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Breath of the Wild Breath of the Wild on Switch - Console screen or television?


The beast that dwells within the Shoutbox
Oct 18, 2016
just your imagination
Wow, I'm in the minority. If battery life wasn't an option, I'd play this almost exclusively on the tablet. I like having a screen smaller and closer to my eyes, so its easier to see. Maybe its because, for some reason, even though I have glasses, I never see quite as clearly far away. Plus I like to play video games before I go to bed, and my big TV is in the living room.
Oct 2, 2016
I enjoy seeing Zelda on the big screen, so I will stick to playing on the TV. Only if I am traveling will I play on the tablet.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Both, but mainly the tv. Sometimes it would be more convenient to play on the console screen, so it's nice to have that option, but I mostly enjoy gaming on a tv.
Oct 11, 2016
Wow, I'm in the minority. If battery life wasn't an option, I'd play this almost exclusively on the tablet. I like having a screen smaller and closer to my eyes, so its easier to see. Maybe its because, for some reason, even though I have glasses, I never see quite as clearly far away. Plus I like to play video games before I go to bed, and my big TV is in the living room.
I know what you're saying, my vision even with Coke bottle glasses isn't great. Still I'd rather go with the big screen.
Oct 7, 2016
I'm in much the same boat as @Nicolai. I play mostly in the evenings, when my family is watching a movie or just chilling in the family room. If I played, it would be a)public and b)annoying for them, so I play WiiU exclusively on the tablet. Over time I've found that I prefer having the screen only a foot or so from my face XD

So yeah, probs I'll just use the tablet.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Console screen more often than not I'd imagine.
Tv no question. I wont be taking the Switch outside with me lest i want to get mugged or drop it and break it on the street.

Im worried about resolution and framerate on the control screen too. Plus why would i use that when i have a devent tv to play it on?
Feb 9, 2016
Wow, I'm in the minority. If battery life wasn't an option, I'd play this almost exclusively on the tablet. I like having a screen smaller and closer to my eyes, so its easier to see. Maybe its because, for some reason, even though I have glasses, I never see quite as clearly far away. Plus I like to play video games before I go to bed, and my big TV is in the living room.

Play it on wii u and plug in the tablet.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
I'll probably start off playing on the TV, but I'll withhold my preference until I get a chance to try it on both. The smaller screen would be nice to play in other rooms and the graphics on the small screen in the video do look pretty sharp.
Oct 19, 2016
TV when possible, but I often only get a chance to play games while the wife is putting the baby to sleep, and sometimes she is rocking the baby in the living room, so I am sure I will end up playing it on the "tablet" with headphones more often.


Captain Kick-ass
Oct 5, 2016
I'll play on my TV literally every moment my kids are asleep, but the mobile function will be an incredible bonus to me, as I'm out of the house a lot for my job. I'll pretty much play every waking hour on one or the other.


The beast that dwells within the Shoutbox
Oct 18, 2016
just your imagination
I like playing before I go to bed, away from the big TV in my room. Even though the TV would be better, I'll probably be lazy and play on the screen all the time.

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