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Dreams thread.

May 4, 2014
I was in a Japanese classroom, and I heard a high-pitched roar from a distance. It was a Spinosaurus, and it immediately came running after me as I made a dash for the exit. The door was barricaded, and the Spinosaurus lunged at me, and I (out of desperation) threw a punch at it. I woke at that moment with my right fist held out. The dream was so real that my body had reacted to it.

Something in your past will force you to deal with it.

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
I had two dreams last night.

One took place at my Swedish family's house, but for some reason they were acting all snobby. XD I vaguely remember a bathtub as well but I have no idea what else happened.

My other dream was probably a result of over theorizing and being on ZD; @Terminus and @Azure Sage was there and we were trying to convince Azure not to become a Gerudo but he had his mind set on it. *shrugs*


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
Last night I had my first ever zelda related dream, it was strange. I was in place of Link in skyward sword about to land in the sealed grounds but I couldn't access my sail cloth because I was trying to use a PS2 controller (somehow I was controlling myself as well as being the character) so the whole time I was leaping down to where the imprisoned is I was scared of hurting myself but I had to keep going. But then when I reached the bottom I landed up in a grocery store. I have no idea what any of this means.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Last night I had my first ever zelda related dream, it was strange. I was in place of Link in skyward sword about to land in the sealed grounds but I couldn't access my sail cloth because I was trying to use a PS2 controller (somehow I was controlling myself as well as being the character) so the whole time I was leaping down to where the imprisoned is I was scared of hurting myself but I had to keep going. But then when I reached the bottom I landed up in a grocery store. I have no idea what any of this means.
Your first one!? How can you have never had a Zelda dream before now.


May 18, 2013
Come to think of it, I did have at least 2 Zelda-related dreams

The first time one happened before the release of OoT(I don't think I knew of it's existence yet), it was alttp, I got the magic cape and when Link wore it, all of a sudden the Sanctuary music started playing but it was distorted and Link married Zelda or something.

The other one might have happened because of MM's hype, I dreamed that I was playing as adult Link the lost woods and Mido literally kicked Link out of the woods and then he met Impa and there was voice acting.
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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I had a nightmare. It was strange. I dreamt I got a PM while on the site. All the people I consider my closests friends here had written really mean things about me in it. I can't recall exactly what, all I know is while reading it I felt really hurt, to the point of tears, and mad. I ended up deleting my profile somehow and then I woke up.

When I woke up I actually had to log in just to see if it really was a dream because it felt very real. It was terrible.


May 18, 2013
I was during a nap, I was with a coworker but he was ignoring me or something, and we were playing a first person Banjo-Kazooie and some of the characters had strange colors in it.

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