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Breath of the Wild Customizable Character?

Dec 9, 2012
Do you guys think that being able to customize Link, like giving him a different tunic color, skin color, eye color, etc. I think this would be a great idea to get the feeling that YOU are Link.


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule

Also we could change it whenever we wanted, not have it be permanent or anything. Like if I were in a snow/ice/winter dungeon I'd make his tunic white, and for a fire dungeon red, etc.

I would even like to mess around with the Hylian Shield and Master Sword's colors. :)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I don't expect full customization to ever reach the Zelda series as Nintendo is a bit conservative when it comes to Link's design (he's been pretty static throughout his days tbh), but it'd be pretty awesome to see some greater degrees of customizing the hero.

The thing I'm looking forward to the most is getting a bunch of different tunic colors...added effects would be a bonus, but mainly just looking for different colors. I don't really see Link as the Hero in Green (I hex edited his colors in OoT for a black tunic), so having many diverse colors would be a great thing for. :yes:


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
*Gives Link a Boob-job* Meet... FemLink!
Carrot-top Link?
Navi Tattoo?
IDK about anyone else but I always wanted to rip Link's silly looking earring right out of his pointy little ear.
and can we lose the pointy hat please?
also... Commando Link... just lose the tights.

Yeah, sounds fun! I think Big N's gotta make a choice. Is Link me/you/us or is he his own established character now?

Still, a degree of customization has always been part of the Zelda series. Even in the first game, Link had more colors of tunic than any other game since. Link could swap boots and gloves in Ocarina of Time, and he's been able to wear different shields and wield different swords. Even the Goron Bracelet became a permanent visual part of Link's appearance in OoT.


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
Legend of Zelda is not an RPG, Link is not YOU, he is Link, an established character with an established history. Certain parts of his appearance are just part of his character, the overall tunic design of his clothes for instance. In TP even his eye-color had explicit story significance. His appearance is the way it is for a reason.

I don't think being able to customize Link will do anything for the game, if anything it would make me feel disconnected from the world of the games if his appearance was drastically different. The different armors/tunic colors already used in previous games is enough I think.
Jun 14, 2011
I would only agree to this if they were required to progress through the game, similar to Ocarina of Time with the customizable Tunics, Shields, and Boots. I wouldn't want advanced customization included just for the hell of it.


Apr 22, 2011
Not that I think it will happen but it would surely increase the role playing experience for me, it would actually feel a little more like it's me running around in Hyrule than some blonde kid that has the worst fashion taste.

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
I think full customization might be a bit much.
I'm all for being able to change your tunic color, even if it doesn't add any abilities.
Being able to have different equipment equipped is kind of nice, like the variety of shields in SS.

But changing physical attributes; such as eyes, height, etc.; is a bit much.
Dec 9, 2012
Legend of Zelda is not an RPG, Link is not YOU, he is Link, an established character with an established history. Certain parts of his appearance are just part of his character, the overall tunic design of his clothes for instance. In TP even his eye-color had explicit story significance. His appearance is the way it is for a reason.

I don't think being able to customize Link will do anything for the game, if anything it would make me feel disconnected from the world of the games if his appearance was drastically different. The different armors/tunic colors already used in previous games is enough I think.
If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure Miyamoto named Link Link because he wanted him to be a link between you and the game.


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure Miyamoto named Link Link because he wanted him to be a link between you and the game.

That may have once been the case, in the first two games maybe, back when Link had no personality to speak of, but can you really say that Link is not a character all his own anymore? Can you honestly point to say, WW Link, and tell me he had no personality and was simply the player's avatar? In RPGs, the controllable character is just the player's avatar, the choices the player makes defines the character's personality, and thus customization of the character's appearance made sense, because that is YOU or YOUR character in the game world. In Legend of Zelda this is no longer the case. Link is an established character on a quest for his own reasons and you as the player are along for the ride. His appearance has story reason. Thus it does not make sense for him to be customizable beyond a few outfit changes where it fits with the story.
a little customisation would be fine but i can't see Nintendo giving us full control over Link's look. The most i'm hoping for is to one day have a femme Link.
Link is supposed to be a surrogate between the player and the game in the name of immersion, I am not a man, nor do I enjoy staring at a green tunic cloaked guy's arse either...

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