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Close Calls In the Silent Realm


Dec 19, 2011
In Lanayru Desert, the southern area with that huge field of Watchers, I got caught by them and I had already gathered all the nearby tears. For some reason, I had a major mind blank and failed to realize I could dash past the quicksand surrounding the Mining Facility and actually climb on top of the structure. That was also the only way out of that southern area, so I thought I was trapped. This resulted in me running around literally in circles for a good 5 minutes trying to find a way out. Eventually, I finally figured out again that I could actually make it across the quicksand onto the Mining Facility, and thankfully there was a tear right there. Not so much a close call as a major facepalm moment, but hey, it counts.

On the plus side, evading the Guardians for five minutes straight completely removed my fear of them. Those things are pretty slow to ready their swords.
I did nearly the exact same face-palm moment you did, but instead in Din's trial. I had no idea how to get the Tear that you had to ride the little winds to get going down the giant sand hill while avoiding Awakening Water, and I kept going in a giant circle; down to the bottom, and right back up again and back down the hill. This continued for a while and I eventually just let myself be caught by a guardian.


I'll honestly admit, those silent realms were SCARY! One close call I had was in the Din's Silent Realm when I was sliding down the big sand slide thing, and before I could react, the timer on my flower went out, and I was like "OH NO!!" and when I reached the bottom, there was guardian right there! So as soon as I hit the ground, he swung his mace, but I almost simultaneously rolled, and I managed to dodge his swing by inches!

Jay SR

I had a close call in the Lanayru Desert SR, where I had one tear left to go, and it was on that strip of land RIGHT next to the Temple, but there was quicksand below and a watcher right before the Guardian. I decided to screw it, let the watcher catch me, and run for the tear. I missed, and landed in the quicksand. I drowned, came back up to the surface right under the Guardian's mace. I grabbed the tear miliseconds before the mace hit me. I thought I was screwed for sure. Oh, did I also mention after I dodged that, I almost got caught by the watcher again? >_>;


in the final trial i had one tear left and it was the second closest but i got spotted by a watcher and was running to the last tear and rolled under a guardian and ran out of stamina but walked the two inches that i had left to the tear and was saved.


May 9, 2011
Lanayru Silent Realm.

Moving the mine cart over to the end avoiding the waking water so I can get it... I step in the waking water, CRAP! I lure all the floating guardians to the end of the desert where the sink sand is, run up the hill and push the cart back as I get the final tear one of the guardians caught up and nearly took a swing. The panic...
Dec 19, 2011
In Eldin Volcano I had one tear left at the top an I was running up, my stamina bar was low and a guardian struck me and I dropped the wii remote in shock and fell to the floor....get the hardest tears first :)


Twilight Princess
May 9, 2011
Puerto Rico
I did nottt like silent realms:$ they were so creepy, and scared the crap out of me. I did well in every trial except the one in Eldin. I ran up the slope, and obtained the tear next to the guardian. I couldnt find the last one for the life of me, so I decided to run up the slope all the way, and by then I was spotted. I ran as fast as I could, (with a guardian on my rear) and right as he was about to swing, I got the last tear. -__- just the thought of it makes my heart beat fast.


Demyx stole my cookies
Dec 19, 2011
Where my steps might take me
I really hated Silent Realms, and one of those oh-my-gosh-that-was-soooo-close- "events" got on my way too.

In the Nayru's Silent Realm, it all began from the Koloktos boss battle. It took from me quite long to manage to defeat him, and my heartbeat really rised in there.
After that, I made it quickly over to Nayru's Silent Realm. In there, when there's the place where are a lot of Lantern Ghosts, one, actually two or three, spotted me. I started running around like crazy person, of course, I couldn't see stamina fruits ANYWHERE, then I dropped twice in to the quick sand, when there was like two Guardians right behind me... I did got Tear from the tree, and I was luckily saved.
Then, when the last one was in the certain "platform", there was two Lantern Ghosts guarding the way, and there was a one Guardian to. I couldn't stay there for a long time longer, so I took a risk, woke up the Guardian, thanks to the Lantern Ghost, and got the Tear. I finished the Silent Realm, and returned to the Skyloft. Then I noticed my hands shaking so badly, I chose to end it for that day =d...

Since you have such quick feet, it might be a good idea to run and bash into many things.
- A Link to the Past (SNES)
I believe I told this story as a comment in someone's blog post somewhere, but... here goes. I'm rewinding a bit, though the true panicking moment was after I had all of the tears collected. I remember most of the details as usually these moments are... unforgettable.

I think my closest call was in Din's Silent Realm. I had all but two tears--the remaining two were amongst the high altitude in the east, where you'd have to dash up the slope in order to retrieve them. I dreaded for the worst, because there were both those poe-looking things as well as waking water (as far as my memory serves me, I think I recall there being both) on the slope. Well, I was stopping on the wooden platform halfway up the slope in order for my stamina meter to refill because I did not want to have to go out of my way to risk getting caught over a stamina fruit... and, one of the poes caught glimpse of me.

