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Do You Ever Wake Up in the Middle of the Night?

Nov 26, 2008
Sometimes. It's not a regular thing for me, but there have been circumstances that have forced me awake. One of the main examples is when I drink too much water before bed and have to go to the bathroom. I also have an uncanny ability to wake up when it's appropriate and sleep through absolutely everything else (including a banging door), so if anything worthwhile is going on around here at night, I tend to wake up. Probably I just hear things while asleep and subconsciously wake myself up without knowing why.

It's rare that I wake up without any explanation, but that did happen once recently that I can think of, and I immediately thought of The Rake because I'd read that creepypasta recently. :xd:
Jan 1, 2011
I usually do. The main reason why I get up around midnight or a little past the time is cause I have to use the bathroom or get a drink of water. Other than that its hard for me to go back to sleep so I watch t.v. then get some more rest lol


Feb 25, 2010
I used to, although I don't do it much anymore. Whenever I did, I would usually just fall right back asleep. These days, I either stay up late, or get up early. I can't really do without the sleep.

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