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Game Thread C H A O S M A F I A V I I I I : B U C K T O T H E F U T U R E


Jan 19, 2018
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the question isn't how long you took to pass it on, but how long you were given to pass it. Killjoy said they were planning on having whoever received it cook it (ie: wait until there were only a few minutes left on the timer and then give it to OG, so that he only had a few minutes after receiving it to pas it on to someone else), but someone (i forget who) said that that the timer resets every time the grenade is received. I was given 30 minutes to throw it when i had it, so i guess the question is whether you were also given 30 minutes or whether you were given less


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
I initially tossed it to Rag in hopes of getting it back after a toss or two and then letting the timer run down before giving it to OG assuming his role has/had something to do with the time warps.
@Rag @JamieIsBored How much time did each of you have between passes? because there was three minutes when I pulled the pin

I might be confused about what initially buying and throwing the grenade looks like to you. For me, i was told i had the grenade and given 30 minutes to decide on a target to throw it to. presumably, if i hadn't thrown it by the deadline, i would have died, and i imagined my target would be put in a similar situation.

When you say you were going to let the timer run down before giving it to OG, that makes it sound like you were planning on minimizing the time OG had to react to make it more likely they died.

When you say there were three minutes when you pulled the pin, that makes it sound like you were also given a timer, like I was, and that 3 minutes into that timer you threw the grenade to me. Is that correct?


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
the question isn't how long you took to pass it on, but how long you were given to pass it. Killjoy said they were planning on having whoever received it cook it (ie: wait until there were only a few minutes left on the timer and then give it to OG, so that he only had a few minutes after receiving it to pas it on to someone else), but someone (i forget who) said that that the timer resets every time the grenade is received. I was given 30 minutes to throw it when i had it, so i guess the question is whether you were also given 30 minutes or whether you were given less

I might be confused about what initially buying and throwing the grenade looks like to you. For me, i was told i had the grenade and given 30 minutes to decide on a target to throw it to. presumably, if i hadn't thrown it by the deadline, i would have died, and i imagined my target would be put in a similar situation.

When you say you were going to let the timer run down before giving it to OG, that makes it sound like you were planning on minimizing the time OG had to react to make it more likely they died.

When you say there were three minutes when you pulled the pin, that makes it sound like you were also given a timer, like I was, and that 3 minutes into that timer you threw the grenade to me. Is that correct?
When I got the grenade I was just told that "it has a 30 minute timer, I could pass it along to anyone of my choice." and "If I got it back I could change the time". Nowhere in the initial description did it say anything about the timer resetting after each pass.
Why would I lie? I had it from 6:07PM until 6:19PM.
The initial question wasn't about how long you held the grenade, but, how much time you had to pass the grenade.
How much time did each of you have between passes? because there was three minutes when I pulled the pin
When I asked this you said the following:
12 minutes
Leading me to believe that Rag had the grenade for 18 minutes before passing it to you

Also I said the following:
I was just informed by our awesome Game Master that I was out of the loop regarding the timer reset mechanic.
After I was informed by StormBot last night that I was NOT informed about the timer reset mechanic on the grenade.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Why would I lie?
Also, to answer this by itself, To possibly make me look even more sus.

And I forgot to add this:
Vote: Killjoy

Yeah, I'm not feeling great about the explanation. Beyond what others have said, IIRC Killjoy was outright townreading OG during previous Day Ones makes it even weirder for him to play like this from a town perspective.
1) That read list was roughly during the "Shenanigans' Stage"
2) Read lists in this game aren't entirely reliable in Chaos Games.
Nov 2, 2023
the question isn't how long you took to pass it on, but how long you were given to pass it. Killjoy said they were planning on having whoever received it cook it (ie: wait until there were only a few minutes left on the timer and then give it to OG, so that he only had a few minutes after receiving it to pas it on to someone else), but someone (i forget who) said that that the timer resets every time the grenade is received. I was given 30 minutes to throw it when i had it, so i guess the question is whether you were also given 30 minutes or whether you were given less
Oh right, I was given 30 minutes.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
the question isn't how long you took to pass it on, but how long you were given to pass it. Killjoy said they were planning on having whoever received it cook it (ie: wait until there were only a few minutes left on the timer and then give it to OG, so that he only had a few minutes after receiving it to pas it on to someone else), but someone (i forget who) said that that the timer resets every time the grenade is received. I was given 30 minutes to throw it when i had it, so i guess the question is whether you were also given 30 minutes or whether you were given less
Oh right, I was given 30 minutes.
I initially assumed when I got the grenade AND reading what I was told I assumed the timer also carried over. EG I pull the pin and a 30 minute timer stars, I wait 1 minute and pass(I'm just going to go with the order it went for simplicity) it to Rag, leaving 29 minutes, Rag holds it for 17 minutes before passing onto Jamie etc until *BOOM*.
It wasn't until late10:40PM EST last night that:
I was just informed by our awesome Game Master that I was out of the loop regarding the timer reset mechanic.
May 30, 2023
Good hussle. I think there's problematic portions to KJ's explanation but the timer snafu I don't think is necessarily one of them. It's feasible, so I'll shelf Jamie and KJ colluding to fake it in tin foil land. After all, anybody that received the grenade could easily verify receiving a full countdown to pass.

