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Biggest Problem?


Twilight Princess
May 9, 2011
Puerto Rico
I hated the stamina gauge above EVERYTHING! We have never had such a thing in all the past games, why now? It limits the player...big time. I especially hated the stamina gauge in the Silent Realms. Trying to run away from a guardian, and running out of stamina= fail. I hope they exclude it in the future.
Other than the gauge, I did not like having to watch each sscene . I have played SS 2 and a half times., because my Wii crashed right at the Ancient Cistern and I had to start all over again. Fine, I honestly thought we could skip scenes, but no, I had to watch each painfully long scene, again.Not cool at all.
Also, I do not understand why people said controls were faulty or "non responsive" . It worked perfectly fine for me...


Skyloftian Night Patrol
It was extremely linear... I also hated the impending use of the harp. No matter what I did, my motion controls would freak out. (That's my only complaint about controls, promise!) There really was no way to make new music like there was with the ocarina.
The final battle really ticked me off. After the ridiculously easy Ghirahim showdown, I was not expecting the precise timing and positioning needed for Demise >.>


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
What was the biggest problem you had with SS? I'm expecting a lot of people will be griping about the motion, but my biggest pain is every time you resume a game, if you pick up a treasure, you have to watch a short clip in which you see Link blinking and you have to read about the treasure, and see where on your collection screen it goes. Anybody else?

Yes, that was the thing I despised the most. I disliked that when you start the game, whenever you get a treasure you already got, the description has to appear, as if you never got it before. I hope Nintendo will be able to fix this problem for future Zelda games.
Jul 15, 2011
"princess" Zelda, the game's linearity, the enemy AI, how easy the game was, Fi...these are but many problems that make up the biggest problem: Skyward Sword itself. I won't go into detail, but to chalk it up short:

- I was disappointed
- Too many cool concepts with less than desirable execution.
exactly my thoughts


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I had problems with the motion controls, specifically at the Shipyard with the "roller coaster" of sorts.
I turn the left, he turns right. Vice-versa.
Not only was that a problem, but also with aiming.
The bow & arrow, slingshot, clawshots, ect; all of them I had trouble aiming with.
YES; I would recalibrate, but it never works and center it, but it doesn't work.
Skyward Sword DID have really great motion controls! Of course though...... it had it's flaws.....
I hated that every element of SS felt lazy and that it could have been elaborated on. The game stinks of missed opportunities on so many levels, it feels terribly basic after playing Twilight Princess for five years. Even Wind Waker feels like a deeper game and Link only had about six combat items yet the game still made better use of those than anything in SS makes for itself. I was waiting for so much to come my way in SS but it never arrived.

Also i hate the level of repetition; three provinces explored three times (more if you go back for side/fetch-quests), the Silent Realms were the same places just with added annoyance and a visual effect that wasn't very flattering. Fighting both the Imprisoned and Girahim three times each felt terribly shortchanging and the bosses as a whole were the worst i've seen in any 3D Zelda.

The constant nag of 'there could have been more and this could have been better' was so present that the first pangs of that self same nagging turned in to blunt bludgeoning blows to further accentuate my disappointment by the end of the game.


Pokalink the avaricious
Feb 5, 2012
Outset Island
The fact that with the debue of of skyward sword and its chance to explore the epic sky that the only thing up there was a bunch of rocks that sat there and taunted us, each with had nothing but eather, grass, more rocks, a treasure chest that has nothing thst really helps you at all, or a stupid mini game that makes no sence.

PS. How do you make a signature!!

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