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Staff member
ZD Champion
thanks for hosting storm
it was very chaotic
I rate it CHAOS/7

Oh...I was right. That's awesome.
in the end it didn't matter, you had already lost all your credibility by pushing town into wasting a day on a corpse and by defending an universally scumread player (that was in fact very blatant mafia lmfao)
so you were the person with the worst reads in the game honestly, it was kinda painful lmfao

I'm not sure what's up with the post-champs over the top confidence but I personally think you really should've listened a bit more to other players in this game, you were pretty stubborn and from your endgame reaction I'm a bit worried you're not even realizing how bad it was

Despite some friction you and seanzie had, you should probably take a look back on the mafia advices he gave because they were really good tbh

I'm not sorry that I killed a corpse :p
it was fairly rude and I'm mildly upset about it so maybe you should be
next time just ask the mod if my name being on living/dead is intentional until they answer instead of defiling my corpse?

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
This narrative is actually tired lol.

I did something for fun. Which the host allowed to happen. And the majority of people also voted for. And the majority of that majority was also town.

But keep ****ting on me.


Sorry I'm not the all seeing eye who never misses a read like you.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
But gonna be honest though. The confidence is fake lol...

I get scum read constantly for not believing in my reads so I started pretending I do. But now that's a problem so honestly I don't know what to do. Go back to dying because I don't do reads and when I do I don't trust them...or piss people off.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I talked to several people and they gave me a lot of advice on a lot of things over the last couple days so I'm sorry for certain things I've been doing attitude wise in certain situations and I will work on those.

However I do not think the way I approached chaos mafia itself was flawed. I do not think lynching a corpse was as awful as its being made out to be in this specific game type. I wouldn't go lynch a corpse in champs or some vanilla game but in this specific game I see the opportunity and wanted to know what would happen.

So while I do realize there's parts of my game that were and are flawed and I need to improve. I don't think that everything I'm being attacked for is fair and it's led me to be far more defensive than I should be being and I'm sorry for that.


Jan 19, 2018
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But gonna be honest though. The confidence is fake lol...

I get scum read constantly for not believing in my reads so I started pretending I do. But now that's a problem so honestly I don't know what to do. Go back to dying because I don't do reads and when I do I don't trust them...or piss people off.

I experienced this a lot when i was new too. I don't know what it is about humans that apparently makes them want to sheep cocky assholes but it seems to work, unfortunately. Uncertainty draws votes and confidence draws respect.

I don't think anything about neon's play this game was objectionable but considering how abstract the premise is i think its hard to evaluate the potency of any strategy, especially given a lack of information.
Sep 27, 2021
I neither know nor care about her strategy/results, I just know that others were visibly frustrated with her (and had I been town I would have been, although I also would probably not have picked a useless fight with her and then accused her of picking useless fights LOL)

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I think they thought I was throwing but that's hardly what I was doing. I genuinely read Minish town and that's a thing I tend to do because I look at leading wagons critically since i tend to think that town eats itself most often and if you can save a town from town it's more beneficial.

But that read I clung to eventually because I got very defensive after I started getting attacked over the corpse lynch and when I get defensive I shut down so I stopped critically looking at anything outside my worldview because of how I felt I was being approached and that is entirely on me and something I need to work on in Werewolf.

But like I said I only pushed the corpse lynch because at best I thought it would lead to something in a game like this if it was an option and at worst I thought it would lead to nothing at all. I figured the game mod would either have nothing happen at all or there'd be an outcome beyond just the day ending. I don't think in a game where the host is mafia and a bee cult wins the game that is an unreasonable thought process but I am sorry if I ruined the game for anyone

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