on yet I guess, such as the Imprisoning War or the conflict against the would be Twili. What was that called? The Interloper War? Of course I would like a deeper focus on characters over all.

And I have said before I would want to be able to explore dungeons in any order and have lots of optional dungeons and in depth side objectives.


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
I would loved to see how Link is living life without having to be Hero of time or something. Doesn't he ever get tired of that? Link has to progress in life, you know. Not always having to save Zelda, collects songs, keys and items, solving puzzles, etc.

I know that Link is the Hero of Time and he has always been helping Zelda ever since. I think it's time that Link lives his own life, lives his own adventure, without having to worry about anything. Sure it's nice that he can come again and save Hyrule from evil, but I think that Link should move on in life and settle down or go on a adventure of his own actions. Not having to worry about saving nobody.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I would loved to see how Link is living life without having to be Hero of time or something. Doesn't he ever get tired of that? Link has to progress in life, you know. Not always having to save Zelda, collects songs, keys and items, solving puzzles, etc.

I know that Link is the Hero of Time and he has always been helping Zelda ever since. I think it's time that Link lives his own life, lives his own adventure, without having to worry about anything. Sure it's nice that he can come again and save Hyrule from evil, but I think that Link should move on in life and settle down or go on a adventure of his own actions. Not having to worry about saving nobody.

Majora's Mask?

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
When I started playing Zelda, I had an expectation that I felt was met when Twilight Princess came out. That expectation was a game that took itself seriously in all aspects and kept the continuity of the series flowing well. The only thing I require now is a repeat of said event (not a repeat of said game) and probably throw in voice acting. Move on in the right spots, keep certain traditions alive, and I'll be happy.
Feb 5, 2011
what if Link was able to slash at the ground and create a shockwave that stretches 10 meters in front of him? Or slash in the air creating an arc of blue light that damages any foes within a 10 foot radius? There are so many possibilities that Nintendo COULD do but refuses to, but I've been waiting for.

The arc was in A Link to the Past and Skyward Sword. The shockwave was also in A Link to Past. Those powers were in the form of medals that Link collects.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The arc was in A Link to the Past and Skyward Sword. The shockwave was also in A Link to Past. Those powers were in the form of medals that Link collects.

I'm not sure what you mean by the arc, but what I'm talking about when I say arc is this:
Fayt's battle skill--Blade of Fury--is what I would absolutely love to see in Zelda. <3 It's so beautiful.

Yes, and the fact that they were medals--consumable items really--threw the thing off for me. They weren't battle skills so much as they were "some more items to have" :/ I want to see battle skills like what Edge Maverick (the blonde haired chap) does in this video:

I want to see full on Ice Blade, Blazing Sword, Lightning Blade, Divine Blade etc. Skills that you can use at will that have adverse effects in regards the enemies, and that are applicable in a myriad of situations and not just "novelty" like the medals were in ALttP.


The Brony
Oct 23, 2012
The Untied Countries of Earth
Industrial age Hyrule. Link's war on the corrupt businessman who stole the light of the slums, Zelda, from the orphanage and is keeping her locked away in his giant corporate tower of evil.

well that or FPS Zelda cause you can't screw up FPS.
Feb 5, 2011
Story elements?
A ton, I'll start with a kind of villain. It's my personal belief the series could use a villain whose goal has nothing to do with wanting power for conquest or just the sake of being powerful. I've said it before but I'll say it again, I'd like to see a villain more like Atrocitus, a villain whose goal is revenge against the royal family and wants to ruin Hyrule as part of a way to get back at them for a tragedy he blames them for.
Another villain I'd like to see is a rival. Now, we have a rival for Zelda's affections in Skyward Sword. I think more on the lines of one who can actually beat Link in sword combat. The idea I had in mind is someone who can be a sort of deconstruction of Link, being the opposite of him in every way because of him thinking Hyrule is weak and needs a better leader as well as thinking only a strong warrior is right for Princess Zelda.
And also... more development for Link and Zelda's relationship. Skyward Sword was definitely the best example of making these two close and giving Link a more personal reason to save her than just because saving her will save the world.

Gameplay elements?
Not sure... I just want less traveling in the overworld unless it is optional. I want Link to actually walk or run.
Aug 18, 2012
I want dungeon music that sounds really powerful (instead of just lesser powerful dungeon music that could be considered monotonous background music). An example would be a new Sky City theme that speaks nothing but sheer coolness. Put something really cool in this new Sky City music (a funk-like scream that sounds like Michael Jackson which yells "OW OWWWWW"). Let me explain why I would even add something so weird and abstract in the first place. That intense funk-like scream has an escalated mood (in other words, "OW OWWWWW" has a "high" mood to it). High as in "high in the sky" (which is the reason why it's used for the Sky City). Something that expresses both coolness and a high mood would be this funk-like scream. Combine this funk-like scream with a heavy dungeon-like banging instrument that plays an awesome heroic melody (that expresses Link as a hero of the sky). This instrument is like a heavy metal instrument, but it's not (it's the Zelda version of a heavy metal instrument). Then combine that with an eerie siren-like noise that plays along with the song (which expresses power and danger).

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