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Breath of the Wild Do you feel BoTW has the potential to become your favourite Zelda?

Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
It absolutely does. With Skyward Sword I kind of knew all along from the very first look we had at the game that I probably wouldn't like it very much, let alone it having the possibility to become my favorite in the series.

I've grown to really love these western-inspired open world RPGs, with some of my most recent favorites being Xenoblade Chronicles X, Metal Gear Solid V, and Final Fantasy XV (which has already earned itself a spot in my top-5 Final Fantasy games of all time). BotW really seems to be ditching the tired-out conventions of the series that SS finally beat to death, from its progression structure to its combat style. If it can really nail those two things, it can most certainly dethrone OoT or TP from the top (I flip-flop on which one I like more).


Relatively Quirky
Dec 4, 2016
There is! You people just don't see it cause they don't understand things from a business standpoint!
It... Makes perfect sense from a business standpoint, haha. Two platforms to have it available in, even if one is mostly dead, makes for better potential sales than on just one.
Jan 3, 2016
The only thing they can really do wrong is putting less effort in the normal sized dungeons. I play zelda for those things, so that aspect getting overshadowed by the overworld would ruin the game as a Zelda game for me. I am also affraid that there will be too less motivation to actively be involved with the overworld. There really needs to be all kinds of collectibles and scatered side quests like Poe souls, hearth pieces, gratitude crystals etc etc. I am also affraid that most of the world will become kind of forgetable. It would be really good if story developement or getting new items would really encourage to re-explore zones you have already been through.

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