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Best, Worst, and Weirdest Music of the Minish Cap


..and all things will end
Mar 24, 2010
look behind you
well my favorite music is the minish village/ opening scene in the begining of the game. the weirdest music is deffinetly the music in syrups hut. my least favorite music is also syrups hut theme.
Last edited:
Apr 10, 2010
I love the music in Melari's Cave, it's the one tune that stuck with me throughout the game. I also love the sounds the minish in the cave make when you talk to them


I love the music on Mt.Crenel and the second form of Vaati. I didn't really like the music in the Fortress of Winds...


Legendary Captain
May 16, 2010
Misery Mire
Minish Cap had surprisingly good music for a handheld, in fact I think its some of the best in the series. It sounded very fairytale-like and fit the game very well.The game even acknowledged that it had good music by putting in the phonograph thing so that you could listen to the music whenever you want.

Some of my favorites are Vaati's Theme, The Picori Festival, Track 18 (on the phonograph) I think its Melari's mines but I can't remember, Track 5 (aLttP FTW), Minish Woods, Minish Village, and Track 32 version of Zelda's Theme. I have alot of favorites.

Actually now that I listen to the phonograph again I realize that most of the songs are remixes of ones from past 2D games, not that its a bad thing.


i liked the ezlo theme. syrups hut music scared me when i was 5


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
Oh, I just finished MC a few days ago and this game as well as its soundtrack are totally awesome! Looking at the release date (2004/05), I first expected something as tedious as TWW and as easy as PH/ST and that's why I didn't want to play it first... but actually it was a very good game with an amazing soundtrack! It's definitely close to my all-time favourites (LttP/MM).
Some of the songs actually reminded me of classic Final Fantasy (especially the intro, Ezlo's Past and Elemetal Sanctuary) while others were typically Zelda-ish, they really did a nice job remixing older Zelda songs, the LoZ dungeon remix was EPIC! A video game soundtrack influenced by the two best VGM composers to date - Koji Kondo and Nobuo Uematsu - it possibly can't get any better (OK, maybe if the two would actually write a soundtrack together, but unforunately I don't see that happen anytime).
If I have to decide (which is really hard), then my favourite song in the game is the Palace of Winds BGM, I think it's the only Zelda song that consists of two different parts (introduction + "Arabic" theme) and it's really awesome!

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Alright, best, worst, and Weirdest music from MC. Lemme see what I can find. And CUCCOMASTER, curse you for making me choose from so many awesome songs! Just kidding, but still, it was tough to pick my favorite and least favorite from so many great songs. I had a three way tie for my favorite song for crying out loud! Just be thankful that you didn't make this for ST otherwise it'd just be fourty songs from the game tied for first place.

Best Music of the Game, Three Way Tie: Hyrule Field, Minish Village, Story

Worst Music (but still amazing): Royal Valley

Weirdest Music: Ezlo Appears

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