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i luv u
Dec 17, 2011
I never do anything about it. My crushes are typically based soley on physical attraction, and I would never attempt to form a relationship based on that. Seems too shallow. My crushes usually go away within a week or so anyway. I'm too immature to really care about somebody beyond a simple crush, I think, and I'd never want to hurt somebody because of that.

The only long-term crush I have is Link, but that's no surprise. ^_^;


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I just wrote out a big post that was about 9 paragraphs before scrapping it all because I was just rambling about my past and no one wants to be bored to tears by that.

Basically, I do nothing when I have a crush. I hide my feelings because [Insert self-diagnosed psychoanalysis that is probably wrong here] and also one time I didn't and it sucked more than Kojak with a fresh box of Chupa Chups. So yeah, I just sit on my feelings and wait for them to pass.

Wow, it's funny to think I just condensed 9 fairly bulky paragraphs into 3 sentences and a Kojak reference.

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
Whenever I have a crush I try to hang out with them more and ask them if they want to go grab a bite somewhere. I don't bottle up my feelings, but I have the worst luck, in that the girls that I have had crushes on are always with another guy. I don't get it, maybe I'm cursed or something. At any rate, I never just flat-out tell them that I really like them, but I try to make subtle hints that I like them more than as just friends. I think it works, because they pick up on those cues and almost immediately stop me from advancing any further.

In one sense I'm kinda glad, since I don't have to drag out the agonizing feelings for weeks on end and make a huge mess about it, I just let them know in a subtle way that I like them, leave the ball in their court, and drop it if they're not interested. On the other hand, it hasn't worked for many years now, and I'm beginning to think that I scare people somehow.


The Sexy One
Aug 18, 2012
In your pants.
When I have a crush I usually end up going out/hooking up with them. I don't see why people keep their feelings bottled up and if I like someone, I make it very very clear.

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