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Ocarina of Time Bongo Bongo


Jul 21, 2011
Ok it took almost like 10 seconds to beat Bongo Bongo in the 3ds version, is there a difference on how to beat him in the original version because i havn't beat bongo bongo since like 2005 on the original version and i remember it being a lot harder and iv seen like top 10 hardest boss videos and a lot say Bongo Bongo, what was the strategy to beat him in the original because alls i remember since it happened so fast was like shooting his hands i think and jump slashing with the biggoron sword and it died very quick


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Well, for one you have the Biggoron's Sword... it's tremendously hard defeating him with just the Master Sword. And second, alot of peole find the controls clunky on the GCN and VC versions of OoT, which most people use. The original OoT on the N64 was also pretty tough because you didn't have a gyroscope to aim with. Lots of the bosses in OoT 3D are made SO much easrier because of the ability to aim with the gyroscope. So no, there's no different way to beat him, it just depends on what system you're using.

At least, that's my opinion anyway...


Jul 21, 2011
thank u for clearing that for me, ya i beat all of the shooting mini games within like two tries cuz it was so ez to aim and ya i figured jump slashes with a biggoron's sword might have a little bit to do with it hahaha

Azure Sage

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I've always targeted Bongo Bongo's hands when I shoot them with arrows, so aiming has never been a factor for me. Bongo Bongo was easy for me to begin with. While I do agree that the gyroscope does numb the difficulty a little bit, I don't see it as too much of an issue, since it doesn't affect gameplay or replay value.

OoT Master

For me Bongo Bongo was hard it took 10 minutes to beat him.

Link 2 the past

Slashy Slashy
Sep 5, 2008
Harrogate, England
It's werid, I never had any trouble with him as a kid, but it took me like four tries in the 3D version. I kept missing with my spin attacks also, this might be something just in the 3D version, arrows don't seem to work when he is punching and I can't never get out of the way in time. I've always use the Biggoron sword for him so that can't be wait I had such trouble.

The real key I think is beating him quick and not giving him a chance to attack. If you mess about too much he'll send you flying off the drum and by the time you get back he's ready to attack again.


Hero of Time
Jan 30, 2011
For me, Bongo Bongo provided the same fun challenge in OoT 3D. I didn't use the gyroscope, i pretty much z-targeted his hands like I usually do.


Gentlemanly Lava Dragon
Apr 14, 2011
Fire Temple
The biggoron sword made me beat him in around 20 seconds. He was EASY. I imagine that he would be much harder with the master sword. He was a pretty cool boss, though.
The biggoron sword made me beat him in around 20 seconds. He was EASY. I imagine that he would be much harder with the master sword. He was a pretty cool boss, though.


Zora Warrior
Nov 3, 2009
Termina Bay
Bosses are always easier (with some exceptions) the 2nd time you play, you have better hand eye coordination and your skills have increased. I think one of the biggest factors is the Biggoron Sword, I believe it is 3 times stronger than the Master Sword.

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
1: You had the Biggoron Sword
2: You have beat it before so you have more skill
3: You might have found the controls in the 3DS better then the old controls to handle


This actually took me a few tries. I completely blanked on how to do it, so it took me a bit to remember. So once I remembered it was pretty simple. Being able to aim was amazing. I think what happened was I psyched myself out thinking that it was going to be just as complicated, but I agree with above comments about how bosses are slightly easier in this game. I will say that I play it very often though.

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