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Jul 7, 2021
Do you have past experience with Hapi/Neon? I know they can seem objectively scummy as town, I wonder if this is a meta read or an objective playstyle- read.

And why is Capsfan scum?

This is my first game with Hapi. I read the thread but honestly am so tired that I did not actually store any real thread information in my mind, so my reads are purely based off how I felt about people after having read, and then completely forgotten the thread.
Jul 7, 2021
I hate making weird cases for the sake of making weird cases but yes in my experience usually the one person who is trying to get the game going out of fluff phase gets suspected for it lmao and this generates discussion around said slot

And they're usually just town who was trying to get the game out of fluff.
Sep 27, 2021
Have literally never woken up more drenched in sweat in my life

Will see about catching up at some point but I'ma go take some medicine

If you have anything specific you would like me to look at please ping me with it in case I'm not feeling good enough to do a full catchup

sorry :(
Sep 6, 2017
OK so I caught up and don't have much of a read on most people yet but I have slight and I'm really meaning slight town leans on Ex, KoD and DW. However, I've barely slept last night and kinda hurried so I'll re-read the thread soon.
KoD and DW both felt like they wanna start something to me although I'm still not so sure about KoD yet. The way Ex talked about his role felt honest to me.

Also two more things:
1. Those of you who have played chaos mafia hosted by Storm before - does he lie in the role PMs ore hold back information about the role?

2. @Storm What time is it where you live atm? Want to make sure that I know when the phase ends where I live :sweat:
Great intro post by Raven, short and to the point with some solid reads.
Sep 6, 2017
Do you have past experience with Hapi/Neon? I know they can seem objectively scummy as town, I wonder if this is a meta read or an objective playstyle- read.

And why is Capsfan scum?
I mean I was gonna ask this question too but then I saw his response to the other one he called scum and I thought better of it.
Sep 6, 2017
Have literally never woken up more drenched in sweat in my life

Will see about catching up at some point but I'ma go take some medicine

If you have anything specific you would like me to look at please ping me with it in case I'm not feeling good enough to do a full catchup

sorry :(
Look at the interactions between KoD and DawningWinds and tell me what you think about them.
Sep 6, 2017
Ex - I do feel like you typically have a greater thread presence in the beginning of the game. Have you just been busy?
Have you played a game with KoD where he was scum
I have not.

This gives me bad vibes. Not the fact that you put yourself in the scum section of your reads list, but the fact you felt the need to back it up using your own meta. Kinda feels a little forced.
It appeared to me Numbers was taking it as a serious confession and trying to get others to. I felt the need to prove that it did not need to be taken that way.

They said DW is only reading me scum because OMGUS and that DW trying to actually push the idea of me being scum and numbers not being scum is silly. Yes I voted Ex for a crime against tea. Anybody should be able to see that I'm beholden to the tea leaves. But anybody should also be able to see that there's two days left and a vote day 1 is probably as meaningless as trying to genuinely read me this early. You can't read me only the tea can.
Dropping a serious vote for one about "a crime against tea" is absolutely absurd. I don't care how beholden to the tea you are. If you're seriously calling someone scum, and not calling someone else scummier, you should be voting the person you're calling scum. The joke about the crime against tea isn't gonna put pressure on Ex or get you any meaningful interactions for reading him, nor is it going to help kill someone you actually think is scum. The serious vote on a scumread is, I don't care who it's on. Day One is not completely meaningless by any means because it provides the initial source of information that reads going into later days come from, which means votes and interactions are generally pretty important.
As for pushing Numbers as town. I haven't really done much to push them as such, only put them in the town section of my readslist because it simply would not be reasonable in my mind for multiple scum to make the pretty eyebrow-raising move of voting someone on the apparent basis that they were trying to start discussion. Again, discussion helps town. This means hindering discussion is anti-town-- I don't see multiple members of a scumteam doing something so antitown so openly. I'm willing to change my mind on which of you I think is if something causes me to do so, but currently nothing has. I'm not sitting here trying to make everyone else think Numbers is town, I have no inclination to do so.

The tea also says that the continued frustration DW is displaying when people don't go into super serious play now mode within 5 hours of a 72 hour period just feels weird.
I'm more frustrated that people are actively discouraging any attempts at discussion. Yes, right at the beginning of Day One there's gonna be a lot of fluff, but that fluff isn't what solves the game, discussion is. Sure not everyone's gonna go into taking the game as seriously as humanly possible right away or even ever, but that doesn't mean I can't try and start a bit of serious discussion early on, and the mere attempt to do so-- not even something specific about the attempt, just the fact that I attempted to-- seemingly garnering two votes annoying me should be reasonable to anyone who understands how this game is played.

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