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Spoiler Do You Think the Ooccoo Will Be a Main Plot to the Story.

Oct 6, 2009
I dont think i seen this thread on anything if it is I apologize. Anyway. Do you think that the Ooccoo will return in this game. My thoughts are yes. Because of the whole sky thing and I think they said somewhere that they served hyrule long ago so this may be that long ago they are talking about. What are your thoughts.


The tree hugger of Hyrule
No, because the ooccoo was more of a Twilight Princess thing and since I believe this game takes place BEFORE Ocarina of Time, so that's probably a no.


So I just realized that oocca (Happy Watcher?) were bird like creatures, and Link a bird? Um, Link isn't a bird, or so we think, so it;s still a no.
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Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
We don't know yet if the game takes place before OoT. I won't be surprised if we will see Ooccoo's considering the Sky is playing a main part of the Game. Or maybe the history of the Ooccoo?


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
I haven't played TP in a while, so I don't remember much of the story. I'll be playing it again in a week or so after MM.

From what I can remember from reading ZI articles and stuff, that seems very plausible. Perhaps even Link is Oocca! o_O

And btw, it's hard to have a MS origin story without it being before OoT. It's pretty much confirmed that this is the first game now (if not MC).


must read before he posts
Apr 8, 2010
I'm on your wish list
It seems possible, but it seems like something Nintendo would forget.

Of course the Oocca could've been Nintendo's plan to have a deep storyline for their next game which was a prequel to OoT. After all, didn't development start before TP was done?


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
I certainly hope they will be a large part of the plot. If not, I hope that a little more light is shed on them.

I think it's safe to assume that Skyward Sword predates Ocarina of Time. After all, the Skyward Sword becomes the Master Sword as stated by Miyamoto, so that's more than enough to speculate the possibility of it being before the Hero of Time's quest.

I've been pondering.... Remember, Shad said that the Oocca created the Hylians... of course, this goes against the Zelda creation story, but it was never really that developed to begin with.
"Yes, according to legend, Hyrule was made by the Hylians, who, as we all know, are the closest race to the gods. But also according to legend, long ago there was a race even closer to the gods, and some say THESE creatures made the Hylians." —Shad

The common opinion is that Hyrule was created by the Hylia people, the race closest to the gods, but...truth be told, there's also a theory saying that in ancient times, there was a race even closer to the gods than the Hylia people, and THEY created it."

When they created the people of Hylia, they simultaneously created a new capital, a city that floated in the heavens." —Shad
What if Sky Loft is actually that new capital? What if it's the previous capital? What if it's the dwelling place of the Oocca, period? Link is supposed to be born and raised there, so... maybe this Link is once of the ancient Hylia? If it were so, then that could be a very interesting way to include the Oocca in the game and further expand upon their history. In Twilight Princess, Shad stated his knowledge was a theory, so it's possible that he might not be right at all, and we were just seeing a glimpse into how legends become twisted and lost over centuries...

In any case, I think this would be a great opportunity to go into detail about the Oocca. They used to keep in contact with the Royal Family of Hyrule, and the Dominion Rod was used whenever they needed to speak to one another. However, they ceased communications, and I'd like to know why. This would be another great opportunity to get into detail about the sky being's relationship with the Hylians and the goddesses themselves.
Oct 6, 2009
Its not Ooccoo. Its Oocca. Get it right. No, I don't think the Oocca will return in this game. It was more of a TP thing.

For one Im SORRY i spelled it wrong. Two we dont know anything yet so anythings possibillty.

No, because the ooccoo was more of a Twilight Princess thing and since I believe this game takes place BEFORE Ocarina of Time, so that's probably a no.


So I just realized that oocca (Happy Watcher?) were bird like creatures, and Link a bird? Um, Link isn't a bird, or so we think, so it;s still a no.

Nothing is said about Link being a bird in this thread. That would be wierd??? Maybe Link is being saved by the OOCCA. Like how the kokiri took link in when his mom rushed him to the woods in Oot


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
I think there's a very high chance the Oocca will make an appearance in the game, even if the race doesn't have a large role in the story, everything we know so far about Hyrule's history from TP and everything we think we know about SS's timeline placement seems to coincide perfectly with the Oocca's story.

From TP we know that the Oocca predated the Hylians. We also know that they lived in the City in the Sky. The Sky Loft, to me, greatly resembles an expansion of the City in the Sky concept, and practically everything about SS that we know suggests it may be among the first games chronologically. If the game really does expand on the origins of the Master Sword, then I think it's pretty safe to say we're going to get a great deal more info on the Goddesses. The Oocca are said to be closer to the Goddesses than even the Hylians, it would make sense then that the Oocca were sort of links between the Goddess and the rest of Hyrule.

It is also possible that the Oocca have connections to the Master Sword, having placed their Dominion Rod in the Temple of Time, the same place the Master Sword is kept, though that may just be coincidence. However, there are so many potential connections between the Oocca and the lore surrounding the Master Sword and Goddesses that Nintendo would be squandering a wonderful storytelling opportunity to leave the Oocca out of SS. I personally expect them to play some kind of role in the plot, if not a big one, then at least a sort of cameo like the Sheikah got in TP.


I will win....eventually!
Jun 16, 2010
over here!
I'm thinking that they'll be mentioned somewhere in the game, but I doubt they'll be playing a big role in it. Yes, Link is in the sky, but that does not automatically mean "OMG! SKY = OOCCA!"
I'm still wondering how Link will specifically travel from Skyloft to Hyrule (assuming that the land down below is Hyrule). Maybe he'll ride the Skyward Sword as if it was a witch's broom xD
Jun 14, 2010
New York
If the ooccoo make an appearance, that means Shad's got to show up, and that would make me one happy fangirl.

I mean, come on. An entire game centered around sky things? How can he not?


Think for yourself.
Jun 18, 2010
Sydney, Australia
Xinnamin speaks the truth. The Oocca were well established in TP to be very, very significant to Zelda's mythology and races. It's definitely plausible, cept I reckon they probably won't. But I believe they WILL add references, possibly.
Everytime I read a new topc on this forum, I come up with a new theory. This forum is way better than other forums. Ofcaorse, if I don't post it, I forget the theory immediatly. Maybe the Ooccoo will have both the dominoin rod and the Skyward sword stolen by link. It would make sence since it is sealed away nto the temple of time in the ancient times. Perhaps we already played in ZSS's hyrule through the temple of time. So when link goes down, he has the skyward sword and possibly the domionon rod. But what confuses me is tat in OoT, the origin of Link's tunic is tht it clothes that the Children of the Forest, the Kokiri wore. Since this would be the first game in series, then why does Link have the tunic before leaving the land of skyloft? Perhaps what ends up happening to link results in the city of the kokiri. I thnk the ooccoo will definitly show up in the game is some way shape or form. The ooccoo perhaps wrote in Sky Characters. Were does it prove that ZSS started midway into TP? All we know is that TP started in 2004, and ZSS was mentioned since 2009. Also, chad lives in TP Hyrule. This game takes place way before the creation of hyrule, so he wouldn't have been born. Perhaps a cameo would appear. Like how the tent guy in TP is tingle, but not tingle. By the way, the Chad quote was mistranslated. The ooccoo didn't make the hylians, they made hyrule.

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