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Breath of the Wild Do you feel BoTW has the potential to become your favourite Zelda?


The game is on!
My favourite Zelda game varies quite a lot. Every single one of the 3D Zelda games has at certain points in my life been my favourite. Based on this I'm sure BotW will become my new favourite Zelda game at least for a while after its release. Honestly though, I've got an extremely good feeling about this game. I recon it'll become my absolute favourite Zelda game and remain just that. From what we've seen so far I can't see how any of the previous titles in the series could compare to it.

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
My current favorite Zelda game is Twilight Princess, and I do believe Breath of the Wild has the potential to be my new favorite. First of all the world is huge, and hopefully not as empty feeling as TP's. A big world is great for someone like myself who enjoys exploring. Also NPC's that do things, rather then just sitting around. I loved it in Majora's Mask that some characters had a bit of a routine rather than just standing there. It would be great if BotW could greatly improve on this. It will have a lot to live up to though; OoT, TP, TWW, these are some of the best that The Legend of Zelda has to offer. The possibility is very likely this could be my new favorite.


Apr 3, 2014
It looks like it could be waaaaay up there, right under LoZ and AoL, more then likely.


Site Staff
Aug 25, 2016
Could Breath of the Wild top your favourites if it keeps going the way its going and delivers?

Absolutely. Even if the story is crap, a 3D open-world Zelda game is a dream come true. Plus, judging by the Life in Ruins trailer, the story is gonna be awesome (hopefully—we obviously need to know more). The combat looks amazing, and I will happily explore the world as much as I can.
Feb 9, 2016
It does,it appeals to me in pretty much everything they have shown. Although im going to be honest, i dont expect it to have as much focus on story as skyward sword did which is still one of my favorite stories in games. But as long as it sells the lore of hyrule i will be happy.
Feb 7, 2014
I'm curious as to what about what you've seen you don't like, if you don't mind? Just out of curiosity, not to argue.

Well to keep it short...

The artstyle
The Weapon system
The fact that the main selling point of the game is how realistic and alive the world is
And then other small things like the stamina gauge

I mean, there many things I do like, but things I mentioned are the things I hate in every game I play and to see them in a Zelda game just does not sit with me at all.
Oct 14, 2013
Yes. But this is no different to every other Zelda game ever released. Even WW. Most of them didn't cut the mustard to be my favourite Zelda game.

However . . . .

I will say BotW is shaping itself up to have me like it more than I do Zelda 2:AOL. If you know me, then you'll know that's a massively huge statement as Zelda 2:AOL is my favourite Zelda title. Only time will tell. But if if I end up liking BotW that much, I will not be surprised at all.

I can look past the art style of BotW which I hate a lot. Art direction alone don't make or break a game. WW had a garbage art style but the rest of WW was trash as well. Everything else abot BotW looks pretty amazing.

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
It has the potential to be my favorite just because of all the promised freedom. I've been wanting a Zelda where I felt truly free to explore and get lost, that always had something new for me to discover. Recent Zelda games have been so story driven that I've felt like I was on rails--Spirit Tracks was literally on rails.

My favorite Zeldas in no particular order have been Link's Awakening, A Link to the Past, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and A Link Between Worlds. These games either let you explore things out of order or had plenty to do outside of the Main Story. (Link's Awakening is in there more from nostalgia as it was my first) These games are the ones that I've had the most fun playing and enjoy replaying. Having plenty to explore and discover is a lot of why I like them.

The one thing that I'm concerned about is getting too hyped up about BotW. I'm afraid that my hype will be greater than what the game eventually provides causing me to become disappointed in it. If that happens, the game is unlikely to make my list of favorites.


Meme Connoisseur
Jul 30, 2015
From what it's shown in the trailers, I'm anticipating it will be my favorite. It looks fantastic so far.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
The only way BotW will become a favorite Zelda game to me is:
  1. The game is good, with a good story and timeline placement that makes sense
  2. The game is not a reboot
  3. The game releases before E3, giving a chance for another 3DS/N3DS handheld Zelda to be announced at E3 or later in the next year for a late 2017 or early 2018 release and/or a mobile Zelda game app sometime next year
  4. The game is exclusively for Switch. No burden Wii U version. No one with a common sense of logic cares about the Wii U version anymore! Only crybabies will!
That said, I will get BotW at all, is if all (or at least 1, 2, and 4) of the above applies! If not, then Nintendo will be dead to me!


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
The only way BotW will become a favorite Zelda game to me is:
  1. The game is good, with a good story and timeline placement that makes sense
  2. The game is not a reboot
  3. The game releases before E3, giving a chance for another 3DS/N3DS handheld Zelda to be announced at E3 or later in the next year for a late 2017 or early 2018 release and/or a mobile Zelda game app sometime next year
  4. The game is exclusively for Switch. No burden Wii U version. No one with a common sense of logic cares about the Wii U version anymore! Only crybabies will!
That said, I will get BotW at all, is if all (or at least 1, 2, and 4) of the above applies! If not, then Nintendo will be dead to me!
Have fun not playing Breath of the Wild then.

Breath of the Wild is coming to Wii U. That is what we officially know, and there is absolutely no reason for Nintendo to cancel the Wii U version. The game will be released for the small fanbase that will not be purchasing a switch, just like with Twilight Princess.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
Have fun not playing Breath of the Wild then.

Breath of the Wild is coming to Wii U. That is what we officially know, and there is absolutely no reason for Nintendo to cancel the Wii U version. The game will be released for the small fanbase that will not be purchasing a switch, just like with Twilight Princess.

There is! You people just don't see it cause they don't understand things from a business standpoint!

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