Oh... Oh, great. D: So if I use the gold Zelda Wiimote on a somewhat old Wii, will it malfunction more? :\
I don't remember exactly what version number my Wii is, but it's good enough to read Brawl (dual-sided disc) perfectly 95% of the time.
But, well, at least it sounds like the controls should be fine. The occasional malfunction shouldn't be enough to mess with the gaming experience too much, right?
I have a Wii from launch day, I once lent it to my sister's family and it dropped to the floor from 3 feet up, and it still works perfectly. I just got Skyward Sword today, and the controls have been perfect for my first 5 hours of gameplay. Like people have said you occasionally have to reset to the center when you're doing something like aiming the slingshot but that's not really a result of faulty controls. IMO the controls for Skyward Sword are the greatest thing to happen to video games ever, and the controls alone make it worthwhile, let alone it being a Zelda game.