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cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Hmm. OK.
ex probably softed bartender earlier when he said that if i redirected numbers he would have expected there to be a ~1/12 chance of numbers hitting himself, implying that he gave numbers a drink. (i can't remember the exact odds he gave)


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Hmmm.... Not entirely sure if this is clearing for minish but it makes more sense in context now?
Jul 7, 2021
How have I not been townie? The only reason I'm suspected is because PoE. Someone mentioned something about me not having clearing interactions with KoD/Fext. I didn't even have like any interactions with KoD because he ****ing died before I could even be active in the game so how is that even fair to read me on. Lmao. And same with Fext, we were active at like two completely separate times that I never caught up on so of course I didn't really have interactions with him.

But how is me not giving y'all all the info about how previous Chaos Mafia games work not ****ing townie? And I'm about to drop a bomb, or should I say grenade, that y'all aren't ready for that I realized when I was in bed about to get up. Y'all need to be completely reevaluating your PoEs because it doesn't matter who spewed who. Because the existence of the grenade means that we might not be looking at any more mafia at all, but we do definitely have a killing 3rd party left in the game. You can check the previous Chaos Mafia game and see that the role Grenade Vendor exists as a third party role. It won that game actually. It gives out grenades and you have to pass them off in a certain amount of time like hot potato. I did not directly kill Ex with the grenade today, despite how it's been framed. If he had seen that it had been passed to him and passed it off in time then he would have lived and whoever had it when it went off would have died. The person who put the grenade into play is the one to blame here and I am cleared from doing that. It's just a matter of who the vendor is...

So Alana, wanna talk about that PoE again?

Also, yes the bartender is a role in the Chaos games. If you get a drink your action has a chance of being randomized. If you get two drinks you're dead. I cannot say how I can be cleared by this but if you combine this with what I softed about being unbuckable it might make a bit of sense.
Also, it's bull**** that I'm the main lynch target from PoE due to "interactions" too because there isn't always just one mafia faction in Chaos Mafia. KoD/Fext could be one scum team and there could still be another separate scum team that y'all are clearing just because of some bull**** interactions. So if you would kindly stop trying to speed lynch me just because "PoE says you weren't cleared by some inane interactions that you didn't even have and
it definitely absolutely could never be these other people for no reason other than they argued a bunch with the people that flipped scum" then that would be nice.
As for me being scum, why would I tinfoil a theory of "claimed" cop actually being scum faking a red check on his scumbud for towncred? That's dumb for scum to do when it will be proven if Cap flips or gets other correct results. So it just makes me look bad for no reason if I'm scum, or if you actually look at it from my perspective where I have town motivation then it makes a lot of sense. Because I know that cops in previous games have insane modifiers meaning that their results are backwards. So a cop getting a correct result looks extremely suspicious to town me, so despite how it looks I'm going to bring that up so that the rest of town knows about the past existence of insane modifiers and doesn't let Caps slide by if he is fake claiming cop.

And again, with the Buck. I explained the role and brought up the whole deal with roles being buckable/unbuckable. I said that I was pretty positive that mafia was unbuckable because that would just make it too easy to put them, and I wasn't sure but thought that some town roles might be unbuckable. I know of the existence of Drillsmiths in previous Chaos Mafia games who can check to see if players are buckable or not. Why would I as mafia, give info about mafia being unbuckable, and not being sure about town being unbuckable, if I'm mafia and know that there's the possibility that someone can find out if I'm buckable or not? Like once again I'm giving y'all all the info that I don't HAVE to which would be dumb to and just incriminate me if I'm scum. And the people who have played with me before know that I am much smarter than to do that.

See... thing is Minish has spent a ton of time complaining about how they are being suspected, and they want town points for giving some basic setup spec (sorry, not sorry. Anyone can talk setup, town or mafia. Offering information that multiple other people are probably privy to [mafia are unbuckable for example] is... what did they call it ? CWAC? Yeah. So sorry, that gives minish like 0.01 town point in my eyes. It isn't bad to do, but isn't going to swing the needle in any game).