I took off for the tear closest to me, which ended up being downhill a tad to my left. With a sigh of relief, I made it. I braced myself for the rest of the way. And... with my luck, I was once again noticed--the preceding tears in this Silent Realm, I had much better luck with... Well, anyways, by the time I made it to the top of the hill, there was a guardian at the top, waiting for me. I made a sharp turn right, picked up the tear, and took a deep breath. My hands were trembling and my heart was racing. I gripped my Wii remote so tightly that I assume my knuckles were white.

Well, on my way back down... let's say I've always had a bit of difficulty steering downhill, so--of course--I accidentally slide into waking water. I literally recall yelping in frustration. Like, come on! I have all of the tears! Just let me make it safely back to the trial gate!. As soon as I reached to bottom of the hill, I took off like a maniac. I felt the determination show on my face. Just a little further... And... right there. As I arrived at the gate... there was a freaking guardian right between me and the trail gate--my only way out! And--something incredible happened. I acted on whim, darted right at the guardian. Somersaulted right under him and made it to the gate. (Closest call, I swear... gawsh, horrible experience) I was... I was shaking so badly for at least ten to twenty minutes after that. I was just upset that I did all of that for a pair of earrings... ¬_¬

My sister was watching me the entire time, as I need her encouragement for me to do the Silent Realms or else I would have never done them. xD Well, anyways, she was constantly reminding me of how slowly the guardians move. That if I were to get caught, it'll take a while for them to catch up to me. So, I learned to pace myself with the stamina meter, go a bit, ease off, go some more... and so on. That was really useful in Goddess's Silent Realm as I also was running for my life after I had collected all of the tears. ;/ I seriously hugged my sister gleefully after I cleared Din's Silent Realm successfully. I was so... happy. :>
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Jun 22, 2011
United States
I don't recall a single silent realm in which I didn't have a close call. Every single one I had a gameplan, screwed it up, and ended up running for my life from the guardians. Even on my second playthrough so far I've screwed up each one I've done. Somehow I think I've only failed two or three times despite having a close call (or close calls) every time I've done a silent realm. Sometimes I've been on the run for what seems like a minute or more without a guardian hitting me. I was really lucky to get through some of the realms.


Demon Lord
Jun 13, 2011
I had many close calls. The Faron Woods one I had to do three times. The first time I didn't know what the heck I was doing. I kept not being able to find any of them. I didn't realize that, after you find one, it appears and stays on your map so that you can find it easily next time. I got caught the first time running around, unable to find more of them. o_O

The second time I managed to get all 15 of them, but on the way back to the exit I got caught by a floating dude and then got axed! I was sooooooo mad because I was so relieved I actually found all 15, but I stupidly screwed up on the way back and had to do it all over again. :mad:

The third time I got caught again after finding all 15, but this time I made it back to the exit. I remember being chased into that hole you have to crawl through, and I was so scared I waited in there for a couple minutes. The guardians couldn't get to me from either side of the crawlspace. Eventually I worked up the courage and made a run for it. I had several guardians chasing me back to the exit. And wow was my heart racing at that point!!! o.o

Lanayru Desert I had to do three times as well. The first time I made stupid mistakes and got caught and axed. The second I was close to finding all of them, but got axed when I ran out of time and couldn't find more of them. That's when I gave up for the night, and actually had a dream about that silent realm the same night. In my dream I was trying to find the tears, and I was afraid of the guardians waking up. I remember climbing up the wall to get the final tear, but in my dream I couldn't reach it. I woke up really frustrated. Then when I actually played the game I managed to do it the third time. Hooray! :clap:

Eldin Volcano wasn't too bad. I had to keep going in circles over and over again down the slide thingy because I couldn't find them, and I kept sliding into that crazy water stuff. I definitely got caught a couple times, for simply having nowhere to run when I ran out of time. And in the Skyloft one, I had a hard time getting a few tears without getting caught. Like the ones in hard to reach places. It took me a while to figure out how to avoid the light dude on that little bridge over the water. He kept spotting me because I couldn't figure out how to get around him. Then eventually I realized you could wall jump over the stairs before he turns around. I felt really clever when I finally figured that out. :D

In all three trials I definitely was ALMOST caught many, many times. A guardian about to axe me, a light dude almost catching me.....whew, too many close calls. Definitely an exhilarating part of the game.
Dec 22, 2011
during the last trial right after I get my LAST tear, I just had to fall in the lava and got caught by I watcher jajaja. I had to Run like a ..., but I made it with a gurdian right behind me ready to shatter me seconds before a finish the trial. Can not tell u how fast my heart was pounding but I made IT!!
Dec 21, 2011
Vernon Hills, Illinois
On skyloft, I was spotted by the lanturn ghost on top of the school. I was cornered in the yard outside the sparring hall by four floating gaurdians! Good thing they're so slow. I managed to run past them to a tear of light on the other side of skyloft. What a rush!
Dec 19, 2011
i rolled off a legde and rolled right past one

i stepped in the water when i had all the tears then there was a gardian in front of the circle place and i rolled right past it

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