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Cats vs Dogs

Cats vs Dogs

  • Cats

  • Dogs

  • Other

  • Both

  • Turtles (for @Giri)

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Oct 20, 2008

Azure Sage

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Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I am a huuuuge cat person. But I love dogs very much, too. I would rather own a cat, but if a dog came up to me you better believe I'm gonna pet it and spoil it and love it just like I would with a cat. Don't pit them against each other we must love both. :(


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I've owned a cat for a bit of time recently for the first time ever, and you know what, I think I'm gonna change my answer to cats; they're light, don't make as much noise, can kinda be on their own for the most part, and coolest thing was this cat indicated to me that she wanted to go outside to use the bathroom, which I've never had that w/ a dog
her tongue felt like thousands of mini daggers against my skin though


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
I like both! Getting a cat isn’t really an option though because I’m allergic. My aunt has a couple cats and her house is covered in hair; every fifteen minutes I have to walk outside for a bit so I don’t sneeze my head off. I would say dogs are more fun but both are pretty awesome!
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❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
I like both! Getting a cat isn’t really an option though because I’m allergic. My aunt has a couple cats and her house is covered in hair; every fifteen minutes I have to walk outside for a bit so I don’t sneeze my head of. I would say dogs are more fun but both are pretty awesome!

I’m sorry you’re allergic Mapel, I know it must suck. My friend is allergic too, so he can’t come over to my house , only I can come to his. ;-;

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
I love both but I appreciate how much more loyal dogs are cuz while mine was pretty stubborn she would always perk up when I said anything too her. Where as my cat is really good at ignoring me, I usually have to use treats to get him out of hiding.

man i miss her.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
man i miss her.
I know a thing or two about loosing dogs even though I didn't own a dog.
One of my friend used to own a dog named Jenny. I had not visited them for like months after my friend moved to apartment.
"Where's Jenny?"
He shifted a bit.
"It's apartment rules.No pets. We had to leave her at a farm"

One day there was a barking sound from his house, but that wasn't Jenny's.
I went in to find a beautiful white pomeranian puppy, it kept barking at me.

"I bought a new dog let's play!"
"You said it was rules? Where's Jenny man?"
"I said, I bought a new dog let's play "

Whereas I stay clear out of cats cuz I have lots of crows, pigeons and cuckoos around my house. Two crows has lost their lives


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
I used to like both but when I was a kid a dog killed one of my cats and I haven’t liked dogs ever since. I’m kind of scared of dogs because of that actually.

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