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Do You Believe In Surrendering In Online Games?

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Simple question as the title implies.

In a League of Legends match with Destiny, Djinn, Locke, and some random person a few hours ago, our team was on the verge of defeat. The random person tagging along with us opted to start a surrender vote but it failed 2/3. I was one of the people against the action-as I always am. I've always believed in fighting for my honor to the last breath rather than capitulating. Not surrendering turned out for the better as we recovered, pushed a lane together in a unified team effort, and ultimately won.

When the situation appears hopeless do you traditionally give in or persevere hoping for the best? Or does your reaction differ on the scenario? If so, when do you opt to surrender and when do you continue playing?


Dec 3, 2008
I really don't think that it matters that much. It's simply an online game. As a League of Legends veteran, I like to think that I have a good idea of when a team should surrender and when there is still a chance. Sure, I've seen other teams surrender far too early before and I'm guilty of this myself at times. However if I know that continuing on is just going to pointlessly draw out the game and make it no fun for both sides, then I will definitely surrender. Besides, my team has to get onto play our next game. We don't have time to be needlessly extending a game that is most likely a lost cause.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I typically don't surrender unless the match is clearly one-sided. For example, in objective-based game modes in various FPS, there's usually a "first to X points wins" rule. Say the cap is 50 points, and Team A has 41 points whereas Team B has 9 points. If I'm on Team B, I usually surrender/rage quit because pushing on will be futile -- the timer is ticking and there's no way we could possibly gain the 41 points we need to win.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I don't play any online games frequently anymore, but I can give you a similar situation. I play my friend in Risk somewhat frequently, and each of us surrender fairly quickly even when there is a possible chance of success left. Unlike a game of chess that is entirely skill-based, Risk depends on luck. My friend and I have an unspoken agreement to give up quickly when the likelihood of winning shifts heavily in the favor of one or the other. So I will give up even when I still probably have at least a 20% chance of winning. I think the benefit of doing this is that my friend and I can play much more efficiently without altering the outcomes of many games.


no text
Dec 16, 2011
Yeah, it doesn't really matter to me. If it's only a game, stop playing when you aren't having fun, that's what I always tell myself. Only because I rage a lot, so I need to take some measures to stop myself.


didn't build that
Honor? It's an online game. Honor isn't even a factor.

I guess I'd just rather do whatever's convenient for me at the time. If I have something else to do and surrendering will end the match more quickly, I would probably do that. But I don't play online games, so I'm not completely sure.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Honor? It's an online game. Honor isn't even a factor.

You'd be surprised to hear this, but honor is a key component of the recipe that makes up many players over the Internet. Now, not EVERYONE plays with honor, but there's a sizable bunch of players for pretty much every online game out there, the likes of which have honor as art of their creed. This includes surrendering when it's necessary, backing off the enemy when they're being battered, and other tactics that one would assume to be "stupid" or "counterproductive". It's all in the name of fun. :)


Nov 12, 2010
Never surrendered in an online game, never will. I'm not even the type of person to quit a match in multiplayer. I hopped onto an Assassin's Creed III online match with only 3 minutes left, and played to the last second. I've seen plenty of other people join, see there's very little time left, and immediately leave.

The same goes for League of Legends. I refuse to surrender. I remember DARK MASTER wanted to surrender once, and I yelled at him over the voice call over even considering it. It may drag it out, but I want to keep playing that match. Quitting may be an option for some people, but it never will be for me. I've been brought up on the value that if you're going to do something, do it to the best of your ability.

Hanyou said:
Honor? It's an online game. Honor isn't even a factor.

Well, League of Legends has a reputation-like system called Honor. It's basically to commend your teammates for friendliness, teamwork, and some third thing I'm forgetting. You can even honor an opponent for their exemplary actions throughout the match. Systems like that implemented into games are testaments to the fact that honor can still shine in an online game.


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
I always fight to the end. What is there to worry about? Some stupid K/D ratio. No, I play and if I die more, I die more. I just have to try better in the next match.

Igos du Ikana

Oct 13, 2012
No, surrendering has always just seemed absurd to me; not to mention it makes you look like a nance. So, if I see the end in sight I don't even try to win. I just completely rampage the other players not caring how many times I die, it makes the ending so much better, especially when you started with a K/D of 4.34 and end up with a 0.61.
Jan 20, 2013
It depends on the situation for me, i generally play Call of Duty and get stuck in matches towards the end on the losing team. if there is a chance for some easily kills i stay and fight but if its hopeless i quit and look for another match.


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I don't play online games very often, but I so no problem in surrendering. I personally think it's silly to think about honor when playing an online video game because it's just a video game. If I see that me/my team is clearly losing, I would surrender because I don't want to waste my time on a game I can't win at all, and move on to the next game, where I have different chances of winning.


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
Played a League game once where the opposing team surrendered 20 minutes into the game because they thought I was getting too powerful. For those of you not familiar with League, the average PvP match can easily last an hour, so it was nowhere near enough time for either side to say for sure who'd win. Really disappointing to be doing well only to have the other side chicken out before even putting up an effort at a retaliation

I never surrender. I like to put up a fight and make the opposing team work for that victory. Both sides tend to have more fun when the game is played to the end and the victory properly earned, not granted through surrender.

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
When the situation appears hopeless do you traditionally give in or persevere hoping for the best? Or does your reaction differ on the scenario? If so, when do you opt to surrender and when do you continue playing?

I'd like to focus on the second question. I think it really does matter in the situation. I don't want to get overly philosophical but I think there is a huge difference between honor in a video game and honor in the real world. Now, Obviously not very many of us regularly pick fights to the death with various medieval weapons and assorted magic in our real lives on a daily basis, so I would attempt to draw the parallel to just how you present yourself and how you treat others. If you were playing a board game with someone, would you do anything to win at all costs? Cheat? Steal from the monopoly bank? I would think most people wouldn't because it isn't the honourable thing to do. That might be a bad analogy, but the point I'm trying to make is. Loosing or dying in a game isn't 'not honourable'. You simply lost. Pack up, reset, try again if you want.

I think the same applies to a video game. Yes, I will play till my death. No I wouldn't give up. But just because I lost doesn't mean I lost my honour. On the flip side. I don't believe surrendering is not honourable either. Going back to the real life example. Knowing you are not going to win and not wanting to continue, or simply not having fun anymore and saying I don't want to play anymore is not a bad thing. As long as you do it nicely to the other person. In game is the same. You don't want to play anymore, or know someone is going to beat you and you don't want to keep fighting, then say stop. Okay, that's the end of it. Whatever.

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