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Choose Your Death

Would you rather

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The Rodent King
Jun 15, 2011
The Tree
Somehow death by Cuccos just seems degrading. Like at least if it's Ganondorf it's like "Aw, dude. Did you hear that crazy guy Steve took on the Dark Lord? Totally rad dude." But if it's Cuccos it's more "Aw, dude. Crazy Steve got pecked to death by chickens."

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Ganondorf, definitely. Cuccos, while also being a death that very few will truly respect, will be really slow and extremely painful, as the cuccos gang up on you and peck you nonstop, all over your body, until you eventually die. Ganondorf, on the other hand, would make it quick. He doesn't play with his food, he's too greedy to do that.


Feb 14, 2016
The Sea
I came into this world a bamf and nursed only on the fangs of the most venomous snakes. When people ask who the most manly person in the room is everyone, including me, points to me. But I'm also sensitive, because boys like girls who are bamfs that are sensitive (see all of anime for evidence of this undeniable, objective fact).

So if I cannot die as my family, friends, and everyone I have touched releases me into a river to become what I always was, a bamf that are sensitive in a small pond, then I choose to leave this earth by both of the above.

I shall be pecked to death by angry cuccoos while dueling that mama's boy known as Gannydorf. We shall both fall to the ground at the same time from the pecks of the aforecited chicken knock offs, embed our swords in the other's chest and with our dying breaths twist the blades into each the other's heart. Thus ends the ballad of the most bamf to ever walk these lands, me.
Oct 7, 2016
Totally Ganondorf. I mean, for all the reasons the others have said, it just feels like no contest. It's too bad that only the people who voted for the G-man posted comments; I'm interested in hearing the argument for the other side. Maybe there's less worry that idk Ganondorf will bring your body back as a twisted Redead or that cuccoos won't trap your soul in a lamp or curse your spirit or something.


Totally Ganondorf. I mean, for all the reasons the others have said, it just feels like no contest. It's too bad that only the people who voted for the G-man posted comments; I'm interested in hearing the argument for the other side. Maybe there's less worry that idk Ganondorf will bring your body back as a twisted Redead or that cuccoos won't trap your soul in a lamp or curse your spirit or something.
I can give you the other side:)

Reasons as to why dying at the hands of the cuccos is better than dying at the hands of Ganon-dork: while Ganon would end your life quickly and almost pain free, he would most likely use your body as a puppet, much like he does to Zelda in other Zelda titles. He could also somehow harvest the power of the triforce of courage and use it to reek havoc on the Hyrulian world!!! Plus he could lock you in a dungeon as a re-dead to fight the next hero.
Cuccos would tear your body limb by limb and leave no trace of you behind, then Ganon can't use your dead body as a puppet of make you into a re-dead.

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