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General Zelda Best 3D Art Style

Best art style

  • OoT-style

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SS-style

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • WW-style

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jul 22, 2011
Ocarina of Time is a bit 'typical fantasy MMO' for my tastes, but it's definitely a great art style.

Wind Waker has aged the best out of all the games, and I love the art style to pieces.

Twilight Princess may seem like pandering to the 'omg dark and gritty' crowd, but it does still keep the fantasy element. Just brighten the color palette, get rid of those muddy textures, and it would look amazing.

Skyward Sword is absolutely gorgeous in the majority of its locales, but a bit blurry and jaggy in others. I pray that someday we get an HD re-release because the game looks brilliant on the Dolphin Emulator, but just good on the Wii. It's probably my favorite art style of the bunch and it disappoints me that 480p doesn't do the game justice.
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Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
Tough question, all of em are good in their own way. I've said Skyward Sword is my favorite, but I think for best I'd have to say it's a tight race between Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time.

For me in order for something to be the best, it usually has to be fairly good, or at least better at doing most things then other things of it's kind. Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time are easily the two most versatile art styles in we've seen off the main console releases. They can get across basically any point they want to make fairly easily. Funny expressions, serious moments, they both have what it takes to do pretty much anything. I really like both of them, Skyward Sword fits it's graphical style (colors scheme etc.) perfectly, as does Ocarina of Time, and I'm impressed by both games each time I play them. The artstyles just fit the Zelda series imo, they can pretty much keep the large majority of people happy while with artstyles like TP's and WW's, we sort of see a larger group of lovers and haters rather then accepters and lovers. That's my somewhat scatter-brained thought on this. :D
Aug 20, 2013
I choose WW's art style just because I loved the animations. It has my favorite item animations in the series, the beautiful bomb explosions in particular. Toon Link has the funniest facial expressions, too. OoT (3d) comes in a close second

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