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Best Artists of the Decade


didn't build that
By real music, I mean something that actually has instruments in it. Over half of the music anymore is made with computers and all that. Not even the voices are real half the time.

As a fan of synthesizers (I'm a proghead, so that's a given), I don't think computerized sounds are so bad if you actually make music with them. But that's not what people are doing, and there's a lot of electronic garbage around now (Lady Gaga's one example). I don't get it either.

The problem I have with the music from the 90's and today is they are all like they are from a fabric. Sexy singers who sweep their butts and body around and all the same kinda beat. Bands are more acting like boybands. It's all the same. Give me a band or artist with an instrument who can actually play and really sing. However the only artist I like on this list is Eminem

Minus the Eminem part, I 100% agree with you. Also, so long as this list professes to document the "best artists," I think it's totally fair to question its credibility.

Not all of the singers fit into the cliche you mentioned, but most of them have questionable musical ability and forward morally reprehensible messages with their music. This is a sad indicator of what's popular, especially since what used to be popular (see The Eagles, The Beatles, hell, even The Ink Spots) was quality stuff once upon a time. I mean, the Black Eyed Peas? Seriously? The deepest song I've heard by that stupid band was "My Humps," and trust me, that song is just intellectually insulting. Britney Spears? Her music has actually gotten worse this decade, which is hard to believe. And while Linkin Park is hardly a paragon of musical quality, they might just be the best thing on that list--which is sad.

The list of good artists/bands is narrowing steadily, but in the past decade, there's been some good stuff. I'd say Spock's Beard, Dream Theater, Flogging Molly, Galneryus, Nightwish, and even the older band Iron Maiden have all churned out some really quality stuff. Newer acts like Theocracy, and cheesy bands like Rhapsody of Fire, can write pretty dumb lyrics, but their music is unbelievable. Oh, there's also Transatlantic.

Listen to this:

Okay, hear it? Yeah, that's not the entire song, but you get the idea. Transatlantic is a Progressive Rock supergroup that includes some of the best in the business, and, while they know how to write a catchy melody and can churn out short songs, they regularly demonstrate musical craftsmanship on a much higher level than any of the artists on the list. They write music that transcends genres and stirs emotions, and they usually write lyrics to match.

That's music, folks.

Here's why that song is on-topic: I don't know if Transatlantic is really one of the best artists of the decade, but I know they're better than anyone on that list. Too much of the music that's been popular since the 90's has hardly been music at all. You have rap, which is basically people just talking over beats. The popular stuff (which is on this list) is generally about degrading women and acting like a moron, while the less popular stuff can delve into deeper themes but is more poetic than musical. And bands like Creed are just insultingly simplistic in the worst possible way--much of their material amounts to caveman grunts over a formula.

Are there exceptions to these rules? Of course. I have no intention of denigrating artists who genuinely try hard and earn their respect, even if they do so by writing accessible tunes. Hell, I'm a fan of the Ramones, and they've only ever tried to be fun. They were masters of their craft, and often, punk bands (as one example) know what they aim for and do a good job of it. But trying to argue that Kanye West is better than Transatlantic is sort of like saying that Stephanie Meyer is a better writer than Fyodor Dostoevsky (though admittedly, even Transatlantic may not be Dostoevsky-level...hard to judge between different types of media XD). They exist on totally different levels.

This list is bogus. It's nearly impossible for any human or group of humans to objectively judge what music is "best," but I guarantee you that you cannot judge what's best by judging what's popular. Before I'm accused of elitism, again, I am not saying I am the best judge of music. All I am saying is that if people really think that what's best = what's played on the radio, our musical future is looking very, very bleak. Most of these "artists" just plain suck.

I didn't expect any better from this sort of a list.

Edit/ PS: To prove that I don't think all good songs need to be over 15 minutes long, here's a short, simple, catchy, but very good song by Flogging Molly:

Tobacco Island

Great lyrics, too, concerning Irish history. And again, I don't know if it's the "best of the decade," but it's sure as hell better than everything on Billboard's list.
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Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
The only three artists on that list that I would listen to are Kelly Clarkson, Pink, and Nickelback.

The rest, not so much.

I think I'll create my own list:

1. Lyriel
2. Magica
3. Assemblage 23
4. The Cruxshadows
5. Nightwish
6. Within Temptation
7. Green Day
8. Muse
9. Fall Out Boy
10. Nickelback
11. P!nk
12. John Mayer
13. Evanescence
14. Mutemath
15. Franz Ferdinand
16. Decoded Feedback
17. Fr/action
18. Blutengel
19. Toby Keith
20. Mark Wills

I suppose that I only really like 5-10, and the rest are bands that are sort of good, but not the best.

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