KJ does come off looking bad here for the wishy washy logic on the targeting. And the fact that he was caught as the original thrower by his balance and not his own admission.

Jamie comes off looking bad because of the involvement with the grenade and allegedly passing it to OG but doesn't comment on the matter at all, except where prodded to do so. The timing of the death doesn't link up with the grenades timer so it's possible that Jamie and a partner are currently holding the grenade and simply stated it was passed to OG for convenience (dead men tell no tales sort of thing). Said scenario could be KJ, hence the tin foil.
Nov 2, 2023
I was pretty busy just after the OG flip so couldn’t exactly comment there.

Timing wise I have no idea, could have been a certain number of passes or something to do with OG’s role? We know it had something to do with time travel so that could be an explanation for it.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Going back through the crapfest so far...
The grenade just got us back on D1. It did not help anyone.
With OG officially dead, and the "Shenanigans' Stage officially over, IF the game finally goes forward properly from here, without any more Time Warps, assuming OG was the cause of them. It's a possibility it did help, despite this being another D1.

Seems like a pointless plan since the timer is refreshed with each pass, iirc, so that wouldn't short change OG on any reaction time.
This was over looked by me and I realized now after 12 - 13 hours after Storm added the information past OGs death.

if you wanted OG to blow up, why not simply wait until the end of the timer and then give it to OG? why would you gamble on sending it to me first, and risk me or someone else dying instead of OG?
sorry if you're telling the truth, but i don't believe you. If you wanted OG to die i feel the much more intuitive solution would have been to simply throw the grenade at him, and its difficult to believe that you would think something like "i want og to die, so i'll throw the bomb to rag who i hope will either throw it to OG, or throw it to someone who will throw it to OG" before that.
These only added to my thought process on the possibility, before I was informed of the "Timer Reset" mechanic, that the timer would continue to tick from start to finish despite the item being passed from person to person(EG I pull the pin, 30 minute ensues, wait 5 minutes, pass it, target has 25 minutes, player 2(Rag in this case) holds it for 15 minutes and tosses it to player 3(Jamie) they hold it for 14 minutes before passing it to the unlucky last player.

I might be confused about what initially buying and throwing the grenade looks like to you. For me, i was told i had the grenade and given 30 minutes to decide on a target to throw it to. presumably, if i hadn't thrown it by the deadline, i would have died, and i imagined my target would be put in a similar situation.
My initial assumption was as explained earlier. I probably confused the grenade with another item from a previous game unless there was a game where the grenade was on such a timer. I was only informed last night regarding the timer reset


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
The timing of the death doesn't link up with the grenades timer so it's possible that Jamie and a partner are currently holding the grenade

this probably isn't feasible as it would involve jamie and the alleged partner needing to check in on the game every 30 minutes

@Killjoy262 if you wanted OG dead and you thought the grenade worked the way you claim, why would you pass it to me first instead of waiting until the timer is almost up and then passing it to OG yourself?


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
@Killjoy262 if you wanted OG dead and you thought the grenade worked the way you claim, why would you pass it to me first instead of waiting until the timer is almost up and then passing it to OG yourself?
Because, at the time, I felt that there was a higher chance he could then pass it on and we'd have had a round of Hot Potato before Either I got bored and altered the timer and looked even more sus, or someone else gave up and kept it and I look even more sus.

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