I had a lucid dream for the first time the other day, something I've been wanting to experience for quite a while.
I was (actually, not in the dream) staying over at a friend's house for the weekend and there were a bunch of us there, we had stayed up very late so I was fairly tired and went to sleep pretty much as soon as I hit the bed. I remember that there was some kind of riot happening in my dream and for some reason one of my friends was there with me, she said something along the lines of "Wow, it's like this is a dream." That's when I'm like "Hang on a minute...." and realise that it actually is a dream. After that it only seemed to last a couple of minutes maximum but I recall flying around the area and the riot pretty much disappearing instantly after I had realised that it was a dream. I was pretty excited and didn't want to wake up from it so soon but there isn't much I can do about that. Hopefully I'll have another some time soon.