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Dreams thread.


Deleted member 90890

I never once had a dog, let alone any kind of pet.

Recently, I had a dream in which I had a dog. I don't know my dogs, but he had brown fur, and was wearing a red collar. I was intimate with him. I held him tightly to my own body because it gave me joy. I was petting him, and seeing him happy made me happy too.

This is going to sound weird, but he turned into a human boy at certain points in my dream. All I know is that I cared for him, as though I'd known him for my entire life. When I woke up, there was a feeling inside of me. Feeling of loss, as if I lost someone or something, like an old friend who was dear to me.

Ever since that day, I've been wanting to see him again. I've not yet succeeded, however. Perhaps, this is my loner self going senile, and I'm subconsciously longing for a companion in any form.
Feb 7, 2014
A few days ago, I had a particularly disturbing one. I'll spoiler it since some might not want such images in their heads.

In this dream, I had to kill my cat for fear that it will attack me in my sleep. I decided to do so by snapping her neck, but I was only hurting her in doing so. I became more frantic in my attempts to finish the job, since at that point I just wanted to end her suffering, but kept failing until I finally woke up. I've often had dreams about harming others, but this one has been really hard to shake off.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I had a dream I was driving my car trying to get away from a tornado. At points in the dream it would move strange, like it was heading towards me, and it'd go onto the road and nearly pass over me but I'd always somehow get away by only a few yards and instead a different car would get passed over. The weird thing was the cars wouldn't get sucked into the air they'd stay on the ground and explode, but there was always a few seconds delay from them getting passed over by the tornado and then exploding.


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
This is a really weird and random one that I had a couple nights ago. There was some sort of ZD convention being held at a frozen swimming pool, and some random Nintendo characters showed up too. I remember meeting Samus and seeing Midna and Zant, and seeing a lot of people from here. The only ones I can remember specifically now is @Chevywolf30 and @ArchAngel217, because I fell through the ice and they laughed at me... Whole thing felt like a drug trip


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Last night I dreamed that our copy of WWHD was one of those things that is always magically duplicating. By the end of the dream, we had like 50 copies and I was just ok with that. It was stressful to figure out how to pack them for moving tho.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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I double post a lot in this thread.

I've got two good ones. A few nights ago, I dreamed my dad and brother were leading worship at a church, it was a fairly big auditorium/sanctuary and Eminem was helping them.

Last night, I dreamed I was my my mom's parents' house, and I was upstairs and heard some animal noise. I looked out the window, and a few houses down the street they had a large gray animal tied in the front yard and I thought "Oh, it's a donkey" (I don't think this was dream logic. They live in a tiny little Texas town. I would be surprised if someone had a donkey tied up in their front yard, but I'd accept it.) Later on, after some dream shenanigans, I end up at said house and they had a WOLF out front. He looked so sad and I remember thinking "Is there anything I can do to help him?"


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
probably b/c of the sonic and monkey ball anniversary stuff, but I had a dream the other day of me reminiscing about my early days with the sega genesis....despite the fact that I never owned one

then when I woke up, I had an urge to play the genesis collection [couldn't b/c I was busy that morning], and it wasn't until mid day that I made the connection b/w my dream and that urge to play genesis games


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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It started out as me doing a replay of TP, but it got weird real quick, I was collecting all the golden bugs from this one garden, then I needed to get the crystal from somewhere so Ilia could become Gandalf and have a lightsaber fight with me so I could prove I was worthy. It then turned into something with my mom's sister's family at some random house and I needed to go to the house next door, but there was a Lynel between them I didn't want to notice me.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Last night I had a dream with a country song and it was really good and I had it in my head when I woke up. Only thing I can remember now is a line about Jesus' death on the cross, but I can remember it was a really beautiful song. Kinda wish I coulda held onto it better n
I don't remember anything else from the dream I had last night but for some part of it, I was playing the Wind Waker and was modding it or something, and I like, took the Helmaroc King's model and made it a hat for Link but it wasn't scaled it it was just a full sized Helmaroc King t-posing on top of Link's head and clipping through walls when he went to visit grandma. Also Aryll was just the Helmaroc King, in non-hat form. I vaguely remember waking up momentarily because I was laughing so hard in the dream that it woke me up?

Bird up.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Had a a few dreams in one last night. From what I remember it started with me watching the new season of Dexter that comes out in November. And he had a kid, and was pretending to be homeless for some reason. He was also dating a therapist. But a different therapist in the same place was actually teaching Dexter's kid to be a killer secretly.

Then somehow it went to me in my room standing by the wall and I felt something on my foot. But it was dark until someone opened the door I think. And I saw it was a mouse. I was freaking out but I couldn't get it off my foot. It finally ran off but then I was freaking out about a mouse running around the room. I jumped on the bed, but then I saw an opposum coming out of my dresser drawer. And it starting "chasing" after me. So I ran in the living room and got on the couch. But somehow a raccoon was also in the house. So the raccoon and the possum are both trying to get me and I'm trying to fight them off. The possum was especially difficult because I think it was biting onto my sleeve or something. And I was screaming so much I couldn't scream any more.

Then after that I remember being in this room with my brother. I guess it might have been like a fancy hotel. But the wall was just one huge window and the room was basically over the ocean. And I look out and see a guy on a jet ski just sitting in the middle of the ocean. And then he started to sink and not move. So I look to my brother and told him I think that guy is drowning right in front of us. So we're watching and he comes back up, but only for a moment and he goes back under. Somehow (I don't recall) he ended up being rescued and brought back to a dock. And his little son was in the rescue boat. But as soon as they got to the dock he fell in the water and sank. But I believe he was rescued after.

There was some more after that but I don't remember much. I just remember cooking steaks, Zuko, and maybe Harry Potter houses.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Was with a buncha people watching my bro play Zelda, JoBros were asking me all questions about it, how far has Zelda travelled etc then bro got my hyrule historia and encyclopaedia down...

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