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Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
The third question is: These are the three colonies that joined together in 1867 to form the Dominion of Canada.

There is a good chance both me and funnier will be asleep when this gets answered. We will look at the time at which the answers were submitted to determine who was first, and it may be several hours from now.

The next question will be posted in give or take 12 hours. Maybe sooner if funnier feels like.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
The third question is: These are the three colonies that joined together in 1867 to form the Dominion of Canada.

There is a good chance both me and funnier will be asleep when this gets answered. We will look at the time at which the answers were submitted to determine who was first, and it may be several hours from now.

The next question will be posted in give or take 12 hours. Maybe sooner if funnier feels like.
This has been answered.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Can you explain this?
His comment that Storm should have the day/night action due to answering the first question seemed like an attempt.

I am here and I brought pancakes

Only for townies tho
In that case...
[grabs a plate and pours some maple over his] :lol:

  • Killjoy262 (1) - Storm
:bubsy: Sexy Vote Count :bubsy:
Hol' up, When did I vote for Storm?

Idk how games are normally paced here, but this feels slow for D1. @Killjoy626 I asked you a question, I'd love to hear an answer.
Just did in this post. My mind's currently a mess.

Killjoy is gonna go mental if he dies, returning to his couch and seeds
What makes you think I ain't already behind the couch eating sunflower seeds and drinking Mountain Dew?

Also, what does this mean? I am confused
It's a joke of mine, I tend to hide behind the couch with a back or sunflower seeds and a mountain dew baja blast.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Also, to those that are thinking it, I know I'm giving "crappy widdle one liners/short answers". I'm not, imo, straight enough in the head to sort my thoughts enough to give complex answers/comments. I tend to 'live in the moment' which in turn, causes me to take some time to reorganize my thoughts.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Yes, if you look at the posts I am quoting, you should see some text highlighted in the same color as well. My colored text is a response to the highlighted text of the same color in whatever I'm quoting. I use this to respond to specific parts of posts in what is hopefully a clear and concise manner. This post is an example.

You can actually just highlight the part of a post you want to respond to and a quote/reply button will pop up for just that part. If that makes things easier for you. Your way works as well so either way is fine!

  • Day 1 will probably end with a no lynch or at least 2 extensions

I mean in this game it's possible d1 will end in no lynch since we need a majority lynch. But this statement isn't true. We usually do lynch d1 unless there are some ties and the rules state ties result in no lynch. And we rarely use extensions at all, and even more rarely use them on d1.

@Chevywolf30 why do you have Storm as a strong town lean?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
The next question will be posted in give or take 12 hours. Maybe sooner if funnier feels like.
Funnier feels like

THE FOURTH QUESTION: Canada Day is a national holiday that commemorates Canada’s birth in 1867, celebrated annually on the anniversary which occurs on this day.



Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
a reminder to everyone that its best that mafia doesn't know who missed trivia questions because it lowers their POE in finding power roles.

with that said, its probably fine to say things like "dang i missed it" because of WIFOM, just try not to be too transparent about things.


Jun 19, 2010
I’m not really suspicious of Ex over his comment on Storm. I can easily see him casually suggesting that just to be fair, and the reasoning for him doing so as scum sounds kind of dubious. It’s a clever observation on Rag’s part, but I don’t think it’s that revealing.


Jun 19, 2010
I think it’s kind of noteworthy that Storm went on about how often he’s killed night one, only for Minish to bring up how he never is (I trust her on this), and him not responding.

He also then proceeded to sus Minish for not being active, even though plenty of others were less active and she had just posted, which is a little suspicious to me.

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