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Hyrule Warriors DLC in Zelda

Should Nintendo continue with DLC in Zelda

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The lazy Chaos Bringer
Mar 25, 2015
One could argue that content is game material that should have included in the released game.
Yeah and then the argument of if they didn't have enough time to finish a few extra stages. So instead of delaying the game a bit since everything between gameplay, multiplayer and the good amount of stages that are finished are tested. They send it out without the few extra stages that get completed and turned into free dlc.

Now I'm curious if someone made a thread on the details of an incomplete game. Cause Sonic 06 was horribly incomplete between everything. Yet Dmc 4 was rushed a bit. Yet polished enough to not have an glitches you'd usually find. Good story, fantastic fighting system and fun selection of weapons. It only lacked some level variety. Which I hope they gain a few in the ultimate version coming out.
Sep 21, 2014
It bears mentioning that Wind Waker was a rushed instead of being delayed (which is likely why Jabun just straight up gives you the third pearl). But what I think is going on here, in regard to the fear against ZDLC, is that people are worried the creators will make a game that is not a holistic experience, and that getting the "real" game will be locked behind ****ty paywalls and gimmicks. With some of Nintendo's recently bungled decisions, I don't think people are being all that farfetched in having those fears either. And personally I'd be inclined to agree with them. I have yet to see a game like this handle "extra content" well. But… I've seen a lot of them bungle it fantastically. But for the sake of argument, let's look at one or two games that did DLC right. Skyrim was monstrously successful, and it had great DLC. But the reason it worked in that game was because the gameplay of Skyrim is quite modular. In addition, much of your power level in that game is represented by a scaling numerical value (damage output, armor rating, stamina and mana stores, etc.) so things can be "tacked on" without really upsetting anything. And while there was a central story included in the game, you can complete it or not complete it and it largely has no real impact on the gameplay itself. But Zelda games aren't quite like that, they don't have that level of leniency with the gameplay experience. Additionally, much of what determines your strength in Zelda games is gaining a variety of non-numerical powerups along side simply adding heart containers. Gaining new types of weapons and items that aid you in traversal is a bit more of a touchy jenga tower to just toss things onto in a piecemeal, de facto sort of way.
May 31, 2015
As funny as it would be for Nintendo to give you horse armour, I don't think Nintendo will include DLC in with Zelda Wii U.

As stated, DLC just wouldn't really flow well with the structure of a Zelda game, even an open-world one. A Zelda story-line has a very definitive beginning, and a very definitive ending. They don't leave a tremendous amount of loose ends (barring Majora's Mask) and as such there wouldn't be a tremendous amount to work with, when it comes to DLC. And obviously if they think of a hook for a new story, they'd likely just save it for a new game.

That being said, I would not be opposed to it at all. Hyrule Warriors DLC kicked all sorts of ass, and The Mario Kart DLC was really great, and fairly priced. Honestly the only issue I've ever had was with Fire Emblem, some of that DLC is priced pretty highball.

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