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E3 is Here...


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
So, what are some things you liked, found interesting, and are looking forward to?

As of now, I'm really excited for...


Resident Evil 6 Demo

Splinter Cell: Blacklist Demo


Other games I'm looking forward to include; Dead Space 3, Assassin's Creed III, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, and Watch Dogs.
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Staff member
Still waiting for nintendo's press conference, it's on at 2am on the 6/6/12 (I'm probably not sleeping tonight) here in Sydney, Australia. Looks like they decided to save the best till last. I already told my parents I'm not attending school tomorrow.


Nanomachines, son.
Apr 12, 2012
Looking forward to:
Assassins Creed 3
Darksiders 2 (I know they haven't shown it yet)
Resident Evil 6
Halo 4
Gears of War Judgement
Far Cry 3
Dead Space 3...kinda

I couldn't believe it though, all the conferences except Ubisoft's were absolutely horrible. Can't wait for Nintendo tomorrow, when my list will be much, much bigger.


I'm excited for ZombiU, Just Dance 4, Darksiders 2, Assasins Creed 3, Alien Colonial Marine, Resident Evil 6, New Super Mario Bros 2, and whatever else that is awesome and going to be on the Wii U!!!!


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I want a streets of rage 4 PLEASE !

I'm interested in seeing more of that sony Royal game (although it's been shown as of now)
Resident evil 6 because who doesn't.
Dark-stalkers 4 maybe ? :D
Whatever Nintendo have for show.
Sonic and sega all stars racing transformed (Loved the first one)


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
I'm definitely looking forward to Halo 4 gameplay and also hopefully some Assassins Creed 3. I just need to get the right channel.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Halo 4 blew my mind. The Forerunners could not be better designed. "An Ancient Evil Awakens" is a superb tagline. And why the heck does Cortana go berserk at the end of the trailer? This leaves more questions than answers-I like it that way.

Overall, however, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Sony, and others failed to blow my away yesterday. Here is hoping Nintendo truly unveils something original. My body is ready, let's hope it is rewarded as well.


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
Halo 4 blew my mind. The Forerunners could not be better designed. "An Ancient Evil Awakens" is a superb tagline. And why the heck does Cortana go berserk at the end of the trailer? This leaves more questions than answers-I like it that way.

I loved every bit of the gameplay and trailer. The reason Cortana is going berserk is probably due to the fact that she is past her prime. After 7 years AIs start to fall into rampancy, where they basically think themselves to death. It's a bit difficult to explain, but the game will be awesome.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'm just hyped for Resident Evil 6. Halo 4 is basically a futuristic Call of Duty -- not that this is bad, but I've played far too many story modes to be interested in Halo 4's story. Dem graphics though, those are pretty.

Awaiting Nintendo's keynotes, of course.

EDIT: Between Guild Wars 2 and Resident Evil 6, I may just be forced to drop out of school :3 The conflict between Leon and Chris, Wesker's son, Ada, omg...RE6 is gonna hit home. May not be scary, but as long as there is offline co-op, I'm good. Day one purchase for sure.
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Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I'm just hyped for Resident Evil 6. Halo 4 is basically a futuristic Call of Duty -- not that this is bad, but I've played far too many story modes to be interested in Halo 4's story. Dem graphics though, those are pretty.

Awaiting Nintendo's keynotes, of course.

EDIT: Between Guild Wars 2 and Resident Evil 6, I may just be forced to drop out of school :3 The conflict between Leon and Chris, Wesker's son, Ada, omg...RE6 is gonna hit home. May not be scary, but as long as there is offline co-op, I'm good. Day one purchase for sure.

Did you just say Halo 4....futuristic Call of Duty? Really? Halo is Halo. If anything, Halo 4 reminded me of Metroid Prime to an extent. You want future Call of Booty, see Black Ops 2...

Other than that, Residnet Evil 6 was just pure awesome. I take back any doubt I had for it. Splinter Cell Blacklist is exactly what I wanted out of the next Splinter Cell. Although, no Michael Ironside...:( I think the most interesting thing so far might of been Watch Dogs. Next gen or what? That game looks amazing! And it takes place in Chicago, finally.
May 5, 2012
Cant believe how crappy that was! Was hoping and expecting a lot more about the Wii U, hopefully more will come out soon

Rare Addict

Site Staff
Jun 15, 2010
United States
While, so far, this E3 hasn't been nearly as exciting for me as previous ones have, there have been a few standout titles. With The Last of Us, I'm lovin' the banter between Ellie and Joel, as well as what looks to be the perfect mix of the survival and action/adventure genres. Halo 4 was just spectacular. Like ALIT said, it raises so many questions that the wait for the game has almost become unbearable (the good kind of unbearable ;P). Already, this new enemy -- gameplay-wise -- feels significantly different from the Covenant, which is exactly what I was hopin' for.

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