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Game Thread Classic Videogames Mafia

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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I just realized
shouldn't we be at MyLo? at least if we have normal parity rules which is probably the case
5T-2M -> (mislynch) -> 4T-2M -> (Moe vigikills Town and mafia kills another Town) -> 2T-2M (Parity, mafia wins?)

Did Moe lie about his role, overlook by the host, or are -Lo not announced this game?

I don't think we are from what I can tell; perhaps because the numbers as they stand don't suggest it yet. Still, this should raise some questions about the present power roles assuming we do have a vig. I also briefly wondered if we only had one mafia member, but it doesn't seem likely with the total player count.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
SMS - I don't find his justification of the move onto Rubik the strongest, especially since unlike the above two, there was no self-preservation moves in play. I also am a touch suspicious with the early vote onto Killjoy after sharing some similar concerns about Dark Boo that ExLight would eventually share.
The difference is I have somewhat a grasp by now of Killjoy's playstyle, probably better than anyone here because I've been scum with him twice, and his play seemed to ping me because it felt in line with his play as scum where he beats around the bush. We'll see if my intuitions hold up now that you are in this slot, though.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Dark Boo - Like others have noted, Dark Boo seemed to talk a big game in entering the more serious phase of the game, but didn't seem to initially deliver. Reasoning behind votes haven't been the most meaty, the only one I'm feeling somewhat okay about is the self-preservation vote on Rubik. It's a fair place to be, but the track record on votes I am finding also somewhat concerning.
Sorry for splitting these up. Did you take into account Dark Boo's claim, and how do you feel about it? Would you agree with arguments from Kirino that the claim could just be an easy scum deflection done out of desperation, or do you think it was genuine?


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
The difference is I have somewhat a grasp by now of Killjoy's playstyle, probably better than anyone here because I've been scum with him twice, and his play seemed to ping me because it felt in line with his play as scum where he beats around the bush. We'll see if my intuitions hold up now that you are in this slot, though.

That's a fair point. On that note, I suppose I should ask whether you were ever all that suspicious of Dark Boo to begin with when you answered ExLight's question pre-claim?

Sorry for splitting these up. Did you take into account Dark Boo's claim, and how do you feel about it? Would you agree with arguments from Kirino that the claim could just be an easy scum deflection done out of desperation, or do you think it was genuine?

Honestly, I find myself indifferent to the claim. I think a claim, even an "easy" VT claim, can be used as a scum deflection. While Moe brings up an interesting idea that experienced players would not place much stock in such a claim saving themselves, I think that ideally, any player would hope that a claim would be a saving grace from elimination. On the other hand, Dark Boo's wording pre-claim was rather brazen and open, which does seem to suggest a genuine nature to it:

Dark Boo said:
I’ll roleclaim to save my ass.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
No, I thought it was pretty implicit by my response that I had no real opinion of them at all at the time.

Ah, I see! Seems I may have been overthinking this one. Just one more question:

I had faith that when Kirino said he is going to be more active that he would be,abd when Rubik sets his mind on not being very active it's hard to get him to cooperate, for the sake of an easy PoE it was just better to lynch him early, and I think Minish thought similarly as well.

From my impression, there didn't seem to be much, if any dirt on Rubik at the time aside from his activity level. Was it solely a cooperation thing that put Rubik above Kirino as both began to post more? What also made Rubik more viable for PoE over the others, namely Kirino since you metioned that you weren't concerned about Dark Boo?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
From my impression, there didn't seem to be much, if any dirt on Rubik at the time aside from his activity level. Was it solely a cooperation thing that put Rubik above Kirino as both began to post more? What also made Rubik more viable for PoE over the others, namely Kirino since you metioned that you weren't concerned about Dark Boo?
Like I said, when Rubik is inactive he tends to stay inactive, and it's not good for the game in the long term. Kirino was at least present and trying to fight to survive, which made him look better to keep around on D1. I don't think he has kept up on that promise to be more active today honestly, but the day is still young, so I'll give him the benefit of doubt.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
@SMS: You opposed my lynch throughout the entirety of Day 1, but as soon as Day 2 started, you said you'd be fine with it: What changed?
It's good for the PoE. I'd rather vote you today than Dark Boo. I could still end up not voting you, but you'd need to give me a reason not to by being more active like you said you would yesterday.

I think Mido is putting in some good effort but I want to see if its consistent, and that will help me determine if they are worth pursuing today. I'm on the fence atm on Chevy too.

Basically, I'm not lynching Moe or Dark Boo today ever probably unless like there is a cop check that comes up saying one of them is scum. I'm also not going to vote Ex either I think.

So my toss up in the PoE is you, Chevy, and Mido.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Overall, I think I just have one question regarding the EOD votes. I saw that there was a three-way split among Kirino, Rubik, and Dark Boo, so I am wondering what might have at the time put Rubik over the likes of Kirino and Dark Boo (especially the latter as more late votes began to emerge) Did it mainly have to do with the claim?
I can't speak for others but I enjoy tied wagons
rubik running away with it after dark boo and kirino hammering is both scummy and possibly accidental


Jun 19, 2010
I have a town read on Moe, mostly because of his claim, which I think clearly makes more sense and is more easily explainable if he's town.

Killjoy barely posted any content to evaluate, although I didn't like how he joined the wagon on me without any explanation and then unvoted when the tide started to turn, and interestingly, without voting for Rubik. Now Mido's here, and while the content of his posts seems fine so far, he's already being quite a bit more active than I'm used to him being, and he's also usually been town when I've played with him. If anyone remembers a scum game of his, they might help confirm is this is a pattern they've seen.

Dark Boo depends on interpreting his behavior in light of his inexperience. He seems like he's basically been openwolfing (am I using this right) to me: jumps on my wagon seemingly only to counter the one on him, tunnels hard on me afterwards while others are suspecting me, gives shoddy and even nonsensical reasons for doing so, and then as soon as someone says he's probably scum if I flip town, he seems to soften his language:
If Kirino flips town, scum is DB/SMS.

You can quote me.
I don’t have an exact target. Kirino does seem kinda sus though.
Kirino’s my scum read I guess. Still don’t have a surefire target ATM.
He also protests a bit too much: every time someone even implies he's not town or has calculated something, he rushes to deny it, even multiple times in a row.

Some of his behavior could also be interpreted as new townie behavior, which I guess is the sticking point, but it's hard not to suspect him when he acts so blatantly scummy.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Ok, I'm just looking over everyone again and my PoE has Dark Boo, Ex, Kirino and SMS as potential scum. Mido I'm sure is town, he confirmed what I thought about Killjoy. Moe I'm kinda sheeping at this point.
Dark Boo is one of my heaviest leans. He's really jumpy and ik he's new. Ex.... I'm suspecting him less and less tbh. Kirino is another heavy lean. SMS is my biggest question mark.
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