Fuzzy Pickles
I dunno ... I like the aspect of breakable gear. It adds a layer of strategy to your game. I can totally see and understand why people are concerned about it, but games have done this in the past with a lot of success. Monster Hunter comes to mind. Weapons lose sharpness as they get used. They eventually become either less effective or useless. The first time I played MH, I thought it was incredibly brilliant. I still do. You can't go in button-mashing and expect to win. You have to plan your attacks, bring items to ensure that your equipment is at optimal condition, and pick your spots to attack.
I didn't know that they took breakable items away from Fallout 4—as if I needed another reason to stay away from Bethesda even more—but that's good to know. Just another step to watering down their games for the masses.
I didn't know that they took breakable items away from Fallout 4—as if I needed another reason to stay away from Bethesda even more—but that's good to know. Just another step to watering down their games for the masses.