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cotton candy
May 31, 2022
For the real I do think questioning a redcheck is good but usually the redchecker is town anyway because if the info is fake then scum would be outing themselves next day just to get someone lynched

I disagree with blindly trusting him being towny. Generally speaking from what I've seen of games where a town info role outs scum's been pretty quick to get on board with voting the person incriminated without questioning anything. Which makes sense-- town's primary motive for questioning the role is to decide whether or not it's safe to trust it, but scum don't have to worry about that, and because saving a scumbuddy from a mechanical outing is generally not possible, not questioning it is generally the safest thing they can do to look townie. That's not to say blindly trusting the claim is always scummy either, but it's not giving you town points.
1. Early talking about role

2. I think his treatment of my slot was super towny, when he thought I had contradicted myself he asked about it for me to explain rather than actually used it to tunnel me and I think he had every reason to vote me over Mongoose (and even though Mongoose flipped town I townread that in this particular scenario as my wagon only seemed that large just from the combination of plurality and people's vanity wagons)
Shouldn't having every reason to vote you over Mongoose be something to side-eye? I don't think he explicitly stated but it sounded clear that he was scumreading you to me and yet he voted because he'd rather you not die out of the options and didn't really explain his shift on that very much.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Soo rag seemed to think Numbers was the buckifier for wanting to kill fext thus thought he would flip purple??? I am still confused

I'm not entirely sure what Rag's role is. She didn't seem to know that Numbers was the Buck. Just that be was purple and was expecting him to flip purple until he flip green. Which follows with him being the Buck (purple) until he switched with someone, in which case he became town right before he died.

@Storm if someone buckifies a scum player who wants to do the nigh kill would the kill still go through or would the action be blocked?

Only certain roles are buckable. I don't think mafia is, some town roles aren't I believe, and maybe some others.

Is buckifier a role blocker+ killer or just vannilaizer?

Buck is just vanillaizer basically. You just pass the role off.
Is buckifier a role blocker+ killer or just vannilaizer?
Off the top of my head working from a description from a player in game like two years ago, it's a winconless indep who can "pass the buck" to someone else each night making them winconless until they pass the buck to someone else.
Basically Storm just likes seeing a lot of people lose I think.


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Shouldn't having every reason to vote you over Mongoose be something to side-eye? I don't think he explicitly stated but it sounded clear that he was scumreading you to me and yet he voted because he'd rather you not die out of the options and didn't really explain his shift on that very much.
...I mean he questioned me then I answered so I assumed he changed his mind on me after I answered his questions.

In any case from my PoV a scum!Exlight would have gotten away with voting for me when I was in a weak position and possibly wouldn't have been a wagon next day while the same didn't seem to apply to mongoose yet he chose to save me


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Wait so they pcik which role they want and the other person is screwed? Or can the second person also pass it?
buck is a custom role that swaps roles with its target

at the end of the game the person with the buck roles loses


Staff member
I disagree with blindly trusting him being towny. Generally speaking from what I've seen of games where a town info role outs scum's been pretty quick to get on board with voting the person incriminated without questioning anything. Which makes sense-- town's primary motive for questioning the role is to decide whether or not it's safe to trust it, but scum don't have to worry about that, and because saving a scumbuddy from a mechanical outing is generally not possible, not questioning it is generally the safest thing they can do to look townie. That's not to say blindly trusting the claim is always scummy either, but it's not giving you town points.
that's a lotta interpretation that isn't consistent with my experience among casual players


Yeah baby, I am the lizard king!
Apr 19, 2022
Only certain roles are buckable. I don't think mafia is, some town roles aren't I believe, and maybe some others.
If that's the case then what would happen if I pass the buck to someone who is "immune", will the action of passing just fail or will the target keep their ability but still loose their wincon?
By any chance, do you think Ex' behavior is similar/identical to BDSP
I wouldn't say identical exactly, but from what I remember BDSP Ex was also higher in fluff/CWAC stuff than I'd expect. I don't generally put much stock in my ability to meta read Ex as of late though because a couple games ago as scum he tried to self-destruct in response to like two votes which I'd previously seen as pretty much a solid towntell for him.

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