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Breath of the Wild BOTW Monster Appreciation Thread


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
@Satan Lynels were in both Oracle games, yeah. They sword beam at you and are stupid fast. They're second from the right in this image:

Throwing in this too because it came up in my search:

I really liked how the monsters in this game felt like wildlife. All of them had unique quirks, and they were all fun to interact with and watch (minus octoroks, you pieces of ****, I hate you). I think my favorite enemy type in BOTW was probably lizalfoes. I actually am quite fond of the chameleon redesign, and they are cute. I love watching them take turns jumping in the water, and they are so excited to see you when you wear a lizalfoe mask. I like their weapons though, so it's a bit tragic when I have to kill them to take their stuff, but it's a necessary evil.

When you look at all these monsters and see that Link sort of goes into their homes and destroys their way of life, it's hard to say that maybe /we/ aren't the real monsters here. BOTW gives you the ULTIMATE moral dilemma and makes you feel pretty bad when you kill these cute boys.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I gotta agree with shroom i found a fondness for lizals i wouldn't have had if i hadn't worn either MM or the lizal mask. The only redesign of them i hate is the ones with electro horns.


Apr 3, 2014
I wonder if we could get the 'friendly' monsters again like we used to have in the older games. Like those moblins (or that Hinox) you'd sometimes find hiding in caves, who'd give you rupees to leave them alone. I always wondered if they ended up hating Ganon and his evil, and had to hide because that made them a target from other monsters (and by humans, who didn't yet know that this monster was now a good guy.) I wonder if that is how the Zoras stopped being enemies (from the first games) enough of them saw they were doing evil a favor and decided to be allies instead.


Soy un Perdedor
Dec 29, 2017
I have been wondering for a long time how/why Zora's eventually became allies. My favorite monster by far is the Lynel, which is weird for me bc up until recently I would run like the wind Everytime I saw one. But once I actually took one on I realized they were cool. It would be so awesome to have a Lynel Buddy/Horse. To both fight alongside and intimidate with.
I really like the Bokoblins too, and their Awesome tree forts. I want a tree fort irl like some of those.i Haven't checked them out with my mask yet, but after reading this forum I definitely will.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
I have been wondering for a long time how/why Zora's eventually became allies. My favorite monster by far is the Lynel, which is weird for me bc up until recently I would run like the wind Everytime I saw one. But once I actually took one on I realized they were cool. It would be so awesome to have a Lynel Buddy/Horse. To both fight alongside and intimidate with.
I really like the Bokoblins too, and their Awesome tree forts. I want a tree fort irl like some of those.i Haven't checked them out with my mask yet, but after reading this forum I definitely will.
it’s not really clear just when the Zoras become friendly but it seems that as a rule, the salt water Zora were more unfriendly than the river Zora. How all three races acheived this symbiotic relationship is a mystery. Some believe it was a Civil War at some point in the timeline while others believe that they were always allys.


200 Praying Mantises in a Trenchcoat
Jan 2, 2018
An Ambiguous Forest
I like Moblins. They’re goofy and I love them even when they can tell I’m an enemy because of how they move and their weird faces.

Also Lynels because of how MAJESTIC they are. Gods they scare me, I run almost every time I see one (or panic when I have to fight), but they’re so cool... Also their weapons are probably my favorite. Love me a Savage Lynel Bow.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I appreciate Hinoxes for being adorable and actually having the common sense to cover up their weak point (after they get hit in it a few times, at least). And also being fun to fight and dropping a buttload of good materials and weapons.

And of course I have to mention lynels, because lynels are lynels. Though really all the enemies in this game are great, except Wizzrobes. The Wizzrobes terrify me because of their high pitched laughter and eery dripping sound they make.

not worthy of its own thread but here, this is why lynels can be considered cats but not horses--

horse refers to this species in particular, including the domesticated horses in the subspecies, Equus ferus caballus. any animal not within this species group is not considered a horse. the end.

on the other hand, cat can refer to any animal classified in the felidae family.

taxonomically speaking, family is two categories higher than species (family, genus, species), making cats a much broader group than horses. its not wrong to group lynels in with cats.

thanks for reading!

EDIT: furthermore, because lynels are hybrids, i will once again recycle the mule example. mules are not considered horses because they are a hybrid of a horse and a donkey. however, they share the same genus as horses. so lynels being a hybrid of a cat and horse does not exclude them from the cat family like it would from the horse species.

double thanks for reading!


Cucco Butt
Jun 5, 2012
We got a whole thread just to appreciate monsters? That's so cute! I love it.
The Lynels are one of my favorite monsters. Strong, proud, dumb because you can hide in grass right in front of them and they won't see you. They're adorable, like big kitty warrior babies.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
I appreciate Wizzrobes, especially the electric ones, because every time I'm feeling like a piece of ****, they are always there to remind me that I'm not so bad.

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