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Spoiler Did You Know who the Imprisoned Was?


May 10, 2012
I don't like to read, watch, or hear about any details of a game before I play it. I play it thru once on my own and then I will go back and play it again and check things out online, etc. So I didn't know it was Demise until the end.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Sadly, I knew The Imprisoned was Demise because I spoiled myself early on. :<

But when the game finally arrived at my house and I got into it, the details still weren't all that evident to me. The Imprisoned emerged from his seal, but I didn't see how he directly tied to Demise. The story overall provided very little hints until his resurrection. Meanwhile, each time The Imprisoned returned more doubts formed in my mind that they had any connections. I thought that, despite their comparable body features such as the scaly hide, The Imprisoned was just a guardian of Demise's prison, but he was trying to escape in order that he could break Demise from his bonds (as I imagined he was chained up somewhere in the portal) by attacking the Sealed Temple.

It became all too clear that I was mistaken the more that Link went to the World of the Past. That must be Demise's true state of imprisonment, was my immediate interpretation as I scanned the outside of the Past Sealed Temple for the first time. At the time I also realized that they were not two separate entities, but the same creature yet were changed over time, to my best understanding.
Apr 4, 2012
I started to think about this after the second fight with the Imprisoned. Just subtle hints along the way made me think that it might be Demise.
Nov 26, 2008
Uhh, I'm not sure how some of you could not have known that The Imprisoned was Demise until the end of the game considering that the first time the name "Demise" shows up is to finally explain what The Imprisoned was... unless that's the scene you're talking about?

Impa just before entering the Gate of Time said:
Link, you must wonder just what it is you've been fighting out there in the great pit.

There is much I could tell you, but suffice to say it is the root of the evil we face. When you pass through the Gate of Time, you shall learn more.

Zelda said:
I imagine Impa filled you in on everything. We've traveled very far from home...to the distant past.

In this era, the wounds inflicted on the land during the battle between the goddess and the demon king known as Demise have not yet healed. All the fairy tales about that war we heard growing up in Skyloft... Incredible as it may seem, they appear to be all too real.

Aside from that... I knew The Imprisoned was Demise before playing the game. First off, when The Imprisoned was really announced, I knew immediately that he was the game's villain. Ghirahim talked about reviving his master, The Imprisoned is a sealed creature fought multiple times throughout the game, who Link actually has fricken' visions of when the game begins... it was obvious to me. When I actually saw the Demise artwork I immediately knew he was The Imprisoned because they have identical scales and Demise has a scar on his forehead, obviously from the Sealing Spike. Even if I hadn't seen pre-release info, I would have came to the same conclusion upon the game's opening where, again, Link has visions about The Imprisoned. It was clear to me that The Imprisoned was the villain.

the imprisoned is too cute to be demise.
The Imprisoned was cute, yes, but he was designed in such a way so that it didn't combat his ferocity. He was a brutal, frightening monster I thought. His cuteness was an interesting contrast to everything else about him, which was horrifying. His appearance, mannerisms and sounds, and the tone and buildup surrounding him were still very scary.


May 10, 2012
But when the game finally arrived at my house and I got into it, the details still weren't all that evident to me. The Imprisoned emerged from his seal, but I didn't see how he directly tied to Demise. The story overall provided very little hints until his resurrection. Meanwhile, each time The Imprisoned returned more doubts formed in my mind that they had any connections. I thought that, despite their comparable body features such as the scaly hide, The Imprisoned was just a guardian of Demise's prison, but he was trying to escape in order that he could break Demise from his bonds (as I imagined he was chained up somewhere in the portal) by attacking the Sealed Temple.

It became all too clear that I was mistaken the more that Link went to the World of the Past. That must be Demise's true state of imprisonment, was my immediate interpretation as I scanned the outside of the Past Sealed Temple for the first time. At the time I also realized that they were not two separate entities, but the same creature yet were changed over time, to my best understanding.

This is almost exactly what I thought.


Lance's Protégé
Apr 3, 2012
Mount Silver, Johto
I figured it out before the second battle against him, actually. I didn't know what Demise looked like, or what his name was, but I quickly realized that the giant spike sticking out of the Sacred Grounds held the ultimate boss. Seemed pretty easy to me, just based on trends throughout the series.


The King of all Rocks
Nov 12, 2011
Death Mountain
i knew that Demise was the imprisoned because i too saw a picture of Demise but i saw that his skin looks almost exactly like the imprisoned's scales.
Apr 3, 2012
I was surpised the Girhaim was Demises sword. If he acted anything like Fi then I think I would have known!
Dec 22, 2011
I think I might have known. I saw a picture of Demise and he had scales, so I put two and two together.

godess reborn

Blame The Cricket
Jan 29, 2012
Turn around...
I didn't know about Demise until Zelda told the story about Hylia and Demise's fight. There were some clues scattered throughout the game leading up to that point, but I guess I was too focused on other things. Now that I think about it, though, if you looked closely it was obvious that the Imprisoned was Demise. He was the only character in SS that could have been the demon king, saying that everyone else was either on Hylia's side or was a lower level of authority, wiping out every character/boss/random kikwi except for the Imprisoned.

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