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Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
That’s true, but power in hands of mortals tends to corrupt. At first you may seek to use it for good, but in time even playing savior can lead to being a tyrant of souls.

Great & Absolute Power should reside with the divine, in hands of mortals it usually becomes a fist, like that of Ganon, that crushes.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
That’s true, but power in hands of mortals tends to corrupt. At first you may seek to use it for good, but in time even playing savior can lead to being a tyrant of souls.

Great & Absolute Power should reside with the divine, in hands of mortals it usually becomes a fist, like that of Ganon, that crushes.
I mean, we don't exactly have a lot of data on the subject. No one else has wielded the Triforce of Power barring that one comic, so we don't actually know how it would affect people.

The Triforce of Wisdom never made Zelda smart, so I'm not sure why the Triforce of Power would make anyone power-hungry. :eyes:

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Well Zelda is smart enough to recruit Link The Hero to defeat darkness in every timeline; that shows Wisdom.

When I say power, obviously even Link and Zelda exercise power, I mean Great & Absolute power like Din’s Shard that Ganondorf wields. Though Ganon also wants Nayru and Fareore, the whole Triforce to have absolute power.
One wonders though, if Ganon possesed Wisdom would he at some point see the error of his ways and cease to be the Pig Demon and war monger?

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Well Zelda is smart enough to recruit Link The Hero to defeat darkness in every timeline; that shows Wisdom.

When I say power, obviously even Link and Zelda exercise power, I mean Great & Absolute power like Din’s Shard that Ganondorf wields. Though Ganon also wants Nayru and Fareore, the whole Triforce to have absolute power.
One wonders though, if Ganon possesed Wisdom would he at some point see the error of his ways and cease to be the Pig Demon and war monger?
I mean, that's some base line wisdom. That'd be like saying I'm the embodiment of wisdom because I had the smarts to call 911 during a home invasion. A wise decision, but one I'd expect literally everyone to make.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
Save Zelda sees in Link The Hero, she seems very aware to me. Besides, just because you have Nayru, doesn’t mean you are all wise right away, it may take time to open the treasure chests of Wisdom.


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
I honestly think it would be quite an interesting concept for Link to be born in a game where the Triforce is divided and he possesses the Triforce of Power, with him being a muscular behemoth of a man. Meanwhile the possessor of Courage would be a little scrawny kid who is very much afraid of everything but does what needs to be done regardless because Courage is to act in spite of fear.

So as a result, I think it would be pretty impressive to give us a Doomslayer Link in a sense, where he is silent and buff and just overcomes everything because in this incarnation he desires power over all else because this incarnation's philosophy is that power is needed to overcome the evil that terrorizes those who have less power than the evil.

So in a sense we get Buff Link, wielder of the Triforce of Power.

Zelda possesses Wisdom.

And the Courage character is probably the disabled younger sibling of Link whom is skittish and afraid, but still possesses the courage to act in spite of his fears.

Bonus points of making him or her have only one arm so in one vital scene we see Buff Link nearly defeated but the wielder of courage takes up Link's sword with their one good arm. The villain taunts them with something along the lines of "Do you think you have what it takes to defy me? To save your brother? Look at him, broken and on the verge of death despite his might. And look at you: scrawny, crippled, and shaking in fear. Are you sure you want to defy me rather than kneel and beg for your life?"

And then the wielder of courage responds with something along the lines of : "You're right. I am afraid. I've always been afraid. From the start of this adventure I have been scared of what can happen and I let that stop me before. But never once did I run away and leave Link to do this all alone. I am still afraid, but not of you. I am afraid of what will happen if I don't stop you. I know what you will do if I don't stand against you. You will burn every village and bring desolation upon our people. My brother may possess physical power, but I have the courage to act in spite of my fear. So I am not going to run. I am not going to let my knees buckle to kneel to you. If I die today," *points sword towards BBEG*, "I will die standing against you!"

Villain pauses before letting out a chuckle and saying : "There is a difference between bravery and recklessness. Men are brave. Children are reckless. And children need to be taught a lesson. So... allow me to teach you the consequence of standing in defiance to me. I will best you in this... 'duel'. But I will not take your life. Rather I will take your other arm and then the life of your beloved brother before I let you live the rest of your days as a jester in my new court. You chose this path child."

*Final Battle Between BBEG and younger sibling with the added challenge of less damage per attack and no shield to use, but the player is still victorious as Buff Link gather his strength to hold down the BBEG for his crippled younger sibling to deal a critical blow, ending the duel*

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