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Game Thread Classic Videogames Mafia

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The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Dangit Kiri stop flipping town. You and Ex both got slow starts so I think that's why I've been suspecting y'all tbh.
Vote: Dark Boo

And there it shall stay.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I have the last couple of games, but overall not really. I feel like you suspect me regardless of my alignment. I'm also town this game so yeah
it's because I've seen you have really really good posts as town
like "oh this person is just always town and they're probably right this game" good

both this game (and last game) I had a scum read on you because your posts aren't good rofl

Dark Boo

The Darkest of Boos
Dec 15, 2020
Unfortunately, I am unable to find time to play the game, as time prioritization isn’t my thing. As a result, a replacement shall take my place.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Ok, I'm just looking over everyone again and my PoE has Dark Boo, Ex, Kirino and SMS as potential scum. Mido I'm sure is town, he confirmed what I thought about Killjoy. Moe I'm kinda sheeping at this point.
Dark Boo is one of my heaviest leans. He's really jumpy and ik he's new. Ex.... I'm suspecting him less and less tbh. Kirino is another heavy lean. SMS is my biggest question mark.
Oof everyone is scum except you and Moe here bud...


Staff member
I just realized
shouldn't we be at MyLo? at least if we have normal parity rules which is probably the case
5T-2M -> (mislynch) -> 4T-2M -> (Moe vigikills Town and mafia kills another Town) -> 2T-2M (Parity, mafia wins?)

Did Moe lie about his role, overlook by the host, or are -Lo not announced this game?
aLiT, is -Lo announced this game?
And if it is, could this be the last Day Phase?
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