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Does Raichu Suck?


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
Really, you can't say that any specific Pokemon "sucks." It really depends on the moves you use, the Pokemon you're battling, and what stats he and the opposing Pokemon have.
Nov 26, 2008
Really, you can't say that any specific Pokemon "sucks." It really depends on the moves you use, the Pokemon you're battling, and what stats he and the opposing Pokemon have.
While I have no knowledge of which are or not, nor do I particularly care because I like using the Pokemon that appeal to me... it is actually a fact that some Pokemon are just objectively better or worse than others, and some are really, really terrible.
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Red Hair Wonder
Feb 27, 2012
New Jersey, USA
I agree with SNOlink. Raichu by itself may have the best stats, or the best moveset, but depending on how well you strategize, you can really make any Pokemon a sucess on any team. Many can argue that Magikarp is useless in battles, yet I have seen many YouTube videos of people defeating teh Elite Four and Champion with a Magikarp on their team. When executed correctly, Magikarp weak stats and limited moveset can be overcome and even aid you in defeating a challenging opponent.

Now, whether or not Raichu is your Pokemon of choice is something that's up to you. Normally, I base my choices on stats, moveset and how early/late I get the Pokemon in that particular version.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Lawlz! XD You can't say that a Pokemon sucks, it all depends on how you train your Pokemon and what moves you have taught it. It is best to evolve a Pikachu into a Raichu until a specific level, such as Lv. 50, so that way, it can learn moves that only Pikachu can learn and won't be weak as a Raichu that was evolved from a Pikachu at such a low level, like what Lt. Surge did with his Raichu, he evolved it as soon as he captured a Pikachu. That's the only way for a Raichu to be weak in any Pokemon game.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
While I have no knowledge of which are or not, nor do I particularly care because I like using the Pokemon that appeal to me... it is actually a fact that some Pokemon are just objectively better or worse than others, and some are really, really terrible.

While that is partially accurate, it does not take into account the bond and attitude of Pokemon towards trainer or any additional stat increasing items that may have been used on the Pokemon during breeding.


Do the thing
Site Staff
Jan 9, 2008
Probably somewhere
It's not really that Raichu sucks. It's just that, unless things have changed, Pikachu does better if you give it a Light Ball as an item. Both go down incredibly easy though, so using either one is always a risk.
Jun 14, 2011
It really depends on the moves you use, the Pokemon you're battling, and what stats he and the opposing Pokemon have.

Exactly. No Pokémon suck, it depends on how you train it.

Statisticaly, Raichu's stats are not too bad. Though it generally has low Defence and Special Defence, it's Attack, Special Attack and especially it's Speed makes up for it.


Original PD
Site Staff
Oct 2, 2011
In a competitive sense Raichu isn't that great in the OU tier. Raichu is really just there as a surprise factor, but doesn't do much that other electric types with better moves and stat distributions can do.

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