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Did You Enjoy Skyward Sword More the Second Time Around?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I sometimes find that when you watch a film for the second time you actually enjoy it more. I'm finding the same thing with my second playthrough of Skyward Sword. I'm enjoying it more this time around, and I'm finding I'm able to take more of the game in this time. Perhaps it was because I was super excited to play the game on its release. I had been waiting years for it and I had high expectations. This time I'm kind of familiar with the game and I'm just finding it more enjoyable. If you are doing a second playthrough or have done one, do you feel you are enjoying the game more than your first playthrough?


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I actually started noticing more of its quirks the second time around. While I still enjoyed it, especially since it was Hero Mode, the little quirks in the game got a little more annoying to deal with the longer I played. This is even more so with my third and fourth runthroughs (yes, I'm addicted). However, the game is still very enjoyable and highly entertaining. There hasn't been enough to sway my opinions on the game at all.
Nov 24, 2011
Usually I enjoy games the second time more as I take things a bit slower, I'm better at the game and appreciate things more. Strangely for SS I enjoyed my 1st playthrough more. I think its because everything was new....but that could be said for every game the 1st time round. >_<


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Just out of curiosity,what were the quirks you noticed more?

My guess (of what JuicieJ is referring to) is that by the time you're on your fourth playthrough that the fact that the game tells you when you pick up a bug/treasure every time you reload the game can drive you crazy. Maybe enough to want to buy a plane ticket to Japan to punch the game designer in the face who didn't give you the option to turn off notifications.

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
For me every Zelda game is the best the first time. All the surprises and puzzles you don't know yet. When you play the second time I find you expect what's going to happen next which makes a little boring. However this is not to say playing Skyward Sword the second time did not have it's benefits. For one thing I found myself less focesed on the main quest and just explored Skyloft or collect bugs and things on the land below. Because everyone in Skyloft had a personalty and cool side quests they gave you you could spend hours just going around and talking. I loved when it was night and I looked and found the Pipit was not where he is most of the time. So I searched all of Skyloft for him and when I came to his house I found him. He started yelling at his mother because she used her money which was for bread on someone to clean the house (Which was Link). This small little thing on the side made the game more deep and allowed me to bond with the people. As I kept just walking around in Skyloft I found more things like this which is one of the better aspects of the second play through. You see more things. However in a second run of a game you know all the puzzles so it makes it less challenging and more like just acting on memory. Such as in my first run whe. I was in the Ancient Cistern I had no idea how to open the door where you had to slash it from different sides. So I found myself working overtime to find it. When I figured out the puzzle I was proud and happy. The second time I just walked inside and hit it on the places I needed to and walked through. I felt no pride or any happyness of any kind. I still find doing puzzles for the second time fun though, just not as fun.


Skyward Wiimote
Nov 21, 2011
I enjoyed it more on my first playthrough because it felt like a completely new experience with the new items and such, and I often found myself drooling over how colorful and amazing it looks. Now I'm on my second playthrough, on Hero mode and I'm still enjoying it, but not like the first time.


May 9, 2011
Just like Twilight Princess,

I enjoyed it more the first time round, it is the shock/surprise of the cut scenes that really have the greatest effect on me.

I am doing my second play through of Skyward Sword now and I am still enjoying it however I am skipping the boring cut scenes to get on with the game however I thoroughly enjoy it still. However the game telling you, that you received Treasure or Bug x is really taking its tole on me.


i enjoyed it a lot through my first time playing, but playing through Hero Mode felt more rewarding. when i got through the Thunder Dragons Battle Mode the second time around to my Hylian Shield, i felt like i truly earned it, but it that didnt really have much of an effect on the game, purly cosmetic. over all i had a lot of fun knowing where to go and what to do, made the side quests more fun because i didnt have to worry about what i had to do next.


with a 100% completed, 80+ hours of playtime first playthrough i've experience most of what the game has to offer. it's been a few weeks since i've finished it though do i'll be able to start my hero mode run soon ( i migth even do a six heart run if i'm feeling adventurous) and it'll feel fresh again since i havn't played it in a little while. i'm sure i'll enjoy my second playthrough a lot with the increased difficulty, faster pace of playing, noticeing all the little references that link the story at the beggining middle and end and so on.

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