But you know what I can't recall ANY of coming from Minish? Solving. Can anyone name ONE READ that Minish has given all game? They probably gave some early D1, but since then? I haven't seen any. It's all been setup spec, and cryptic clues that might make sense post-game but don't now ("I'm unbuckable and won't die from drinks" Unbuckable - mafia, don't die from drinks? NAI? No town points). Furthermore, from what I can tell, they aren't even trying to fully do setup spec. There have been multiple times where Minish seems to understand something about Hapi that I don't, but Minish isn't explaining those things (which idk maybe they can't, but it isn't their role, so idk why they couldn't).

So, the ONLY townie things I am seeing from Minish are setup spec, which anyone can do regardless of alignment. No solving. Like ZERO solving. Minish, THIS is why you aren't townie, at least in my mind. This and these AtEs which ring hollow.


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
.... But Minish why do you think Hapi is mech clear? Is this also for bartender stuff?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
ex probably softed bartender earlier when he said that if i redirected numbers he would have expected there to be a ~1/12 chance of numbers hitting himself, implying that he gave numbers a drink. (i can't remember the exact odds he gave)

You know how bad I am at math, lmao, but that's not exactly how it would work right? If he was saying he gave Numbers a drink, if I remember correctly, drinks only have like a certain percentage chance of randomizing actions.


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
@Morbid Minish if it isn't you then who do you think the 3p is?

It wouldn't be Rag Raven or even me because IMO if I was the grenade vendor I would just keep quiet and wouldn't draw attention to myself. My main motive for saying I was responsible for the grenade at all was that I thought someone gave it to me yet exlight ended up dying who was a town read of mine.

So it would be DW Sean or Neon?

I also don't know what your neon clear is based on.
Jul 7, 2021
Also, I'd like to engage with Hapi to get some solving back into this game

@Hapi can we do an exercise? You seem to think Minish is town and suspect Alana. I seem to think Alana is town and suspect Minish. Let's see where we're at if we look past this (anyone can participate, but only Hapi seems to be hard-set on Minish town, so I am most curious to see how the world looks from her eyes). Let's assume we both just got a PM from Storm saying Minish and Alana are town. What is next?

DW or you are my first inclination, but I am slightly wary of Raven/Rag since Minish mentioned there could be a second scum team, but if I followed correctly, they're cleared off buck stuff, so that doesn't seem a super fruitful way to push. Thoughts?
Jul 7, 2021
Does anyone disagree that Minish has done almost no solving all game? If there are contrary opinions, I'd like to know to see if we can resolve our views.
Sep 6, 2017
This heavily aligns with my theories. Cool.

Minish locked. I'll never vote her.

If I'm wrong you got me congrats.

Tinfoil: we are all collectively every single one of us paranoid (is that the modifier that tells you the cop check backwards?) And as such every flip in the game is actually the opposite. Caps is mafia and mafia knew that so he used that to flip KoD and get town cred and than he killed Fext knowing Fext would flip red instead of green.

Min actually killed mafia Ex with the grenade a'lana sent accidentally. There's both a mafia and an SK left.

That's my tinfoil based on random things that could be interpreted as the colors only meaning what we interpret them to mean.

How did I get wounded, then?
Sep 6, 2017
100 I need to know how you know this. Because I might've missed it but. Caps was alive today. Caps randomly said I'm wounded heal me than posted a few more times in support of the corpse lynch.

Caps was not listed as dead in any post by the mod unless I'm blind.

So where did this come from. Prese show me because i need to know I'm not going crazy here and that you didn't just TMI

i miss things sometimes so I'm reserving judgements.
I think we're guessing that I was the NK target last night and somehow I only got wounded. Instead, my target (Fext) died.
Sep 6, 2017
You right. Although Caps wanting to lynch the corpse would indicate he either didn't care or it wasn't that drastic.
Caps wanted to lynch the corpse for the same reason that you wanted to lynch the corpse. Because it was chaotic and fun.

At least, that's what I'm assuming you meant. I don't know your true intentions behind it, and it seems like others had different intentions as well.
Sep 6, 2017
Still I don't know whether we are looking for a third mafia or a 3p. If there in fact isn't a third mafia then yes we are wasting our time on associatives and it could in fact be DW or Sean in theory
I have a metagamey, not role-related reason to believe that there is, in fact, a third mafia. I'm not going to bring up why I think that.

3P is also very possible too.

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