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Majora's Mask Do You Find Tingle Annoying?



Tingle is very helpful in MM because you can buy maps if you want, or ignore him if you don't. In WW, however, he drains your wallets so you can find the sea charts, which is annoying. I mean, you saved him from jail and he's going to take all your money? Really?!


Retired Super Mod and HK
Oct 24, 2007
He's not greedy. He was told by a rupee man that he would be cursed, and that rupees would become his life source. He needs those rupees to liiiiiiiive!
Or so he thought.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
When I played Majora's Mask, I did not find Tingle annoying, but I didn't like him either. He was one of those weird characters that the people of Zelda throw in from time to time. And he sells you maps which is actually pretty helpful.

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
How is he annoying? You only talk to him a few times throughout the course of Majora's Mask and that's only to buy maps that are,
A: Helpful the first time.
and B: Not nessesary to buy if you've played the game a few times.

Plus, you can act like a jerk and shoot his balloon a lot. :devil:

The Wind Waker is a different story. It can be a big pain in the neck to have to spend so many rupees on the Triforce Charts but other than that I don't find him annoying.


"Dandori Issue"
Apr 2, 2011
Lake Hylia
I don't find him annoying, as there are far weirder people in the world. I guess I can relate to him in some ways. If anything, he's useful with his maps, and I found the Tingle Tuner to be charming and a good way to burn money after a certain point.

Did you know? Ganondorf and Tingle have the same voice actor... I am not joking about this.
... look at the bottom there.


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
I remember when I was new to the forum many years ago and did a thread about Tingle in WW being good, evil, or just crazy. :P

Yet, anyways, I didn't find him very annoying, but I did find him, um, disturbing. I especially find him disturbing with the art style that Nintendo used on Majora's Mask. In Wind Waker, it was a bit different, especially since seeing Tingle jump around with glee is better in a cartoony game instead of a dark, twisted game. Anyways, I digress.

At least in Majora's Mask, the maps aren't very expensive, so he isn't uber annoying with that. Plus, there's a sidequest you can do involving him that scores you either a piece of heart or a boat load of rupees. So, while Tingle isn't very annoying, he is, indeed, disturbing.


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Seeing as how this is for Majora's Mask, I really enjoy Tingle's presence in the game. He's not annoying, and all he requires is some money for the maps. And, if you get all of the maps, you don't even have to speak to him again.

In WW, he's extremely annoying. I'm certain that all of you know how annoying he is in that game.
Feb 1, 2011
I don't find him annoying at all.

I like him because he is just funny. I don't see how he's annoying.

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