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Zoldyck family assassin
Aug 22, 2011
Your Imagination... Is life real?! Am I real?!
Here is what I have done so far:

It was a luxurious day. Direct sunlight pierced the misty clouds, and Music clearly drifted in waves out of a small house into the warm atmosphere before there was a click and all was silent.
"Ok. Time for me to go." lamented a beautiful girl. She was resting a hand on two diminutive plats on the side of her head, and a haze of copper hair swayed left and right behind her cranium. She looked awkwardly at her friend that ran up to her in sober frenzy, making her feel twice as bad.
"Siniru! Do not leave me!"
Siniru shook her head. “I need to" and walked out of the broad entrance of the building, entering the car parked just by the wall
The expeditions went well. On the plane, she bought a Hot Chocolate off the flight attendant, and eventually drifted off to unlikely sleep. By the time she got there, it was almost nightfall, the least desired time to arrive. But she did not mind right now. The only thing that was on her mind was reflecting where she was and where to go on the dusty, old map that her grandfather gave her.
She kept walking until she saw a blob in the horizon. Her destination.

If you want your character to appear in this fan-fic, please fill out the form below:

Picture (optional. Post a picture of your character here. Drawn or pixel):
Name of character:
Why he/she should appear in the fan-fic (Gah, my English teacher requested this):
Back Story (Anything happened about/to your character before appearing in the fan-fic?)
Sure, I'll sign up!

Name: Kegan Moraine
Why she should appear in the fan fic: I'm a little confused about this. Details?
Backstory: Her family died in a fire in the town she used to live in, so she packed up what wasn't smoldering ashes, and traveled around from place to place.

Hope this works!


An Hero of our Time
Sep 19, 2011
Right behind you in a camo suit ;)
I've kind of never partook in a fanfic/roleplay, so sorry if I'm kind of noobish :P.
Name- Neil Sanders
Why he should appear in fanfic- Dunno, what's the fic about, exactly?
Back-story- A 21 year old college student, Luke was framed for mass-murder and was forced to live his life in hiding. With a fake ID and mask to conceal his identity, he will face life in prison if he is caught by the cops. He is a wanderer, moving to various motels day after day, and must keep his real identity a secret. His fake name is Luke Wilson.
I may or may not make a pic of him in Paint later.

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