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Do we wait too long for new home console Zelda games?

A simple thread... its going to be 5+ years between SS and Zelda U...

In time where big name developers are putting out huge titles on an annual basis is half a decade for one game too long to wait?

Or do Aonuma's team just work super slow?


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Absolutely. Nintendo is a huge company capable of making a Zelda console game in less than 5 years.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
A simple thread... its going to be 5+ years between SS and Zelda U...

In time where big name developers are putting out huge titles on an annual basis is half a decade for one game too long to wait?

Or do Aonuma's team just work super slow?

We wait far too long. I find it hard to believe that one of the most experienced teams out there that have been making games since forever can't finish a big game in 3 years. They took ages with SS and I think it was a good game. But it was not a game that should have taken 4 years to make. It was not good enough to justify that development time. Most game series do not make a fan wait this long between titles. I mean you could literally get old and die in the time between console Zeldas, that's how long they take.


Feb 16, 2015
I don't see why Zelda games take so long, the are more complex games that take less time to develop, but I don't personally mind waiting for the because I do enjoy them more than most games. It does bother me when they say it's going to be released on x and then later change their minds and say we have to wait another year until y. It will be a piss take if there is a z.


May 18, 2013
Having Zelda games get released in an annual bases is not a good idea, however having get released in 5 years takes too long.

It's better to just have a middle ground, now I don't know how long the cycle between the released but it should be between the two extremes I mentioned.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I'd rather have a Zelda every ~5 years or so than have a yearly iteration of it like Assassin's Creed. The difference in quality of those two franchises if palpable.

Besides, waiting makes the anticipation even more rewarding when it finally arrives.


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
Let's see the North American release years for the 3D home console games here...

OoT: 1998
MM: 2000
WW: 2003
TP: 2006
SS: 2011

Maybe we have been waiting a bit too long, but I don't know why. I don't know much about game development, but I speculate that SS took longer to make due to implementing 1:1 motion controls, which seems like it would've been difficult from a technical standpoint. Then of course we have the orchestrated soundtrack, which takes longer to make than a MIDI soundtrack because you have to worry about editing, mixing, and mastering. Before SS, Zelda used almost exclusively a MIDI soundtrack (exception: TP intro). I haven't even gotten into the time it takes to design the game world and character models, which may take 1-2 years in itself.

Regardless, I do think 5 years is too long to wait for a new console game. 3 years would be quite nice.
May 4, 2014
A simple thread... its going to be 5+ years between SS and Zelda U...

In time where big name developers are putting out huge titles on an annual basis is half a decade for one game too long to wait?

Or do Aonuma's team just work super slow?

I want a polished game that works well. Don't want them pumping out so many games that it'll burn the fans and the makers out on the series like Mega Man, or is all glitchy and laggy like Skylanders who ought to take a couple years between games to work out the kinks.

A great game, like a gourmet meal probably takes a while.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
I think the wait is fine. I feel if they were too turn out Zelda games every other year, they would either go stale or lack substance. We get plenty of other games through handhelds to hold us over. It would be different if the games were a continuing story, and making us wait that long for the next installment would be excruciating to wait for the next chapter, but that's not the case. I'm fine with how often they are released.
Jul 10, 2012
I could live with one console Zelda in 5 years, but I'd like at least two handheld Zelda's in between that wait. What we got was one new Zelda (ALBW) and two remakes, which isn't bad either.

However, if we have to wait till the end of 2016 for our next Zelda game, which has just become much more likely, I'll be severely disappointed.

Either that, or they should make more great Metroid titles like the Metroid Prime games. Or maybe Mario Galaxy. These were all system sellers for me. The Wii-U has nothing that appeals to me. I'll buy one when the new Zelda releases.


The lazy Chaos Bringer
Mar 25, 2015
I'm fine with the wait. I have things that occupy my attention. Besides you know what happens to the tittles that try to do a game a year they get stale. Besides I've been happy with my handheld Zeldas. Both original and remakes have been fun.

Besides more time they work on it means less glitches and errors on the disc they need to patch out. More things in game instead of the possiblity of them adding it as dlc and i don't wanna pay for a costume.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
I think we've been waiting a little too long. I love Zelda and don't mind the wait, but we used to have a main Zelda title every 2-3 years, not many pushing 5. But they have been working on handheld Zelda titles and Hyrule Warriors also released pretty recently. I don't really care much for those and wish they would focus on the main title, but some people like the remakes and the spin-offs/un-traditional Zelda titles.

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